

Clara pov

She was shaken up, no she was terrified to the highest. She just looked death in the face, Sarah was really serious about her leaving Kelvin alone.

Well she had already left him, it had been an hour after the incident she sat opposite the wall looking at the bullet hole. If it had hit her maybe it would have been better, she would have been spared the pain she carried masking it with a cold face.

"Get a grip of yourself Clara" she whispered shaking those thoughts out of her mind. Heaving she headed to the kitchen to prepare coffee, but the thought of being followed stopped her. She closed the curtains in the house, even locking the door.

"Hiding won't do any good to her, guess she would have to take that break, it could help her heal and maybe forget." she thought, booking a flight to Greece on instinct.

Packing her things immediately hoping that whoever tries to shoot her was gone.