
Whut is da DAKKA and how much is too much.

WH 40k and Fantasy(small part) Fanfiction Football hooligan died during the fight with the police and other team hooligans and reincarnated in WH40k as an Ork. Dumb humor, racism(puny xeno, stupid ummies etc), and bad grammar. You have been warned. Enjoy The cover is not mine, I only added text in Paint

saszeta · Videospiele
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44 Chs

Underlords 1

Low-Quality Warning - something is not right with today's chapter but I do not know what. Read at your own risk :)


Lotz of time passed under the mountain, but to be honest, Orkz forgot to count it and it did not matter to them at all, because they were slowly winning the fight with rats. All thanks to their fungi physiology and lack of flame-throwing weapons on the rat's side. To completely understand how they started to win you need to completely understand Orkoid biology.

Which iz not holdin aginst ya, ya panzy umie. Let me an explun it ta yo in a way even a snotling ill undartand. Ya see, Orkz are fungi so we spread by tine little bitz ya umiess call spores. Stoopid name for stopid umiez. Thiz tiny bitz we Orz fart them out all the time, we evan spit. We eva Orkz is, there will be tiny bitz. When da boy gets krumped evear more tiny bitz will be, and if lotz of boyz got krumped lotz of tiny bitz will be there. Itz loik that yellow mushroom on them yar shiny squarish things you all watch oll da time instead of krumping. But there is mmore of the fungi where boyz got krumped and not where there was squig too eat. Naw ya all understand.

So in short, below the mountain amount of spores was quickly reaching critical mass since the air was saturated with them so new Orkoids were spawning almost constantly replenishing the casualties.

Skaven had no such trait, but it did not mean that there were few of them, it was quite the opposite as Skaven brood mothers were producing new offspring every minute, but it all did not matter because there faced an enemy as numerous as them but on average was stronger and not so easily scared to escape the battlefield.

Some would argue that Skaven had superior technology and magic. The answer is correct they had superior technology because Orkz lootaboyz were looting anything that wasn`t bolted down to the ground end even that was sometimes not enough, and later on Meks would analyze the tech and reconfigure it to Ork needs or outright create their own version. This happened to all of Skaven's guns and vehicles. As for magic, Orks WAAAGH field did its work to disrupt the warp energy that fueled skaven magic. This happened because Orks thought of Skaven as puny weak-willed little critters. As such any Skaven that entered the WAAAAGH field became even more weak-willed. Wich in some cases resulted in funny situations when Skaven psykers exploded and a small warp portal opened releasing demuns to the material world or an even more enormous horde of Skaven.

You see, Skaven`s are not just a ratman. They are a byproduct of fourth-degree inter-dimensional warp fuckery, and they have an entire plane/realm of existence in the infinite warp where there are untold billions or trillions or lotz of them. It looks like a gathering of large sewers-like tunnels that are constantly collapsing and are being built by skaven, and the only thing keeping them away from conquering the world is constant backstabbing and shoddy construction. So shoddy that sometimes even Orkz are surprised that it works.

Nevertheless, after all of that time, the most important thing to Boss hasn`t happened. His pet sqiugoth hasn`t been found yet, but since he had big rats to krump he was behaving like calm and reasonably Ork.

Mauork was in a pickle because of this as he was the one responsible for finding it but it disappeared like a drop of blood on the foight. So to save his life he told Boss that his pet was taken to the rat capital or Rapitol. Which was the biggest city/hideout of skaven.

This little lie innocent at first later on brought him many pains and near-death experiences but luckily not from the Boss`s hands.

Overall both sides were preparing for Total War underneath the feet of almost every species that existed on the planet. Their blissful ignorance kept them happy and unaware of the horrors that were right below them.

For them, it was horrors, for Skaven just Monday for Orkz? For Orkz it was the biggest party they could ever hope to get.