
Why am I in... Teyvat?

If you were transferred to the world of Teyvat, where would you end up?

Nahowla_Nariclaw · Videospiele
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2 Chs

Chapter 2: The Depths

Adeline had learned that the boy she met was named Aether. He had showed up in this world a few months ago trying to find his sister. After being summoned at the Windrise tree, he had taken her to the Knights of Favonius headquarters and had then met Jean, the Acting Grand Master, Amber, an Outrider, and Kaeya the cavalry captain for the Knights of Favonious.

"Oho, our wonderful honorary knight brought home a new traveling partner. Aether, tell us again how you summoned Inky." Kaeya, who was leaning against a bookcase, asked. "It seems odd, we all know you've summoned characters before." He glanced at Inky1 and she flattened her ears and frowned at him. "But summoning her.. something must have been wrong with the wishing system." 

Jean let out a loud sigh. "Kaeya, stop picking on Inky. We need to solve this problem." She stood up and put her hands on the table. "Inky, sorry about our captain." She smiled warmly at Inky. "But I don't think there's anything we can do to help you. Aether's been here for months and we haven't got him any closer to finding his sister then when he first arrived here. Amber."

The outrider turned to attention, her bunny eared headband swaying slightly from her movements. "The abyss has been quiet for the last few days. Nothing suspicious to report there." 

Jean cast her gaze down and closed her eyes. "Good, Kaeya?"

"Same as Amber. The knights haven't reported anything." He gazed at Jean, looking thoughtful for only having one working eye. Apparently he had lost his eye during a battle with his step-brother, Diluc, after his adoptive father died. 

Jean nodded. "Well Inky sounds like we can't do much to help you." She looked at Inky, you could see guilt in her eyes. "But you can do your own investigating if you want. I'll make sure no one stands in your way." She stood up fully, standing about 5'8, and folded her arms. "Im sorry we couldn't be of much service to you. If you go and visit Lisa she can give you a map so you can navigate Teyvat a bit easier."

Inky shook her head slightly. "Its not your fault," She stood up from the table and turned to the door, "Thank you." She turned and walked out of the door and let it close with a soft thud behind her. She glanced around at all the men and women standing guard outside of various rooms and she wondered what was behind each door. She was so busy lost in thought that she didn't notice the person approaching her.

"Excuse me miss," A guard tapped her lightly on the shoulder, "Are you lost?" 

She jumped so high she could've sworn her ears brushed the ceiling, she turned shakily toward the guard. "I'm uh.. trying to find.. Lisa.. map.." She trailed off and the guard looked at her with a bit of worry in his eyes. 

"Lisa is down the hall, the second door on the left." He pointed to where she needed to go and Inky hurried off. In her old life, she was an outcast. People rarely talked to her. But here.. everyone was so nice and she didn't know how to react. Eventually she found her way to Lisa's room and knocked on the door hurriedly. "Lisa..? It's me Inky. Jean said you could give me a map of Teyvat so I could work on my interrogation." She didn't hear anything, so she knocked again. "Lisa?"

Inky propped the door open and peaked inside. Lisa was laying down on her desk, apparently asleep. She was smiling softly and she had a book in her hands. Maybe Inky would tour Mondstat while she slept. Inky closed the door softly and turned back into the hallway. There was a small breeze in the corridor. Nothing Inky couldn't handle but it felt off. The wind seemed to be everywhere in this city. Maybe she'd ask Jean about it at a later date.

Inky wandered through the hallways and corridors for what seemed like hours until finally she came across the main lobby for the headquarters. She eased open the big wooden doors and slid outside, trying to go unnoticed. That never seemed to work for her though. She stepped down the staircase and onto the cobbled streets of Mondstat. It was a lovely day. 

Perfect for touring the nearby countryside and city. Amber had told her of a few local shops and taverns that she recommended if she had time to site see. Maybe she would stop by Dawn Winery. It was out in the countryside a bit and it gave her time to think on the walk there.

She walked through the streets of Mondstat, peering in through shop windows and talking with people bustling by. It really was a pretty city, nothing she had seen at home had even compared. She walked through the city gates and asked the guards where the winery was, they told her which road to take and off she went. To start her journey in this wonderful world of Teyvat.