
Why am I a side character

Of all the wild things that Asura had ever expected to be true ,he certainly didn't expect for the world he was living in to be a novel, neither did he expect to find a person from another world who had read the said novel trying invade his mind one day, however the thing he expected the least was: " Why the hell am I , the prince of the greatest empire in the world, who is hailed as the greatest genius since the strongest king in the history of said empire, just a side character that didn't even make it into the original story?" Follow Asura as he uses his talents and his knowledge of the future to navigate his way to become the strongest the world has ever seen. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ (A/N ; This is the first story I have ever written and as such, might contain some small errors. Regardless, I promise I will try my best to minimize these errors. Please Enjoy. Btw, the harem won't be more than 6, so sorry if that's too much or too little.)

_da_evil_god · Fantasie
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15 Chs

Welcome to Earth_2


Wait. Wasn't Earth the name of the world from which that fly was originally from. Well, maybe it was just a coincidence."Go on. Tell me more."

Tanwen started,"The place we are in right now is the human realm of earth. blah ,blah, blah-----"

The more he talked about the human world, the more he realized that the earth that the fly was from and the earth he was in right now were the same for the most part, except for one part,"You said that this was the human realm, what are the other realms then?"

"Well, you've got the heavens, the underworld and then the realms that are ruled by different pantheons."

Tanwen kept on explaining.As Asura listened to his explanation, he came to a conclusion.This earth was basically the same as the earth that the fly was from, except all the supernatural shit from the flies world were real in this earth.This world was probably the author's version of earth inside the story.

After Tanwen finished explaining, he raised a question,"Now since I full filled my part, now it's your turn,isn't it?"

"Yeah about that, I don't feel like it."

"What...did you say?"

"I don't feel like it."

Tanwen really wanted to kill this brat, but he held himself back as he had gotten his powers sealed when he was thrown out of the underworld."But, you said----"

"Listen man, I really don't feel like wasting my time sitting here and talking about Atsolaes. So,here's the deal, I'll take you to Atsolaes with me when find out how I can get back to Atsolaes."

Tanwen raised his eyebrow."How do I know you won't go back on your word again?"

"I swear on my title as the prince of Atsolaes." Yeah, a title he was sure didn't belong to him anymore.

Tanwen had stars in his eyes,"Really brother, you would do that for me."

"Sure, it's not really that big of a deal."

"Thank you. Thank you so much." Tanwen had comical tears of joy falling out of his eyes.

Seeing him in such a state, Asura really felt like he really should complete his end of the deal. Now, don't get him wrong, Asura wasn't planning to not keep his promise. The only reason he swore on a title that didn't belong to him anymore was because he was considering the worst case scenarios. He would take the man to Atsolaes, as long as that wouldn't cause him any problems.

"Oh,by the way,aren't you a demon,why don't you try asking your demon king or Satan or whatever if he knows how to reach Atsolaes?"

"Well--" Tanwen was about to answer but suddenly realized something."I don't remember telling you that I'm a demon."

"Well,even a child can see that you have demonic energy inside you."

Tanwen shuddered. You needed to have some real sensing skills to sense the energy inside someone,and be really really skilled to do so if said energy is sealed. And this kid was saying that even a child could to it.What did they feed these kids in Atsolaes?

Of course, Asura had no idea how much a child could actually do since he was an abnormal bastard. He could do what warriors over 100 years old couldn't when he was 10.

Tanwen said,"Well, I got kicked out of the underworld not too long ago,so,can't really help you with that."

Asura heard what he said and started thinking what would be the best move to make now."Well, I need to collect some information and sitting in this shit hole won't be helping much. Also, I need a safe place to hide."

"Oi,don't call my palace a shithole. Also,why do you need a safe place to hide. Who from?"

"Do you really think the king doesn't have enemies that wouldn't come after his son if they found out that he isn't under the kings protection?" That was obviously a lie. The one he would be hiding from would be the king himself and not his enemies.

"Well, I got a perfect place for that."

