
Why am I a side character

Of all the wild things that Asura had ever expected to be true ,he certainly didn't expect for the world he was living in to be a novel, neither did he expect to find a person from another world who had read the said novel trying invade his mind one day, however the thing he expected the least was: " Why the hell am I , the prince of the greatest empire in the world, who is hailed as the greatest genius since the strongest king in the history of said empire, just a side character that didn't even make it into the original story?" Follow Asura as he uses his talents and his knowledge of the future to navigate his way to become the strongest the world has ever seen. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ (A/N ; This is the first story I have ever written and as such, might contain some small errors. Regardless, I promise I will try my best to minimize these errors. Please Enjoy. Btw, the harem won't be more than 6, so sorry if that's too much or too little.)

_da_evil_god · Fantasie
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15 Chs

Is this a date ?

Asura thought that he had won with that attack.He started breathing heavily because of how much that last attack drain him.

Just when he was about to relax his muscle he felt something moving towards him at high speed. He quickly created 4 barriers in front of. However, he could feel the barriers breaking.

Red aura started emitting from Asura's body as he put his sword in front of himself to block the incoming strike.

Spoiler...It didn't work as Asura's sword broke and he felt cold steel on his neck. He looked down to see an injured Zereth with his clothes half-torn holding a sword to his neck as black aura emitted out of his body.

Asura had an indifferent look on his face before he held his hands in front of himself and his face morphed into a lazy grin."I admit my loss."

Zereth looked at him coldly,"Were you trying to kill me, you bastard ?"

Asura laughed. He did realize now that he had gone a little too far with the last attack. "Come on. I just have more faith in you than you have in yourself. I knew you'd be fine. So, Did I pass ?"

Zereth sighed."Sure,sure."

Zereth looked at Tanwen, then back at Asura."You said you would tell him the truth."

Asura sighed."Might as well."

Asura turned to Tanwen and shouted. "Oi broccoli, I got something to tell you. Let's go in."

Tanwen saw this as a perfect opportunity to get back at Asura. He gave a cheeky grin and shouted back."Bro. I didn't know you were from that community. I don't swing that way so I have to reject your offer but don't worry man,I support you."

He kept a smiling face till he heard Asura's response."Bitch, you know I'm straighter than than that pole your mom was dancing on."

His face dropped. He lost, again.


"So, what did you wanna say ?"

"Sit down, this is gonna be quite long."

Tanwen sat down.

"So, remember how I told you I was the prince of Atsolaes ?"

Tanwen nodded his head and pointed at Asura with a stupid look on his face."You lied, again ?"

Asura shrugged. "Half lied."

"I knew it."

"Calm down. I am telling you the truth today."

Tanwen nodded.

"So, see, I am the grandson of Arthur and son of the queen. I didn't lie about that. The thing is, my dad isn't the king."

Tanwen looked at him in surprise,"So, you really are a bastard. That explains the attitude."

"Well, my father is still the greatest swordsman in Atsolaes. You're still a 36-year old creepy virgin old man with no capability to pull bitches. I mean I didn't even know someone could have so much negative rizz. You're so ugly, when you throw a boomerang, it didn't come back. You're so ugly, farmers use your face as scarecrow. You so ugly,one direction went the other direction. You---"

Tanwen covered his mouth with his hand. "Can we continue what you were saying earlier ?"

Zereth, who was rolling on the floor laughing, wiped tears from his eyes."As much as I enjoyed this....session, I think we should get to point here."

"And that is ?"

"Well, some men from the kings army are here to hunt Asura in order to present him in front of the king for execution. So, you're the 3rd member in Team Save Asura."

"Wait wait wait. You mean we're fighting soldiers from Atsolaes, that are the strongest army in the world to save his ass ?"

Zereth nodded."Yep. You in or out ?"

Tanwen shrugged."Well, course I'm in. He might be annoying as fuck, but that doesn't mean I can just let him die."

