
A Mess

The class had already started. Kate , Hazel and Rose had also reached the class by time. Rose had missed the assembly. Ken was at little surprise because he had never seen Rose missing the assembly . First , He thought she might be absent but when he reached the class he saw that Rose was present . Then why didn't she attended the assembly? .Well! never mind . Ken gave his attendance to the teacher and walked straight to his place. Veron now busy looking at Lucian may be he wanted to ask about e-mail 'Did you got some reply' .While moving towards the desk Ken glanced at Veron's face . He had dark eyes bags under their eyes and he had brought a faint smile on Ken's face. Veron did noticed this smile . Meanwhile, he also noticed the same eye bags under Rose's eyes . He found that very unusual . Never mind , she might some other problem to deal with . Meanwhile , Hazel had observed this faint smile he was giving looking at Veron. " DID HE ACTUALLY SMILED LOOKING AT VERON . WHAT? WHY WOULD HE DO SO?. THERE'S SOMETHING CREEPY GOING ON HERE." Hazel's mind flushed with thoughts. Hazel kept glancing at Ken and this gave Kate a very bad feeling. She kept looking at the Hazel with a different look and now Rose noticed Kate giving Hazel a uncomfortable look. She kept wondering 'Why is Kate starring at Hazel in such different look. And now this had formed a whole starring chain!

LUCIAN-VERON-KEN-HAZEL-KATE-ROSE. What a chaos at the start of the day. From the moment ,Veron had seen that smile on the Ken's face . He was not at the ease. Deep in his heart , he suspected Ken as that cupcake guy. Because no one else in the class had that valor to have a fight with Veron but Ken can surely had it. Hence, he can be that 'CUP-CAKE GUY'. He was waiting for the break so that he can inform Lucian about it . After all no matter he hated him , he was his crime partner now. His was now entangled in that kind of situation like ' Even he tries to save just himself pushing Lucian into ocean , he would also automatically be drowned. So he can't play any unfair game now with Lucian. He was not only the one waiting for the break but Rose too she definitely wanted to ask Kate 'Why she starring at Hazel so much? Was anything going on there ? She surely wanted to know it .

Brrrrrrrrrr ! the bell rang . Students were overjoyed. Meanwhile a staff came to call 'HEAD BOY' and 'HEAD GIRL' , Ken was in the class but Rose wasn't because the girls zombie gang had went to washroom to wash their dry and lifeless faces to get some energy. Ken had seen Rose going downstairs so he decided to go and check because any way Principal Sir would tell him to do the same. Luckily , he did meet Rose in corridor. He informed Rose about it , that Principal Sir told to meet urgently. Rose excused Hazel and Kate and rushed with Ken to Principal Office. Kate was annoyed Ken didn't even bothered looking at her but it's ok .Fine Kate!

In the principal Office , A great conversation was taking place between the Principal and the his two school student official's . It was about approaching 'INTER-SCHOOL COMPETITION ' . Principal was busy explaining all the details to them then he gave them a piles of paper's and gave his final instruction," You both have to sit in the library the rest of the periods and read all these paper they have detailed information of each sub-competition's that are going to take place . Summarize all the things in your mind arrange all the information and keep it with you .In future ,I may ask you for it." looking at their tried faces he added ," Since , you both were busy here you didn't had a break so I want to compensate you both with another break, You both go the library , If you want have something from school Cafe . Have it . Relax for five mins and then start the work. GOOD LUCK! Greeting Principal sir Ken and Hazel left the Office.

Meanwhile, in the class . Veron and Lucian were busy having a conversation with each other . This shocked many of the classmates because normally in recess Veron would be busy in doing pranks on innocent students and Lucian would rather be fighting or having a argument with someone. However , It was a peaceful recess at S.M. High School. When Hazel and Kate returned to the class with sandwiches in their hand. They were also shocked to find the class peaceful and even more shocked to see Veron and Lucian together. " Did one Devil joined hands with another" she wispered it to Hazel . But Hazel was having a whole chemical coordination going wrong in her body. 'WHAT'S ACTUALLY HAPPENING HERE! KEN SMILING AT VERON . VERON INSTEAD OF HAVING VALUABLE PRANKING TIME WAS SPENDING IT WITH LUCIAN . AND WHAT DID I JUST SAW LUCIAN IS TAKING! HE IS NOT HAVING ANY ARGUMENT. SOME SHOULD HIGHLIGHT THIS DAY ON OUR CLASS CALENDAR.' her mind exploded with thoughts. " Where is Rose has she not yet returned from the office .Her sandwich is with us !" Kate asked suddenly. "I think Principal must have handed them a huge work and they might be doing it in basically any empty class but wait you have no empty class in recess students occupy every class . Perhaps , they would be in library . So , we should go down." answered Hazel . " Kate , took the Rose sandwich and said that she would go and give her and she felt the class . She was setting her hairs as she would also meet Ken there .Meanwhile she saw Ken going upstairs . Again her fantasy land was destroyed. Anyway she marched straight towards the library to give Rose her sandwich . She wished her good luck and rushed to class maybe Ken would be in class but now she saw Ken going towards the library. Kate cursed her fate and went back to Hazel.

Actually , Ken had asked Rose . If she wants her water bottle because the work is huge as sea and it may take time so instead of going in the class every time to drink water they should bring it down now, when it's break . So, Ken assured Rose that he would go up and bring the bottes and she should look over those paper's as they were too important . And after a while Ken reached the Library , the bell ranged . Recess was over for the students but not for Ken and Rose. But they were too sincere students after drinking water , they started their work.



Apurva_Dhanawadecreators' thoughts