
Why am I a side character

Of all the wild things that Asura had ever expected to be true ,he certainly didn't expect for the world he was living in to be a novel, neither did he expect to find a person from another world who had read the said novel trying invade his mind one day, however the thing he expected the least was: " Why the hell am I , the prince of the greatest empire in the world, who is hailed as the greatest genius since the strongest king in the history of said empire, just a side character that didn't even make it into the original story?" Follow Asura as he uses his talents and his knowledge of the future to navigate his way to become the strongest the world has ever seen. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ (A/N ; This is the first story I have ever written and as such, might contain some small errors. Regardless, I promise I will try my best to minimize these errors. Please Enjoy. Btw, the harem won't be more than 6, so sorry if that's too much or too little.)

_da_evil_god · Fantasie
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15 Chs

Welcome to Earth

~Tanwen Barbatos~

Tanwen Barbatos was not having a very good day.The main reason for that might be because he just kicked out of the underworld for sneaking inside the Satan's office to steal information about a land called Atsolaes, some information that was forbidden to normal people.

When he found out about Atsolaes 20 years ago, when he was only 16 years old, he was immediately fascinated by it. I mean, why wouldn't he? Atsolaes was a land that nobody from the current generation had ever seen but everyone from the supernatural world knew of from their ancestors who took part in the great war 10,000 years ago, between Atsolaes and a creature that was said to be the strongest in the universe, who everybody called 'Blank', as nobody knew anything about the creature, except about it's power which was undeniably the greatest in the universe.The smaller worlds had also taken part in that war and that was the only time they had ever seen Atsolaes. Their ancestors all described even the lowest ranked warriors from Atsolaes to be absolute powerhouses who even the strongest warriors from the smaller worlds couldn't hold a candle and the man that was the King of Atsolaes back then to be the most perfect being they had ever seen, charismatic, pleasing to the eyes and strong enough to go toe to toe against a monster like Blank.

So, when he found out about Atsolaes, Tanwen decided to dedicate his whole life to researching Atsolaes. So of course, when he found out that the Satan knew of a way to go to Atsolaes, he had to go to the Satan's office to find out what the way was. Unfortunately, he got caught and as punishment, he was thrown out of the underworld into the human realm and temporarily got his power sealed.

As Tanwen was walking through a forest while cursing the Satan for throwing him out of the underworld, his eye suddenly caught what seemed like a falling star in the middle of a day. Wait. Why the hell was there a falling star at midday? Tanwen watched the "star" and estimated where it would land. Then, he began running towards where the "star" would land. After about 30 minutes, he reached the place where the "star" had landed. There, he didn't find an asteroid or a star, but a boy who looked to be no more than 16 years old.

He also noticed that the boy was naked as the day he was born, which was probably because his clothes were burnt by how fast he was falling, and a single comical tear fell from his eye, 'Mom , I lost to a teenager.'

Suddenly, his eyes turned towards the boy's face. He was handsome, extremely handsome, probably the most handsome face he had ever seen, but that wasn't what caught his attention. 'Where have I seen this face?'

Then, it hit him, the boy's face was exactly like the King of Atsolaes's from 10,000 years ago if he was younger. Not to mention, his red hair and blue eyes. Now, how did Tanwen know what the King of Atsolaes looked like? Well, he would be a disgrace if he researched Atsolaes and didn't know what the king of Atsolaes looked like.

Anyway, did that mean this boy was a prince of Atsolaes or something? Tanwen decided that carrying the boy would be too gay, and well, dragged him all the way to his temporary residence in the human world.


-Back to present-


Asura stared at the source of the voice for a few moments before presenting his very first question."Where the fuck are my clothes?"

"They were burnt due to how fast you were falling and I didn't bother to dress you up"



"Where am I ?"

"In my temporary residence in the human world"

"Who are you ?"


"Actually, scratch that. I don't care. How the hell do you know I'm from Atsolaes ?"

Veins popped out of Tanwen's head as he answered. "I'm Tanwen Barbatos. I have been researching Atsolaes for 20 years. So naturally, I was Able to tell that you were from Atsolaes as soon as I laid my eyes on you. Now, since I introduced myself, isn't it polite to introduce yourself as well ?"

