
why has your Highness runaway again?

kingdoms normally rise and fall with time. but this universe is different, only task and challenges await the weak.

kopo_simankane · Urban
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3 Chs


An old man walks on the crowded streets. venders are setting up they are stalls ready for the day.the old man muttered to himself "shit here we go again,how do you expect me to complete this. Oh well let's see is my vocals in tune? Is it the wordings? Let's keep it simple this time" he keeps walking until he gets to the outer gate the royal palace. He keeps walking and the soldiers standing guard don't seem to notice his presence. There is a man made dam and a bridge from the centre of the dam that leads to small cottage. If you pay close attention you will notice schools of exotic fish of all shapes and sizes swimming in it and by land you could see all kinds of animals sometimes drink, running or just basking in the sun. the centre of the dam, you can see a flat pavilion and middle of that was a small coffee table of wood and on top of the coffee table was chess game that was collecting dust with both sides evenly matched and lost chess placed nicely on the side. Two elderly man discussing on how the continental power keeps shifting. Kaps had a weary look and said" old friend, this situation keeps bugging me we have already united the continent for so long now, but the sign from heavens have not shown yet, could it be the prophecy is wrong, I mean the is just about to end." Dave was also puzzled, he peers into the gray area beyond the planet and say " well it seems we are really out of luck" just as he finishes his statement. They both see sitting on the old futon right by the coffee table. They are surprised by this unknown visitor. Who in turn doesn't speak and just rolls up on of his sleeves and still talking to himself " well well well, Almost done, almost done, almost done.

He stands up then sits down and repeats this motion 2 more times. He says" following the old rules, conquer the land, is the start of the trend and everything has it's limitations, oh well I guess that's that. Children now days think they old, but they still baby's in my eyes. Let's see here." Then he paused for while, while stretching out his left hand and very slow as turtle picks up a chess piece from his right side set. He looks at the both of them and says " my descendants why the long faces, someone ran away from and failed to teach the ways of cultivating properly. And now I'm to blame. Well with both your consent just nod if want to take long road or rise the left hand for the shortcut." Both of them thought for a whole week, see the propheced time was around the corner they looked at each other and gave eachother a knowing node. But what they didn't expect was the old man to say " well you have chosen".

Dave shouted " chosen what?".

Kaps was silent this time,not sure what was going on. But one thing was clear they had chosen the long road to Immortality. At the same time the old man placed the chess piece on the board and sighed.