
Why a necromancer?

Room_game · Fantasie
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5 Chs

My Class

Five years passed since he got that quest in the first three years everything was like normal with the exception that Albert started with some help to learn more about magic with the hope's that he will have a greater chance of becoming a mage. But in the last two years things changed greatly.

When the time came for his brother to get his class he didn't have many expectations and just waited with the other kids there because the coming of age ceremony happens once every year so he couldn't do it more privately only nobels have the money to do something like that.

When his turn came David waited on the platform where a man came with a scroll and handed it to him David already knew what he needed to do, he started opening the scroll after that a light came out of it and information about his class appeared in his head and on the scroll and he was surprised because he got a epic level class.

One needs to know that a epic class appears in only 1 out of 20000 people, classes were rated from common to mythical like this: common, uncommon, rare, super rare, epic, legendary and mythical. The common classes are mage, fighter and archer most people have one of them but David got monk witch is a epic class not only because it's rare but also because it is one of the few classes that could use life force to get stronger or in system terms: more vitality = more strength so with this class you can upgrade only vitality and your strength will keep up with it without you doing anything.

After David got that class he entered a very good academy in the capital but that wasn't without his family. Because he didn't want to leave his family behind the academy made an offer to bring all his family to the capital and all the living expenses will be covered by the academy but that was not free because the academy has put a limit for his grades if his grades go lower that that limit his family will have to go back witch made him study very hard.

Because now all the living expenses were paid by the academy Albert's father didn't need to work in the fields now and could spend a lot of time at home with his family but because his brother was gone and lived in the academy he couldn't care for Albert so his father helped him because he couldn't spent time with him before but to Albert this was very annoying because his father acted like he Albert was incapable of doing anything on his own he wouldn't let Albert go on walks alone and he always wanted to help him eat, the worst part was when he wanted to help Albert change, even though his body was that of a child his mentality was that of a 20 years old so it was very uncomfortable.

In the last year Albert studied very hard the world of magic because he really wanted to become a mage.

When the time for him to get his class arrived he needed to wait in line a lot because he was no more in the little village he was in the capital and there were a lot of kids who needed to get their classes and he arrived late so he was one of the last in the line but eventually his turn came he did the same thing as his brother but something unexpected happened.