Asura was really getting emotional with what Tanwen said, but he just covered it with a joke."Jeez, thanks for the compliment, homie."

Tanwen just grinned at him.

Zereth broke the silence."So, what's the plan to deal withh them ?"

Asura got serious."Listen, I've got 2 plans for 2 different scenarios. I'll tell you within 3 days."

"And what if they attack within those 3 days ?"

"How many days ago was their latest attack ?"

"Yesterday. On Olympus and Egypt at the same time."

"Well, there's this tradition on Atsolaes. Really stupid, if you ask me. They say you shouldn't make a second attack within 7 days of the 1st one, unless the king is leading the army.Also, at this point, there's a 80% chance they split up to find my location."

Tanwen and Zereth nodded.

Asura got up and stretched a bit. "Well, time to get to work."

Tamwen raised his eyebrow."Where are you going ?"

"Gonna buy a phone and a laptop."

It was Zereth who asked this time. "Why do you need that ?"

"Hopefully, I find some clues about where they currently are on the internet. And, their total numbers."

"You really think you'll find that out on the Internet."

"You'll be surprised how many things you can find on the Internet."

Saying that, Asura started walking towards the front door. When he opened the door, he was surprised to find Liz about to ring the doorbell.

"Wow, you're early. Don't schools close at like 3,4,5 pm ish."

Liz nodded."I didn't feel like staying full time today. You heading out ?"

Asura nodded. "Yep. Wanna tag along ?"

Liz thought for a second then nodded."Sure. Where to ?"

"Just need to buy a phone and laptop."

Zereth watched their interaction and something inside him felt uncomfortable. Something about watching his young and beautiful little sister who was the envy of women because of her looks going shopping with a handsome boy her age that she was clearly attracted to just didn't seem right with him.

Wait, wasn't this like... a date ? Just then, something awakened inside him, a brother's instinct his sister from the filth that was Asura Bloodfallen.

"Oi, wait up, I'll join you guys too."

Asura shrugged. "Sure."

Liz, meanwhile was glaring at her own brother. If looks could kill, the older Bael would be dead a thousand times over already.

Zereth ignored her glare and was wondering if he should cancel their deal and throw Asura to his hunters to protect his sister.


Asura had already purchased his laptop and mobile but was incredibly annoyed right now, during the short span of 1 hour that they had gotten out of the house, Zereth had kicked him out of the damn car and he had to fly to their destination, considering that he couldn't be noticed, it wasn't hard but it was extremely annoying.

Then, Zereth had restricted his movement space to 5 meters away from Liz, which was again annoying. He realized why the bastard was doing so and he was ready to give this bastard a damn heart attack.

"Oi Zereth, let's go that way, I want to buy something."

Zereth simply nodded and went that way, but before Liz could follow him, Asura grabbed her hand.

Liz was about to question it, but she saw Asura looking at her with a smile and a finger on his lips. She immediately understood and they entered a car store beside them.


Zereth noticed something odd, and looked behind, just to find no one there. He, as Asura predicted, almost had a satandamn heartattack, as Zereth himself would call it.


"Could you... umm.. let go of my hand ?" It wasn't that she didn't like it, she just felt awkward.

"Oh, sorry bout that."

He let go of her had while Liz was blushing furiously.

"So, why did you drag me here ?"

Now, Asura didn't consider himself the greatest rizzler or whatever, but even he knew that saying that it was because he wanted to get revenge on Zereth wasn't the right answer.

He just gave a smile."I just wanted it to be just the 2 of us. Besides, his presence is annoying."

Liz blushed.

"Excuse me, kids. This isn't a place to play. Will you please go out?"

Asura was about to say something, but he felt the man's face was strangely familiar. He then realized.

"It's you. From the poker game."

The man seemed to recognize Asura too as veins popped out of his forehead. "You damn brat. What the hell are you doing here ?"

Asura really wanted to poke fun at this man after seeing the expression on his face.

