
Wicked without remorse

Seel_X · Fantasie
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4 Chs


After finishing work at the academy, Leon went home

Leon was now at home reading the book the academy had given him

Leon has finished reading the book and will soon implement what is in the book

'I will try to open the Mana Heart'

Leon sat on his bed and took a position to meditate. In his mind, there were white balls that he collected in one place. After an hour, Leon was able to activate the mana heart. He had a single mana circle around his heart.

'I will try plant magic'

Leon tried plant magic, but nothing happened. Finally, Leon learned that he had fire magic and soil magic. This was because he had a soul that merged with his own, so that his magic power was twice that of an ordinary person.

Leon was now looking at the burning fire in his hand, 'Wow, you were right. I have two types of magic. HA HA HA HA HA.'

Leon left the house and went to buy new clothes. He got into the cart. Leon arrived at his destination. A store in Wasat and the city. It seemed like an upscale store, mostly white and brown. Leon entered the store and received a servant.

The servant said, "How may I serve you, sir?"

Nobles can be easily distinguished because they have a symbol on their clothes, which was a silver symbol for Leon

"I'll see for myself," Leon said.

Leon was walking around the store and buying luxury clothes, but his gaze turned to the girls who entered the store to buy

'How beautiful they are!? Damn this world they don't have the concept of a girlfriend as on earth there is only marriage I want to have sex'

'How can I have sex? What about common girls, what a brilliant idea.

'I have to go check out the poor area and I have to hide. I'll make a noise if I go dressed as nobles.'

Leon told the shop worker to send clothes to his home and bought clothes so that he would not be recognized

Now Leon is wearing different clothes and is unrecognizable as he heads to the poor area, which is close to the fence

'The poor area is very different from the noble area'

There are cracks in the streets, and most of the houses are of the same shape and one floor

'I must find a beautiful 16-year-old girl and study her movements in order to seize the right opportunity to kidnap her.'

With the arrival of sunset, Leon returned home

'I didn't find anything. I'll do it again tomorrow.'

After a while, Leon went to have dinner with his family. The father and mother were sitting at the dining table and the servants were preparing dishes.

Leon's new mother, named Rin, has a white belly button, black cheeks, and black eyes

Leon had dinner

The next morning, Leon went to the poor area. He was now standing in a street next to one of the houses. The street was full of beggars and pedestrians.

'She's beautiful, but she looks old. Maybe she's even given birth.'

About an hour later, a beautiful girl wearing gray common clothes. She has white skin, red hair, and black eyes. She may be 16 years old, but she has wonderful curves.

'What a beautiful girl with red hair! I think she's a virgin, you'll be my target.'

Leon started following the girl