
Why am I a side character

Of all the wild things that Asura had ever expected to be true ,he certainly didn't expect for the world he was living in to be a novel, neither did he expect to find a person from another world who had read the said novel trying invade his mind one day, however the thing he expected the least was: " Why the hell am I , the prince of the greatest empire in the world, who is hailed as the greatest genius since the strongest king in the history of said empire, just a side character that didn't even make it into the original story?" Follow Asura as he uses his talents and his knowledge of the future to navigate his way to become the strongest the world has ever seen. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ (A/N ; This is the first story I have ever written and as such, might contain some small errors. Regardless, I promise I will try my best to minimize these errors. Please Enjoy. Btw, the harem won't be more than 6, so sorry if that's too much or too little.)

_da_evil_god · Fantasie
Zu wenig Bewertungen
15 Chs


Now, Asura could've explained that he didn't do anything to Liz and then it would all me fine, but really, Where's the fun in that ?

He said in a small voice so that only Zereth could hear it."I'm not sure you're gonna want to hear it though. But since you asked.... First, I took her to a love hotel, then pushed her to the bed, and then kissed her juicy lips while tearing off her clothes. Then, as I admired her natural beauty when she was as naked as the day she was born, she started playing with my di--"

Now, by this time, Zereth was fuming in rage and was about to punch Asura, he felt his butt get kicked.

He looked back to see Liz glaring at him with an annoyed expression on her face.

"Why the hell are you so paranoid and scolding Ed ? We only went shopping and then to dinner."

Zereth frowned. That brat... He was playing with him. He looked back to see Asura with a smirking at him. He had an urge to kill someone at this moment but let go of Asura's collar with a sign.

The others were watching the show in amusement. The all had similar thoughts, 'This is better than football/MMA/romance movie/holy prayers.'

Asura turned to look at them, "So, decided what to watch yet ?"

They looked at each other and shook their head no.

"Then let's watch football."

Tanwen nodded. "See, that's what I said."

Asura looked at him in disgust. "I'm talking about the real football, you fool. Not your 'hand'ball."

Tanwen scowled, "You take that back."

Isaiah added his opinion. "Nah, I agree with Ed."

Dagon."The hell you on about holy boy, our football is much better."

Adriel."Dagon is an idiot most of the time, but he is right this time."

Maya."I don't know much about either. But, my eddie is too hot to be wrong."

Zereth."Nah, that brat can't possibly be right."

As they were arguing, Liz , who usually stayed away from such childish debates, suddenly spoke up. "A sport where you touch the ball with your foot once every 10 business days can't be called football."

Everyone turned their head towards Liz, not believing she had taken part in such a 'childish' debate. Asura broke the silence.

"See, that's my girl. You can't call it football when you kick it as frequently as Tanwen gets a date."

Tanwen scowled, "They kick it more than that." It was at that moment that he realized he roasted himself and he knew... he fucked up.

The whole room, except for Tanwen, burst into laughter.


Asura was sitting in his room, while looking up something on his laptop when he sensed someone's presence outside the window. He heard a knock. He felt no killing instinct from the man outside, so he opened the window and let the man inside.

"I'm a servant of the Shadowborne family. Are you Asura Bloodfallen ?"

Asura nodded."Indeed."

The man nodded and handed him a letter. "This is the address to the Shadowborne's mansion and a card that will tell the guards that you are not an enemy. Do not bring more than 2 people with you ? When can we expect your visit ?"

Asura looked at the card for a second before replying. "Do relay the information that I will be there the 2 days later."

The man nodded and leapt out of the window.


2 days later....

"Oi, where the hell are we going again ?" Zereth's voice rang out.

"To meet a possible ally."

"Or so you told us. Question is, what ally ?"

"You'll know once we get there."

Tanwen, who knew Asura hated wasted time explaining things, had given up trying to find out and just walked hoping Asura didn't drag them into some kind of dangerous situation.

