
Why is being an office worker so tough?

Through the dark tides of time and the the ever-looming dangers, what would it take to overcome all and rise to the top? Just what is waiting for Akito Haruhaya in the world he imagined to be a wonderful dream?

YoungCutBread · Fantasie
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1 Chs

Chapter 1: Losing Light

Badump. Badump. Badump.

''It hurts! It f**king hurts!''

A sharp sensation of pain shattered the otherwise peacefully slumbering Akito Haruhaya's dreams.



Akito lay on an uncomfortable white bed, repeatedly experience pains in his temple as though someone was continuously smashing it with a sledgehammer. He could vaguely sense himself being dragged along somewhere, rolling along a white corridor with people dressed in nurse get-up around him.

"Hang in there!" "You'll be alright" "A few more minutes!"

A variety of voices jabbed into his mind, some deep and monotuous, others high and squeaky. With all these voices mixing together, the aching in his forehead slowly worsened with each cry making him internally flinch.

"Am I... in a hospital? Ugh, what happened.."

"Judging from my previous memories and tightly wrapped forehead, I can infer that I was present in a car crash of sorts.."

Although he was capable of thought, his body felt as a sort of prison to him. He felt as though he was watching through his eyes from deep inside his body, with his 'eyes' serving as a small glass barrier, separating him from the outside world. Despite all this, Akito chucked inwardly. To him, this meant an extended break from his horrendous office life!

As an underpaid office worked who had moved to Australia in search of a bright future, his perspective on life was dim and damp. He had to wrestle with racist quips about his eyes, speech mannerisms and choice of food every day. If it wasn't for the need to make money, he would've long given up and rotted away in his room, playing his favorite dating simulator!

He had had suicidal thought on multiple occasions, however, one thing kept him going. He was still a virgin! If there was one thing that would be an embarrassment to Akito, it would be to die a virgin. Therefore, he persevered!

As he lay in his hospital bed, head thumping, voices snipping, Akito slowly started closing his eyes. The lights in his vision dimmed, and he slowly saw everything turning black. With his vision continuously dimming, he stared at the white-tiled roof as he slid across the glossy vinyl concrete floor.

Mustering all his strength, he let out a small smile and uttered what he assumed to be his last words.

"G-...Go to 45 Castin Street.. a-and someone throw my PC into a filled bathtub please.. my Neko Neko Simulator.. will die.. with me.."

With this final words, the pain in his head subsided, and the life of Akito Haruhaya, the troubled virgin office worker, came to an end.

Hey! This is the first chapter on my first ever novel! I was extremely motivated by the author of Lord Of The Mysteries and am hoping to become an excellent author like him one day! Writing is real tough though, I just realized. If you have any feedback, deliver it to me somehow (new to Webnovel haha, is it through comments) and wish me luck! :)

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