
Why 'The Records' broke

The beginning marks the end. A story untold as it never ended, a story broken as it never got the chance to heal, a story of the stars and a story of the world abandoned by fate. People live by desires, dreams, motivation and undying crave for something. Everybody want something in life, something that they want to achieve no matter the cost. But how about those who don't? How does it feel to not have any dreams? How does it feel to not have a single thing you are interested in? How does it feel to not crave for anything? Life goes just like the flow of the river with nothing so ever happening in your life and meet the Sea as in Death. What would happen if an otaku character travel beyond the Milkyway Galaxy to the world of magic? Rudra the main protagonist travels with the Emissary of the Destructor to the World of magic. Faced with the Trial beyond the limits of his own, Rudra fails to overcome the Trial. But the Destructor grants him another chance because of the transcending power he posses ' Authority'. Two years after the Trial will be held again to test the successor of Shadow God, if he fails to overcome the Trial again then not even Death can save him. Rudra ends up on the planet Seed in the Reedreada Galaxy as per the Destructors wish. There he joins the famous Star Verse Academy to train himself and overcome his limits and face the Trial with everything he got. But will that be it... English is not my native language, so there might( must) be some mistake, please inform me through comments. Text me on Discord if you have any advice or opinion Discord- Ether7#2296 And lastly, of course, cover page is not mine. If you want me to remove it( Which I am sure no one is interested in) I will remove it.

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44 Chs

Weapon Trainning

I continued on without stopping, the constant extend and retract of chains with thrust, slash and swing created a beautiful picture comprised only of arcs created after every moment. I swung both of my blades back and forward without stopping, resulting in half circular flow above me.

I got lost in a trance like never before, today is the first day I am practicing seriously with my weapon. Each move I made motivated me to swing my blade again... again.... one more..... again... again.....

Extend thrust... retract

Extend slash..... retract

Extend swing.... retract

[ Skill ' Dual Wielding' is ready to level up.]

[ Requirements : 1 F- grade mana stone.]

I kept going at it without thinking anything, strangly my mind is calm.

No thoughts entered my mind as I kept swinging my blades.

Unknown time passed by, but I didn't stop swinging.

Suddenly, the world before my eyes started to turn dark, my vision blurred and I lost consciousness.


( Evan's pov)

I stood rooted on the spot as I focused my mind on Rudra as if I was also getting into a trance. Every time he swung blades, it felt as though someone is painting a picture with a brush. The movements of his blades were clear to me because of my agility stat being higher than him.

That guy.... he is amazing.

" Ethne, did you see that?"


Thump... thump...

I wanna fight him.

" Stop it you two."

A harsh voice came from behind which scared the hell out of me and Ethne.

" Don't interrupt him."

" I wasn't going to fight him."

" Yeah, we were just excited."

Me and Ethne tried to make our way out, but...

" Say it after you wipe that creepy smile off your faces."

Seems like we can't. In that case, second method : Diversion

" He is the new student Rudra Reddy, who's assigned to our class."

" Hmm..."


" Sir, aren't we going to start our weapon training."

" Let's wait a little, he will collapse in a minute or two."

" What do you mean?"

" Can't you see? His body can't keep up with his movements for long."

Now that the teacher mentions it, he is pretty weak even though he is a student. From the presence he emits, he is clearly below a 1st Ascension.


I should ask him his level next time.

Soon after a minute, Rudra fell unconscious on the ground.

The teacher picked him up and thrown him at one of the corners.

' I know his character, but seriously that guy is unconscious. At least be a little bit gentle.'

Clap clap

" Khum.. we will start your weapon training as usual. First you will continue your personal training like for an hour. If I see any mistakes in your training, I will help you by pointing it out or if you have any problem ask me immediately. Second individual battle will start after an hour. Your opponents are already assigned to you, remember it. Now get your asses up and continue training."

"" Yes Sir!"


( Rudra's pov)

" Ugh..."

My body hurts like hell.

I fell unconscious while training, how embarrassing.

Where am I?

" If you are awake then get your ass up. We have a lot of training to do."

A harsh voice came from behind me. I looked back to find a bald man staring at me. He had a bulky build and rough beard, sharp red eyes and a long scar running from his forehead to cheek on his right side of the face.

" Who?..."

" I am Daniel, the one in charge of Weapon training class."

This guy.... he is our teacher. But didn't Steele say that Anand is the only teacher we have.

" Good afternoon teacher I guess..."

I received a kick on the butt without even noticing how.I flew through the air like a broken kite and landed face first on the ground, dirt getting in my mouth and dirt on my body.

' That bastard!'

' Is there no one normal in this school?'

" Since you are a new student. I should give you a proper welcome, shouldn't I?"

Daniel smiled a happy smile while itching of his palm hands.


I had a bad premonition seeing his smile.

Even though my body hurts, I brought my chained blades out and stood in a defensive stance. Daniel's smile broadened after seeing me-

" Good, you are quick to catch on."

" No one can misunderstand than creepy smile which only belongs to battle maniacs."

" Then let's begin."


A loud voice echoed as Daniel jumped high in the air preparing to smash me with his bare fists.

' He seems to be restricting his stats to match mine'

I threw the left blade toward a pole near by. The chain wrapped around the poll making a tight grip. I threw the other blade in Daniels direction to attack.


But he deflected it with ease.

The distance between him and me shortened, Daniel swung his hand to punch me but I quickly dodged by moving towards the poll by retracting the extended chain.

" Hmm.. so you secured a place for yourself, knowing fully well that your attack won't work on me."

" Well of course, the gap between us is too big."

" It's not gonna help much though."

Daniel again jumped in the air but not as high as before. He aimed his fist towards the my blade which wrapped around the pole.

Sensing this, I quickly retracted my blade-

" That's a faint."

Daniel appeared behind me while I was retracting my blade. His fist landed straight on my head. I fell down on the ground, blood flowed down from my nostrils and my ears went deaf.

" Is that all you got? Stand up kiddo. I haven't given you my warmest welcome yet."

" Huff... huff.... my name is Rudra, fucking damn it."

" Aww... but It's pretty hard to spell and my memory is bad so I often forgot names."

I stood up wiping the blood on my face and held the blades in my hands.

I swung both of my blades at the same time aiming at his chest. Daniel raised his right arm to block my strike and swung another hand to land a blow on my stomach.

Sensing this, I stopped my blades in mid air and quickly moved them to bind his left arm with chains. I succeeded in binding them but didn't stop at that, I tried to kick him in the stomach. Daniel understood my move even before I could perform it and gave a chop on my leg.

" Argh..."

Even though I have gotten used to pain thanks to being chewed alive by that damn shark everyday, but it still fucking hurts.

And that's how....

Our fight or rather my one sided beating continued for the next hour.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

HERECTICGODcreators' thoughts