Zereth was getting annoyed."Come on, it won't kill you tell us."

Asura ignored him and started flying at a faster pace. Zereth too sped up and Tanwen, who was too slow to catch up to them, groaned in frustration.

After a few hours of flying, Asura suddenly stopped in the air. Zereth, too stopped and Tanwen caught up to them after a few moments.

"Why did you stop ?"

"We're here."

Zereth frowned. "Did he get brain damage from flying too fast. We're still in the air, dumbass."

Asura ignored him and released a mana wave infront of him. It revealed a green door in front of them floating in the sky. "Of course a manaless buffoon wouldn't sense a magic materializing door. Like I said, we're here."

Zereth's lips twitched in annoyance.

Asura entered the door, quickly followed by Zereth and Tanwen. They found themselves in a blank space with absolutely nothing in sight but darkness.

Zereth raised his eyebrow." You didn't bring us here to swiftly get rid of us, did you ?"

Asura just looked at him with a stare as empty as Tanwen's love life and didn't say anything.

Suddenly, an eye appeared in the blank space and a deep voice rang out. "Welcome guests, may I ask who you are and your purpose to be here ?"

Before Zereth and Tanwen could say anything, Asura answered the questions. "Greetings. I am Asura Bloodfallen, here to greet the Shadowborne family."

"I see. May I see your card, Lord Bloodfallen ?"

Asura nodded. He brought out the card that was given to him by the man 2 days ago from a crack he formed with his magic. The card, as he soon as brought it out, began floating.

It floated for a while before it landed back into Asura's palm.

"I have confirmed you are who you claim to be. I apologize for taking your time."

As the voice said that, the blank space around them was replaced by a beautiful meadow with a grand mansion about 50 meters away from where they were currently standing.

Asura was about to start walking towards the mansion, before he felt someone's hands on his shoulders.

He turned to see Zereth looking at him with a shocked expression. "What the hell, man ?"

"What ?"

"When you said we were going to meet a possible ally, I didn't know you were talking about the bloody Shadowbornes."

Asura pushed his hands away from his shoulders,"I don't see the problem."

"There's no 'problem' per say. But, come on, next time we meet the strongest faction in the whole supernatural world, try to tell us that if possible."

Tanwen also nodded.

Asura shrugged. "I'll try. Now come on, let's go."

Asura started walking towards the door while Asura and Zereth followed behind him.

When he opened the main gate, he saw a path leading to the door to enter the mansion, infront of which there were 2 fountains, one on the right and and on the left side.

On the left and right of the path were 2 beautiful gardens with all kinds of flowers in the world.

The 3 walked towards the door opened the door and as soon as they opened the door and walked in, an elderly voice rang out.

"Your majesty ?"

They saw 5 people infront of them, 3 males and 2 females,each with white hair and red eyes, a man who looked like to be middle-aged, a woman looked be be in his 20's, a man who looked to be in his 20's, a young girl who looked to be 20 at most,that Asura recognized as Alia Shadowborne and finally an elderly male who looked to be in his 60's sitting in a wheelchair.

The realized the voice came from the old man who was in the wheelchair. All of them got down to their knees when they saw Asura, while the old man got up and started walking towards Asura. But, from the way he walking, one could tell he felt pain in his legs.

When he was about to reach asura, he slipped and was about who fall when Asura catched him to prevent the fall. The old man caressed Asura's face. "Your majesty, I apologize tha I have not been by your side for 10 millennia. You look even younger than when I last saw you."

Asura smiled. He then kneeled in front of the old man. "You must be Lord Cassius Shadowborne. It is an honour to meet one of the greatest mages to ever exist. I'm sorry, but you have mistaken something. I'm Asura Bloodfallen, grandson of Arthur. I apologize. You sacrificed so many things for Atsolaes, yet we failed to bring you back to Atsolaes, believing you all to be dead."

