What would you do if your bestfriend gets murdered? Are you going to fight or stay still? But ken choose to fight and he is on mission to find the Terminator and get him under bar. Are you ready for adventure with Ken Tesco?
It was another sorrowful morning at
kabra mansion . Today , police were going to reveal postmortem report of Ivan. Mr. kabra didn't slept last night . He was awake whole night .
Mr. kabra waiting for police and finally they arrived. They handed the reports to Mr. kabra and explained," sir , Ivan's death was a well - minded murder. He was given slow poison which killed himself slowly. Forensics team said that poison which was given to him is very rare . Poison was given by mean of juice."
Mr. kabra was not surprised hearing this he knewed that it was a murder. Once again bell ranged at kabra mansion. This time ken arrived. Mr. kabra asked himself that why didn't he went school today. ken answered,"Uncle, yesterday you told that Ivan's postmortem reports are going to come therefore I came here . I want to know what happened to Ivan . " The policeman asked Mr. kabra who was he . Mr. kabra answered he is Ivan's childhood friends and they were in same school."
" Officer, I don't know why my son was murdered but I want my son's murdered as soon as . " - Mr. kabra.
"Sir, we are trying our best and murdered will soon get punished. Just keep trust on us" - policeman. The policeman had now gone from kabra mansion. ken was still there . He asked Mr. kabra was did reports say . "They said somebody gave him poison through juice "- Mr. kabra. ken was shocked to hear this . He said to him that , at night of death Ivan and he visited a small party of school gathering and maybe there somebody must have poisoned him .
The police thought this was done by business rivals of Mr. kabra as he had such a big industry. They thought maybe someone from their rivals might have done this so they started investigation on them . Mr. kabra didn't had trust on police so he hired a detective to find the murderer. On the other hand, ken was on his own way to find the murderer . ken had great impact on his mind of Ivan's death afterall he was his best friend since childhood. He was young man with a mission in his mind to find Ivan's murderer at any cost . But none had a clear idea about who killed Ivan and why?.
Kate and Hazel had gone to school. The atmosphere of classroom was totally different and unknowingly gloomy. The school had left . on the way to home , Kate talked to Hazel about her new instrument she learned but Hazel was in her own thoughts. "Hazel, are you ok . Since, Ivan's death you seem to disturbed . what's the matter?" - said Kate . "No,I am fine . I am just not feeling good . Nothing else is bothering me."-replied Hazel.
"I know especially past few days were very stressful. Let's cheer up . Why don't we three go for movie tommorow . please don't say no ." - said Kate. Hazel suddenly remembered that tommorow is Kate's birthday. so she agreed it too.
It would be first time for Kate's birthday they hadn't planned anything otherwise every year they would celebrate it like a festival.