
Who Said I Couldn't Find Love In Another World?

"Who Said I Couldn't Find Love In Another World" Follows the main character, Max. See, Max was an ordinary boy and had a crush just like any other. His crush though was on his childhood friend and neighbor, Julie. On their last days of high school, he decided to confess his love but when he did so he was sadly let down. Max was then heartbroken and depressed about it, so when he was at home and his mother and he got into an argument he really wasn't having it. So he left the house to go to his friend's place. On his way there he saw Julie crossing the street, but something big was about to happen that would change Max forever, she was going to be hit. Max sacrificed his life to save her and then was reincarnated into a new world with the name Natsuo. Natsuo then has quite a series of unfortunate events like being kidnapped and not having magic in a magic filled world.

Blutricity · Fantasie
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7 Chs

Training and a Royal’s Birthday

Training, not something that's always fun.

To be completely honest I dislike but enjoy doing it at the same time.

The lessons we are learning right now are simple.

Well, not really simple to us, but the way Oliver looks at it, it's simple enough.

He thinks learning how to counter magic attacks is simple.

"Keep your head upon your enemy when fighting, if they can get the advantage on you, you might as well give up. Of course, giving up isn't what you do…"

Oliver was strict, cold, and serious about almost everything.

But Oliver was a good fighter so he fit the job requirements.

We have been in this for about a week and a half, nothing special has been taught to us but that's fine.

Oliver swung down at me, he was very fast even for training.

It strikes against my shoulder and I drop my wooden sword, he then kicks me in the chest and I fall onto the floor.

Could he be more gentle…?

"Get up, we are going again."

God, I don't want to be here anymore…

"I said get up…"

I looked him in the eyes, he seemed to be serious.

Usually, Lilia would go up after I fail then I would go up after her but she wasn't here today, plus he goes easier on her so it's unfair…

"Fine fine…"

I get back up and grab my sword, Oliver positions himself again then I charge towards him.

Today he asked to see if I could land a strike on him at the level I am at right now, I have a feeling it will be asked again in the future.

"Be faster!"

He yells while I go to strike him, he blocks then disarms me with his sword.

He is truly good with the damn sword…

"How can I be faster! Tell me how!"

I fall onto my knees while begging him, I might as well put on a good act to get the answer out of him.

"Train, that's how I got here…"

I grabbed my sword and went to quickly strike him in the leg, he blocked again with his sword and put his shoe on my forehead.

"Try harder…"

He pushed me and I fell backward again.

Damn this guy, I can't wait to kick his a** when I become strong!

I stand up and hold onto my sword, I will not fail this time!

I charge in and he dodges my first attack.

I am glad I know a few things from Father because this next move I am going to do wouldn't have been possible if it wasn't for him.

I pivot my foot and quickly downswing at Oliver again.

He blocked and disarmed me again, I went to punch him and he grabbed my hand.

His face remained serious this whole time, he then pulled me to him and kneed me in the chest.

This guy does realize I am a kid, right?!

I fell onto the floor and gasped for air, I finally caught my breath and looked at Oliver.

I stood up and grabbed my sword again, I charged forward and he swung his sword at me.

I dodged it surprisingly and went for a simple stab towards his abdomen.

He stepped out of the way of it and tripped me, I fell onto my face.

I give up, I will just lay here forever…

"Get up, now."

"No, I don't feel like it."

Oliver stood above me, I could feel his presence…

"Get up."

He just stood there, I didn't feel like getting up at all, so I won't.

I then heard Oliver whisper a word.

"[Water Ball]"

The back of my head ended soaked after he dropped a water ball onto it.

"Ok Ok! I am up! I swear I swear!"

I stand up quickly and look at him, this isn't fun, it's bullying.

Also, why does this guy have to be so handsome?!

I bet he gets all the girls when he tries, that glare is the definition of hot.

"Giving up won't get you anywhere, try again."

He tosses me the wooden sword, I catch it but fumble a bit. I finally got a good hold of it then prepared myself.

Ok, I am ready, I will strike him this time!


I charge towards him and attack, he blocks and I go in for another attack.

For just starting a week ago he has taught me one thing, don't give up.

Most of the tactics I am using right now are from Akio although one counterattack I learned from Oliver.

He blocked my second attack and I went for a third swing, he blocked again and walked backward.

I am getting through his defense, I just have to keep it up.

I go in for one more swing, I am smaller than him so hitting his head is something I can't do sadly…

Before I swung down at Oliver I heard a shout.


I looked to my left and saw Lilia standing there.

