
The Ruse

"Lose to this man." Kari's blatant command surprise even Hund who was willing to do anything for her.

"... Yes Master." Hund replied, gazing at the intricate drawing of a man in his late-teens. He studied the portrait, taking note of the person's clothes—no doubt a noble son.

"If I may ask Master, why this man?" Hund asked.

"I have use of him." Kari answered, half-heartedly.

"Very well, Master." Hund replied, quelling his curiosity. His immediate obedience pleased Kari. With a rueful smile, the woman patted Hund's head.

"Good boy."

Not a string of letters drawn together could describe the crude exchange between a dog and his master. Alva, who had heard of the exchange from the shadows could only think of insults and degradation at the pitiful sight of a man being led around by a conniving brute.

"Yet another man under that bastard's dreadful control." Alva muttered to himself, watching Hund prepare for his matches.

What do they see in him? Alva bitterly thought to himself. The man was indeed a rare sight to behold.

Eyes that shone like rubies, and lustrous black hair. Coupled with a doll-like face, anyone would feel duped to find out that this beauty is that of a man's. Alva thought to himself.

It was no strange wonder that men were falling at Kari's feet, left and right. Hell, he even had the Crown Prince madly in love with him. Alva bitterly recalled the prince's confession.

Hund finished his preparations and headed out for battle. His matches were anything but entertaining. After all, what's so entertaining about a rigged match?

Instead, Alva found himself watching Kari's miniature reactions and Dustan's longing gaze that never left the bastard.

How revolting. Alva thought to himself.

He remembered the splendor of the Crown Prince, the quiet lad who could command anyone to do his willing. There was no other being capable of matching him in terms of divine powers. And, no lady or lord could even look at him directly in the eye.

Such was his Lord, the Crown Prince of the Elodia Empire.

"And yet he lowers himself to match this barbaric man." Alva growled, his voice drowned by the roar of the crowd.

That filthy, filthy man. If only Alva could simply behead the fool that does not even recognize the splendor of his Lord.

Kari spared a glance towards Alva's direction. She met Alva's piercing gaze. For a moment, the cheers of the crowd were nothing but a buzzing sound to Alva's ears.

He was captivated.

Kari averted her gaze.

Alva continued to stare at the brute. Even the sound of the five minute gong did not snap him out of his bubble.

"Why have I not thought of it before?" Alva muttered to himself.

"What?" Dustan questioned, leaning closer to Alva. But the blonde paid no mind to the prince.

He was captivated—but not in the way that you would think so.

He was captivated, yes, by the hatching scheme in his head. Ah, how beautiful a plan it was—!

Alva couldn't stop himself from chuckling.

"Alva?" Dustan called out.

The blonde finally looked at the prince. He smiled from ear to ear, unable to hide his glee.

"Yes?" He responded. Dustan felt a chill down his spine. But, he dared not comment on the maniacal grin.

"Are you alright?" Dustan asked.

Alva's smile grew wider, if it were possible. "Never better."


"And that's the five-minute mark! Looks like we finally have a challenger who made it past the test and into Kari Faust's domain." The referee enthusiastically announced.

I stood from my seat and walked towards the viscount's son. Passing by Hund, I gave him a smile and patted his back. He did a good show of panting as if the viscount's son were indeed that much of a challenge.

"What is your name?" I asked the lucky winner.

"My name is Alucard Welf of House Welf." The lad replied. I studied him; he has his father's grey eyes and I'm guessing, his amiable personality. Great. The only difference from the pair of father and son is the lad's sandy blonde hair that hinted at his capabilities.

Maybe Hund didn't have the need to fake his loss at all.

"Ladies and gentlemen, Alucard Welf! The son of Viscount Welf and heir to his title! And now, he shall face the one and only Kari Faust!" The referee hyped the crowd.

"Well then, shall we test your talents with my fists?" I posed a defensive stance.

Alucard Welf spared no moment of hesitation. He attacked with gusto, charging at me with his double edged sword. But, within moments, I had the lad by the throat.

I held him up, his feet dangling. Alucard's father was immediately alarmed. I stood still for a moment, allowing fear to register in the viscount's face, reminding him of his place.

Then, to my surprise, the lad drew his sword in a desperate move and lashed for my arm. I dropped him. Alucard caressed his neck, coughing as he greedily gasped at air. I dropped my arm and walked towards him.

"You have shown me your guts, young viscount." I started, standing over him. "I shall hone your skill. Come, join me as my disciple."

I outstretched my hand towards the lad. Hesitantly, Alucard glanced at his father. From the corner of my eyes, I saw the viscount nodding enthusiastically. This pushed the young lad to take my hand.

I pulled him to his feet.

"Ladies and gentlemen, we have our first winner! Sir Alucard Welf!"

The crowd erupted in cheers. They sang Alucard's name.

It was agreed to have Alucard stay on our floor after the tournament was over. Not long after finalizing the arrangements for Alucard, Hund continued to battle the remaining challengers for today. And other than Alucard, he did not forgo anyone else. By the end of the day, Hund managed to keep his prestige. Although, some did question his credibility.

Most of all, I did feel slightly guilty that I had him lose to a noble, of all people. I knew his reputation would take a hit from that. Nevertheless, the larger part of me felt no remorse.

And so, the awaited third day comes.