
who was wrong?

What would you do if your bestfriend gets murdered? Are you going to fight or stay still? But ken choose to fight and he is on mission to find the Terminator and get him under bar. Are you ready for adventure with Ken Tesco?

Apurva_Dhanawade · realistisch
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46 Chs


Tring !Tring! alarm bell rang . First Rose ignored it then got up thinking that today also they will be late, She took shower got ready and then woke Hazel up . Hazel went for shower and Rose was busy applying jam to the bread and making orange juice for breakfast. Hazel then woke up Kate , Rose knew that Kate loves to sleep hence she wanted her to sleep for some more time. Kate was very dizzy but managed to come back to senses. All of them happily had breakfast and left for school . This was like perfect morning for them.

[S.M. High school,7:00pm]

Everyone was sitting in the class , Ken and Rose had also returned from the assembly. Teacher was taking attendence , The process of taking attendence was going in the flow meanwhile Suzy messed with it . She had a heated argument with the teacher she was rude and unpolite as usual ,everyone was fedup with her except her fans {mostly her loyal fanboys}.Teacher took her the Principal sir and then she got a warning card but still she was unbothered because for her everything there's nothing that she can't buy and there's nothing she can't fix it . Warning card was like a certificate for her. She was totally shameless ! Veron hated Suzy to death. She was the meanest human on this planet . Ken hated her to because she always behaved like a jerk around Ivan. Lucian not exactly hated her but had little soft heart for her. So Suzy not only had many HATERS but LOVER'S too.

School left but there was a great gathering of girls near the notice board! The notice that attracted so much girls there was about 'S.M. Queen competition' .It was every girl's dream at S.M. school to one of them but Always Suzy won and her friends were runner up's , But still other girls wanted to try their luck. Rose ,Hazel and Kate never bothered the competition. Hazel went and saw the notice, and she had a idea running through her mind. On other side Ken ,Veron and Lucian were going to have a nice ride. Ken was now no more lonely, he did had two friends who had helped him to get over the pain. They had decided to keep the murder mystery aside not because they wanted to neglect it but instead they were totally clueless about it .

[Rose house ,2:45pm]

Rose, Hazel and Kate were studying . aaa...actually, Having hot tea gossips with books. They came on the competition topic , Hazel expressed herself that , Rose should take part in it . She fits the standard for the competition and Suzy was just winning the competition until now because she never had strong competitior like Rose. Rose and Kate were confused as Hazel was he one who keeps interest in modelling and stuff. Then why she wanted Rose to take part. "Hazel ma'am are you okay ! you like to do modelling and stuff right and I have seen in your new year wish list ,one the wish was also to become Queen of the school." said Rose. "But how can I ? I don't have that confidence and ever dream to not ment to be completed right. And look at me I AM PEFECT EXAMPLE OF IMPERFECT! I can't but you can surely win ,my sunshine." answered Hazel.