Oliver hits my sword out of my hand then kicks me onto the floor again, he then looks at me with his cold glare and speaks.

"Don't get occupied in a fight, if it were to be real you would be dead right now."

Yea, that's understandable but you didn't need to kick me so hard…

"Natsuo! Natsuo guess what!"

Lilia ran over to me as I got up and swept myself off, she stood in front of me with a smile.

It seemed as if she had something to tell me, I wonder what it could be about…

"Yes, Lilia. What is it?"

"My uncle's birthday is today!"

Eh? Uncle? Who exactly is this uncle?

I decided to ask Lilia who it was,

"Hmm, and who might that be."

Oliver walked past us and answered the question for me.

"Her uncle is the king, that's where you kids will be today."

Since when?!

I guess that explains her dad being a duke and all, but still, since when!?

Oliver continued walking and went back into the mansion, he seemed to have better things to do other than conversate.

"Lilia, why wasn't I told this until now?"

She looked at me with a smile then spoke her next words joyfully.

"Because I forgot!"

I facepalm and look at her.

She can't be serious? Can she?

"Ok, that's fine. How far away is the castle?"

She then replied to my question with the same joyful tone.

"About one hour away! You should get ready!"

"I'm going to participate?"

"Well, you're going to be with me the whole time so you will need to look cute, let's put you in a dress!"


She frowned but understood the situation so she didn't do the puppy eyes.

She grabs my hand and takes me into the mansion and towards the direction of my room.

I don't really hate the idea of going to a party but I don't like it either, especially the king's birthday…

We finally reach my room and I walk into it, I make sure that Lilia can't get in.

She's not a pervert or anything but I am scared she might come in here and force me into a dress.

"Are you done yet, Natsuo!?"

I hear Lilia shout from the other side of the door, of course, I am not done I just f*cking got in here!

"No, Lilia! I will be out in a second."

I quickly change into my nice clothes, to be honest, I should've showered although I don't think I have time.

"Are you done now?!"

I hear her shout again, I sometimes want to just punch her face in but I will control myself.

"No, I will be just a little bit longer!"

I brush my hair so it's not all messy then walk out of the room.

The nice party clothes I am wearing are just a black vest with a white button-up under it. I rolled up the sleeves a bit since it was kind of hot.

It also had a chain and a tie, which was black. I wore all this with grey pants, if I am going, to be honest I am looking sexy.

Haha, if only…

"You look nice, you would look better if you were to get into a dress…"

"Haha, you're so funny..."

I made sure to mumble those words quietly so Lilia wouldn't hear, and I don't think she did.

"Ok, let's get going."

Lilia grabbed my hand as she spoke and walked me outside the mansion.

As we exited the mansion we stood in front of a carriage, the same fancy carriage that I saw with Shea when I entered the capital.

I miss the free life, maybe I should try and escape…

"Get in, Lilia."

Vincent walked past us and welcomed Lilia into the carriage first.

She stepped in then he got in, I didn't really know what to do until Lilia called me in, it seemed Eris was already in the carriage.

I haven't talked to her much since she is usually off doing something, I don't think she necessarily likes or dislikes me.

I sat awkwardly next to Lilia, Eris and Vincent sat in front of us on the other side.

About a minute passed after Lilia and Vincent started saying bye to the mansion, I guess we were spending the night there at the castle.

The carriage finally took off and we were on our way, I guess I should've brought an extra pair of clothes unless someone already did that…

I admire the capital as we ride through it, it was truly a beautiful place with bad people inside of it.

I felt tired from training and before I knew it I fell asleep.


I heard a voice echo, I open my eyes and see that I am the black void again.

I looked around and saw Julie, she looked at me and smiled.

Man, being in an adult body is great…

"Hey, what's up…"

I walked over to her, she was sitting down with her legs crossed so I sat next to her in the same position.

"How have you been?"

I asked, she hesitated then smiled, it was the kinda smile that told me she was having a good life.


"So, what's happened in your amazing life?"

She looked at me with the same smile then answered.

"Well, I got married and I have a kid now…"

"That's great, good to know you're on the right track…"

It hurt to hear but I didn't have feelings for her anymore…

"Max, this conversation we are having is real right?"

Being called Max feels weird…

"Yes, it's as real as it gets…"

"Where have you been in this past life thing?"

I can't really tell her that I was reincarnated, can I?

I chuckled and looked at her, I decided to tell her.

"You won't believe it!"

"What do you mean I won't believe it…?"

"Well let me tell you!"