The old man started panicking, seeing Asura kneel. "Your highness, please do not kneel. A lion's cub shouldn't kneel in front of a fox. And you don't need to apologize, I love Atsolaes, but this place isn't that bad either."

Hearing his words, Asura got up and then looked towards the kneeling people.The middle aged man noticed Asura looking towards them and spoke, "We greet his highness, Asura Bloodfallen."

Asura smiled. "Please stand."

They all stood up. "I apologize, but we haven't met before. May I know your names ?"

The middle aged man spoke up, "I'm Silas Shadowborne, the current head of the Shadowborne family."

He then pointed to the woman who seemed to be in her 20's, who gave a light bow. "This is my wife, Elana Shadowborne."

"I greet his highness."

Pointing at the young man beside him, he said, "This is my eldest son, Darren."

"I greet his highness."

He then pointed at Alia. "And I assume you know my youngest, Alia."

"I greet his highness."

Asura nodded and pointed at Tanwen, "This a friend of mine that has helped me a lot and someone I owe a huge debt to, Tanwen Barbatos."

Tanwen was flattered and gave a light bow, "It's a pleasure to meet you."

Silas gave a light bow, "The pleasure's all mine."

Asura then pointed at Zereth, "This one, I believe you have heard of, he is Zereth Bael."

"It's an honor to meet the esteemed members of the strongest family in the supernatural world."

Silas laughed. "No no, the honor's all mine. Who would have thought I would meet the genius of Bael today."

After a pause, he continued. "Please, come in."

They followed him to the living room.


A maid put down a cup of coffee in front of Asura. Asura closed his eyes and took a sip, before putting the cup down.

"I'll get straight to the point. But before that, where do your loyalties lie ? To Atsolaes or to the king ?"

They looked at each other before nodding and then gave their answer. "We answer only to his majesty. He is the reason Atsolaes is not ruin but the greatest land in the universe."

"By king, I suppose you speak of Arthur Bloodfallen."

Silas looked at him in confusion. "Of course. Who else would I be talking about ?"

Asura nodded. "Then, what would you do is something happened to the king."

Silas wasn't stupid. He understood what Asura was saying. "Your highness. Are you trying to say----?"

Before he could finish speaking, Cassius's voice rang out. "So, it's true. He really is dead. I had a theory that he was dead as there wasn't any clue of him even attempting to search for us, but.... I just, .....didn't want to believe it."

Tears ran down from the old man's eyes. Asura, seeing this, spoke, "Sir, I can see you were very close with the King and this is very hard on you. We can continue this talk when you feel better."

The old man wiped his tears and gave a sad smile. "No, no. Don't worry. I can't sit and cry about something that happened 10 millennia ago. Please continue."

Asura nodded. "I'm here because I need your help."

Asura then told them everything. Why the king had locked him up, how he ended up here, and how the king had sent soldiers to hunt him down. Of course, he didn't tell them this world was a novel.

Cassius spoke up in shock, "Wait, you mean to tell me that my stupid disciple Abilash is the current king."

Asura nodded.

There was silence for a while before Silas spoke up, "So, the soldiers from Atsolaes were the ones that led the attack to Olympus and the Egyptian pantheon."

Asura nodded. "Indeed.Now, you have 2 options, you can throw me in front of the soldiers, and return to Atsolaes with them, but you'll serve a man that drove Arthur Bloodfallen's whole family except for one of his daughter out of Atsolaes ----"

Cassius stopped him, "Wait, you didn't mention that part of the story where he kicked out Asura's children out of the land. And why did he keep one of his daughter's there still ? Love, perhaps ?"

Asura sighed, "Very well, I will tell you how exactly Abilash Alekerth rose to power after the death of Arthur Bloodfallen."

It was hard to get them completely on his side without telling them anyway. So, he might as well. If anything, even if they had no intention of serving Asura's descendants, it would at least pit them against Abilash which was a win in his book.