Asura raised his eyebrow. This man was obviously bullshitting him. How the hell can someone look at someone's face and go, "Atsolaes"?. Not to mention, people from Atsolaes and the smaller worlds looked the same for the most part. He decided to not give his real name and gave the name of the fly that invaded his mind the other day. "Edward Thompson Gray".

Tanwen's lips twitched, "I didn't know that people from Atsolaes had similar names to ordinary humans of our world."

"Fancy yourself a researcher all you want, but there are a lot of things you don't know about Atsolaes."

Tanwen's lips twitched again, "Look kid, just tell me your real name."

"I'll tell you when you tell me how you know I'm from Atsolaes."

Tanwen sighed, "You just look really similar to the king of Atsolaes. So I just concluded that you are his son or grandson or something."

That made sense, except one part. "That's a new one. I don't think I've ever been told I look like my father. My mother sure, but my father?"

"I'm surprised. You look exactly like King Arthur Bloodfallen"

"Oh, I thought you were talking about the current king, Abilash Alekerth"

"Wait. Why is the last name of the previous king Bloodfallen but the current one Alekerth?"

" You call yourself a researcher but don't even know that the king of Atsolaes is chosen by strength and not by bloodline?"

" Well, then why the hell do you look like the previous king and not the current one if you are his son?"

"My mother's name is Diana Bloodfallen."

"Then---, Wait you still haven't told me your name."

Asura looked amused. "Well, look who finally noticed."

"You're the one that keeps changing the subject."

"No, I'm not."

"You're doing it again."

Asura sighed. It didn't really matter since the man had already figured out that he was the prince of Atsolaes, but he still didn't want to give his name away so carelessly. Should he attack? Nah, at the moment, Tanwen was the only person who could tell him about this world.Who knew where the nearest settlement was? Solution: another fake name.His brother's this time.

"Delvin Bloodfallen"

"Bloodfallen? Not Alekerth?"Tanwen raised his eyebrow.

Asura shrugged. "Long story"

Tanwen wasn't satisfied but didn't question it.

Asura spoke again."You said you are a researcher. So,How about I tell you about my world and you tell me about yours?"

Tanwen smiled,"Well then, Prince Delvin, Welcome to Earth."



~Abilash Alekerth~

Abilash was, at the moment, quite angry. The cause of the displeasure was the news that he received the previous day, over his he had imprisoned his wife and 'his' son.

He was, at the moment, heading to the cell where his wife was imprisoned. He opened the door of the cell and entered. There, he saw a beautiful woman, with red hair and blue eyes, and glowing white skin. The woman was sitting on the floor leaning against the wall, and as she saw Abilash asked a single question,"Why?"

Abilash seethed,"You have the courage to ask that after birthing your own brother's child and raising him as one of mine?"

Diana was calm,"I see. You found out."

Abilash was surprised. This woman, she knew she was about to die, but there was no fear in her eyes."Is that all you have to say?"

"When I made my decision, I knew this day would come. I would ask you to at least spare my son, but I know you won't do that."

The lack of fear pissed Abilash off,"Guards, chain her and follow me."He commanded.

The guards were about to grab her but Diana glared at them,"I can walk." The guards backed away a bit under Diana's glare.She put her hands forward for the chains.The guards chained her and followed the King.

A few moments later,when they reached Asura's cell, the guards opened the door.

When Abilash looked inside and saw that Asura wasn't there, he almost screamed in frustration.

"Your majesty, the prince, he----"The guard stopped when he saw Abilash's face.

Abilash was seething,'He escaped through the passage,huh? I knew I shouldn't have installed the passages in the cells.This cell leads to earth,doesn't it?'

"Tell every soldier that Asura is in a smaller world.Whoever finds him and brings him alive will be given a handsome reward.Whoever wants to try their luck can meet me at 10 in the morning tomorrow. I will be sending them to the smaller world."

Nobody saw it since they didn't pay attention, but there was a relieved smile on Diana's face,'I'm sorry,my son,but please live.'

A guard raised a question,"Your Majesty, what should we do about her." He pointed at Diana.

"Throw her back in the cell. She will be killed together with her bastard."

Diana remained silent.

Abilash thought,'Just you wait,you bastard. Enjoy your filthy life as long as you can.You won't be keeping it for too long.'