I explained to her the whole thing like me meeting death and getting another chance at life, me meeting Emilia, the fact I don't have magic in this new world, how I met Shea and also how I got kidnapped, the fact I was enslaved and the whole ordeal of training with Oliver.

I even told her how I am going to the king's birthday right now.

As I finished speaking my body started glowing and I felt like I was shrinking, I looked down at my body and realized I was in Natsu- no, my body…

"What happened to you…?"

Julie looked confused, very confused.

"I was reincarnated, didn't I just tell you?"

I chuckled and then waved with a smile, everything started glowing and sparkling again.

My eyes opened, I was back in reality…

I could tell because I heard Lilia speaking.

"We are here Natsuo!"

She pulled me out of the carriage as we walked towards the castle, I looked up at it.

It was massive and to be honest I was jealous people got to live in it…

"Hurry up Natsuo!"

I was being pulled quickly into the castle while being welcomed by maids and butlers.

"Well hello, Lilia!"

Lilia let go of my wrist and jumped into some dude's arms.

"And who is this?"

The man looked at me whilst he spoke, Vincent came up to me and whispered something into my ear.

"He is the king, you should bow…"

"Huh, oh, yea!"

I bow, kind of embarrassing I didn't realize it was the king…

"I am Natsuo Gushiken, I am honored to, um, be in your presence…"

Great, I just had to freeze up…

The king laughs and then tells me to rise.

"This is my private butler, uncle!"

She seemed happy to have a butler, I mean I would be too…

"Oh I see, you're a butler. Hahaha, no worries, if Lilia asks for you to be treated nicely then it shall be done!"

"Thank you, Your Majesty."

Formality in names is weird but I am glad I read a lot of novels to know about them.

"Yes, please treat him, well uncle!"

So does everyone just follow Lilia's order…?

Vincent and Eris start to talk to the king and Lilia grabs my wrist and pulls me around the castle, showing me what rooms are which.

"This is where we will be staying?"

We? What does she mean we? Are we going to sleep in the same room?

"We? What do you mean by that?"

"I asked if it was ok, I dislike sleeping in a room that isn't mine alone, so father said it was ok!"

I see, then it should be fine, as long as I don't have to wear a dress…

"Well, when does the party start?"

"Well, most of the people are already here so soon!"

I see, ok then this should be fine…

"Well let's go!"

About an hour later

The party officially starts and people are having a joyful time dancing to the music, I don't know how to dance whatsoever so I won't even try…

It seemed that Lilia was dancing with the prince, he seemed like a cocky a**hole.

I don't think they have the incest type thing in this world for the royalty but maybe they do.

I walked up to Vincent who was just talking with Eris.

"Oh, Natsuo, what do you need?"

"I was wondering if you are going to force marriage on Lilia?"

He looked at me with his expression that went from happy to serious.

"Are you thinking you will go out with my daughter…"

"No no you had the wrong ide-"

"We are trying to get her together with the prince, do you have a problem with that?"

His voice was getting slightly louder and more aggravated, he also brought his face closer to mine.

After examining his face for a bit I could tell he was a bit drunk…

"No, I swea-"

"Do you think a slave like you will be able to go out with a goddess like that!?!"

He raised his voice by 10x, he was so loud and angry it was almost frightening.

In the next moment a brown, curly-haired boy walked up to us, he was about as tall as Lilia and she was a decent size bigger than me.

"I see, this trash wants to go out with my lady…?"

The prince was the boy who walked up to us, what did I do to deserve this.

The music was done playing and everyone surrounded us.

The prince rolled up his sleeves and Lilia grabbed him.

"Don't do this, I don't like him!"

He gently pushes Lilia to the side and Vincent stands next to her, holding her back.

"Let me show you how a slave is supposed to be treated…"

He raised his fist and went to punch my face.

My reflexes quickly kicked in and grabbed his hand and threw him over my shoulder.

He was surprisingly light and even if that punch did hit me I wouldn't have been fazed, this douche was a weakling…

"You trash!"

He got up and swiped himself off, he charged at me again and went for another punch, I dodged it and struck him in the crotch with my fist.

He coughed and fell onto his knees, is he going to give up…?

"Damn you! Guards get him!"

About four guards in metal armor surround me, I can't really run can I?

"Stop thi-"

Vincent covered Lilia's mouth as she yelled.

While in pain, the douchey prince shouted,

"Take this bastard away!"

Wait, no! Why! I didn't do anything except defend myself!

"This is an order by Prince Arlington!"

The knights shouted and came closer to me, I was grabbed but before I was dragged out of the room I heard a loud slapping noise.

