
How I became a fan

Hi I'm amber I'm a 12yr old female and I love to draw and listen to music. So my favorite music is pop or horror type songs well Billie Eilish writes songs with her brother that is just right for me. I became a fan in 2018 and how that happened your wondering, well I heard her song "bad guy" but I didn't know it was her song and I liked it. until I saw on YouTube that everyone was talking about some 16yr old girl. I soon saw another song called "lovely" and "ocean eyes" and I played them and saw Billie's name. Then I typed her name to see all the songs by that time it was only "When the party's over", "Bad guy", and "Ocean eyes" and I listened to them and I liked them. So I just kept track and watched her interviews and saw she was very beautiful and subscribed to her channel. So then I realized that she was on Twitter and Instagram so I downloaded instagram and looked at her acc and saw that she posted a lot so I followed her. Now Billie is my favorite all time singer. I love Billie to my core and I soon wished to meet her or at least go to a concert so last summer I asked my mom could I get tickets to the concert and she said yes but remember this was in 2019 it's 2020 now. So as you can tell it never happened but all throughout the summer I was afraid to go to sleep because I was having dreams about Billie dying and how someone shot her or how she would kill herself. But back then Billie didn't really like her lifestyle she would say she hated herself and it use to make me cry because how could anyone think that about themselves so I prayed that she would get happier and now she's way happier than she was then in 2016, 2017, 2018 but she is really happy she loves herself and she loves her lifestyle better than she did back then and it makes me smile and cry to see how happy she is, I love Billie and I don't want anything to happen to her because if something happens to her then there would be no telling what I might do to myself but (Billie Eilish Pirate Baird O'Connell If you read this I want you to now that I love you with all my heart and wishes to meet you very very soon please don't hurt yourself over what someone else thinks or say about you, you are perfect the way you are and that goes for every girl or boy that reads this don't kill yourself or harm yourself because someone has a dry opinion about you, you are beautiful no madder what and there is no one that can tell you otherwise stay to yourself and stay beautiful)