"Oi, is that how you treat a customer around here ? I'm here to buy a car with the money I won a few days ago."

Liz looked at Asura with a look clearly saying 'We are ?' Asura just smiled at her.

The man frowned, "We don't sell to minors."

Asura cast illusion magic on a paper inside his pocket and threw it to the man."I'm 20, mister, so that won't be violated."

The man took a quick look at the Id and his attitude did a complete 180."How can I help you, sir ? What kind of car are you looking for ?"

Asura smirked. "Show me the best car you have under a million."

The man gaped.This guy was willing to spend a million on a car ? Thank god, he pulled a 180 on the attitude.

He showed them many cars, which Asura didn't really like, and neither had the interest to buy. But, one car caught his interest.

The guy was enthusiastic to show it to them. "Introducing the Ferrari F12 TDF, top speed 211 miles per hour, 769-HP engine, plus only takes only 2.9 second to go from 0 to 60 miles per hour. For only 832,000 dollars. Been only 6 years since they started producing it at 2015"

Here's the thing, Asura didn't really want to buy the car and was just messing with the man. But now, he was drooling at the sight of this car. He shook his head. Focus Asura, focus. You don't need this shit.


He bought it. He just couldn't resist the temptation. He didn't know at the time that in his time on earth, this would be the start of his new collection.

Why not ? Like this car was awesome, and it wasn't that much even. Some 800,000. He still had the 5 billion he *cough* borrowed from Alia. The red car was absolutely stunning.

"I didn't expect you to actually buy it. I thought you were just teasing that guy."

Asura smiled."I thought so too, Liz. I thought so too."

Liz looked at him in disbelief. "You weren't even planning to buy it, were you ?"

Asura shrugged. He then looked down at himself and frowned. "You know what, I'm not worthy to sit in this babygirl with the casual clothes I'm wearing." *Looks at Liz* "You do look sexy as hell, but it's our first date today. Let's go dress you up."

Asura prayed to the car to forgive him for stepping inside it with such casual clothes. He then grabbed Liz's had and then led her inside the car before getting in himself.

As for Liz, she was in a trance. She didn't really think whether it was a date or not. Now, she was thinking though, Is this a date ?

The first place they went to was to dress Liz up. In the end, she ended up with a red dress that was so stunning that Asura had to think about that one 600 old granny to not get a damn nosebleed.

Then, Asura got dressed in a black tuxedo and and black pants with Oxford shoes, which made Liz a blushing mess and made some poor girl that looked when Asura's illusion magic he cast to avoid attention broke for a moment faint.

They then went to get dinner at some fancy restaurant. They didn't have a reservation and no table was left, so quite a scene had unfolded then.

"Who's willing to sell me their table for 10,000$ ?"

Long story short, someone actually took the offer. They had a good time and returned back to the house.


Asura and Liz entered the living room to find everybody except Zereth watching TV. Well, not really watching, per say.

"Oi, switch the damn channel, there's a really important game today." Dagon.

"Please switch to a religious channel." Aria.

"Shut up. We're watching that new romance movie on Netflix." Maya.

"Let's watch MMA."Isaiah.

"At least, play something."Adriel.

Yeah, an all-out brawl was the only thing left to come.

"You guys do know we have 3 TV's for a reason, right ?"

They then noticed Asura and Liz standing at the door.Of course, Liz's comment about 3 TV's was ignored.

"Oi, Where's Zereth ?" Tanwen

"Ed, I can't believe you chose Liz over me." Maya.

"You avoided a bullet with that white-haired bitch, pretty boy." Dagon.

Isaiah gave a thumbs up and mouthed 'Good choice'. Aria didn't say anything and Adriel glared at Liz.

Asura just smiled.

Just then, they heard footsteps of someone approaching them.

Asura looked at the direction to see Zereth. Now, Zereth wasn't really happy to see Asura, as he immediately ran towards him and grabbed his collar.

"What did you do to my sister, you bastard ?"