Asura raised his eyebrow


~Elizabeth Bael~

Elizabeth Bael was having a pretty good day. She woke up,trained a little, went to school, skipped almost all the classes and spent the time watching anime and was once again watching anime.Yep,a pretty good day in her books. She hadn't really had such an uneventful day, ever since her father had given her 5 new 'roommates'.

Then suddenly, she heard the doorbell ring and immediately started cursing the one who was disturbing her temporary peace time.

Regardless,she got up and went to open the door. When she went and opened the door, she saw a green haired man,who looked to be in his mid-twenties,not that handsome but not ugly either, looking at her and grinning from ear to ear.

Tanwen Barbatos.

"I heard you got kicked out of the underworld. Don't tell me you are here to ask me to sneak you back in."

"Come on, Liz. It's been months since I saw my favorite niece and this is how you greet me."

"I'm your only niece. Now, answer my question."

"Come on,now. Do you really think I would do that?"

Elizabeth deadpanned.

"Okay, maybe I would. But, I'm not here for that today, I promise."

"Well, I'm waiting."

"Well,you see, a very important friend of mine came over yesterday and my temporary residence is kind of a shithole right now. So, ....."

"And may I know why you chose my humble home?"



"And why is this house, which is inhabited by a bunch of brats, the safest place you could think of?" Asura's voice rang out.

"Well, first, you're a brat too. And second, these 'brats' were chosen to live together as a symbol of the peace treaty signed by the devils, angels and fallen angels."

Asura realized what he meant. If the place these brats were staying at was attacked ,then bigshots from all three would rush to protect them as if even one of them were to be killed, that would hinder the treaty.

"One thing I don't understand though. Why would you need to be protected by people from a small world? I heard from some boomers who took part in the war 10,000 years that even the weakest in Atsolaes were as strong as the strongest from the small worlds."

"That depends. How strong is earth compared to 10,000 years ago?"

"About 10 times as strong maybe ? I don't know for sure but much stronger than back then."

"Well, although Atsolaes is still much stronger than the smaller worlds, we are much weaker than 10,000. In fact, 10,000 years ago was called the golden age of Atsolaes because of how strong we were and King Arthur alone could probably destroy all the other kings combined. So, what you said would be true back then, the strongest in this world would probably be around top 1000 in Atsolaes."

"Oh." Tanwen was both a bit disappointed and a bit relieved. On one hand, as a researcher, it was a put off that he couldn't see Atsolaes in it's full glory. On the other, he was relieved that such monsters did not exist right now.

"Anyway, How're you going to convince them to let us stay with them."



"Well, I could say whatever I want but truth is, I got rejected everywhere else."

"And what makes you so sure that you won't be rejected here ?"

"Well, I can give you that really cool <thought >abosultely useless<thought end> piece of art that people call anime ....uhh.... statue of that rubber boy that you couldn't get cause it was sold out." Tanwen took out a figure of Tuffy from 2 piece and showed it to Elizabeth.

Elizabeth's eyes sparkled as she shouted "Deal" and snatched the figure from Tanwen's hand.

After she calmed down, Elizabeth said, "So, where is the very important friend you were talking about ?"

"Well he's right here. Oi, Ed, come out."

Then seemingly out of nowhere, a boy appeared beside Tanwen wearing a hat and a face mask that covered all parts of his face except for his eyes.

Elizabeth raised her eyebrows,"And why is he wearing a mask ?"

"Well--". The truth was they didn't want to use magic in a public place and only used magic to hide Asura's presence when they were near the house and when Asura walked out without wearing a mask.Well--


At first, it was just every single female staring at Asura, and then one woman came up to him and said,

"Hey, I just saw you from there and you look so handsome. Can I have your number?"

And that triggered about 20 more women to come rushing at Asura. So, after they escaped from there, they decided it was best for Asura to hide his face.


"Well, don't trouble yourself with that. Anyway, why don't you take off your mask and introduce yourself to our new roommate."

So,Asura did just that. He took off his mask, took Elizabeth's hand,gave it a kiss, flashed a charming smile and said,

"Hello there, pretty lady. It's a pleasure to meet you. My name's Edward Gray. May I have the pleasure of knowing yours?"