"Tell these bastards to drop Natsuo!"

It came from Vincent, I looked around but couldn't really see because the guards were in my way.

"I am sorry honey…"

I heard Vincent, he seemed to sound sad.

In the next moment Lilia pushed through the guards and to me, she pulled me away from the guard's arm, well she tried anyways…

"Tadashi, tell these guards to let him go!"

"But Lili-"


So Tadashi Is this kid's name.

I am sure Lilia would've called out for the king but he wasn't here at the moment…

"Let him go…!"

The guards loosen their grip on me and I slip out, I drop onto the floor and Lilia hugs me.

I laugh a bit and then hug her back.

The fight would've lasted longer if it was anyone else but I got to fight someone weaker than me…

"What happened?"

The king enters the room and the guards and a few others bow, including me.

"Please rise. I would like to know what happened while I was away."

Lilia runs up to him and explains the whole thing, he nods then points towards Ben.

"Get out, now."

"But Fath-"

The king's glare became serious and Tadashi visibly shook, he stood up and limped out of the room.

"Now, let the party continue."

The king walked up to me as people whispered, other people just continued as they were doing.

"Natsuo, I am deeply sorry for the trouble that was caused, it was mostly my drunken brother and my stupid son. Could you forgive me?"

I nod and smile, the king is apologizing to me? This is a once-in-a-lifetime thing!

"Yes I can, thank you for the apology."

He smiled and the party really continued.

I guess Eris was the one who smacked Vincent, Vincent then also got another talking to from the king.

Besides that, the night went by quickly and it was already time to sleep.

I went to the room I was supposed to be in and got ready to sleep, then Lilia entered the room in her sleepwear.

I am glad I was packed with sleepwear so I don't have to wear a suit…

"Where do I sleep, Lilia?"

She pointed to the bed and went into it, she seemed tired also.

"No it's fine I will sleep here."

I pointed to a sofa and laid down on it with the blanket I had.

"Why won't you sleep over here, Natsuo?"

"It would be rude of me, sorry. I am going to decline…"


She plopped down onto her bed, she seemed mad about not being able to sleep with me.

I fell asleep about a few minutes later, the next morning came sooner than expected.

A Month Later

Nothing really happened after we left the castle, Tadashi was pissed at me and Lilia was pissed at him.

The king made Tadashi say sorry before we left and I got a kick out of that, I laughed inside but I knew it would be disrespectful to laugh in front of him.

I never caught the King's or Queen's first name but I don't think it really matters all that much.

Oliver finally started teaching me different ways to fight and I have been working out also, I want to be stronger.

At the moment I am in front of Oliver, we are having a practice duel, I usually lose them but this time I have hope.

It has only been a month so I doubt I will but still, hope is key!


I charge towards him and he goes in for an attack, it was fast but I managed to dodge it.

I could tell he has been trying a little harder since the first practice duel between us.

I went in for an attack and swung towards his side, he blocked and went to kick me.

I tried blocking with my sword but I ended up losing grip because he hit my sword so hard.

I fall backward and land on my butt.

"Why are you always so rough…"

I asked while I got up.

"Because you will always be weak if you aren't made stronger"

That doesn't mean you need to beat up a child…

"Once more then training is done for today."

Good, we have been going at it for at least four and a half hours now, including breaks…


I charged at him once more and he jumped out of the way of my first attack.

He went for a swing at my back but I rolled and positioned myself towards him again.

I have been practicing this cool little spin with my sword so I did one of those as my roll ended.

He chuckled and spun his sword around like a Hawaiian fire dancer and tossed it around from hand to hand, he finally stopped and charged at me.

He always has to one-up me, doesn't he?

He swung his sword towards me and I block it, he attacks again and I block the second one, with his third attack I decided to counter but he dodged.

"You have been progressing well for just a month, shall I try my hardest."

A smirk comes onto his face, this is the first time I saw him have anything remotely close to a smile.

I feel like I got this, let's do it!

"Yea! Come atm-"

He disappeared from my vision, in the next few seconds I was knocked onto my stomach.

I guess Oliver ended up behind me and kicked me onto the floor, I turned around and he had his sword pointed at me.

"Not fair! I didn't even finish my sentence!"

He chuckled then walked back to the mansion, he seemed to have fun instead of being cold and serious that time around.

I think I am starting to like Oliver…

I got up and swept myself off.

I need a shower after today, I got so dirty and sweaty it's actually disgusting…

Please tell me if there is anything that needs to be fixed, thank you.

Blutricitycreators' thoughts