
Who Said I Can't Script a Real-Life Rom-Com?

Imagine transferring to a new school and finding out your deskmate is basically the protagonist of a real-life harem anime. Naturally, I did the only logical thing: I became his unofficial love advisor. It’s all fun and games until the script flips, and I realize that the romance I’ve been engineering might not be as predictable as I thought—especially when I’m no longer just the director.

MrLeast · Urban
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15 Chs

Bad news:(

Hello dear readers, unfortunately, today I have a bit of bad news. Since school, additional courses, training, and so on have started for me, it's been really hard to manage my schedule. It's very difficult to fit in writing chapters alongside my personal life. Writing one chapter takes from 3 to sometimes 4 hours, and considering that I wake up at 5 in the morning and come home late in the evening (around 9 to 10 PM), I've barely had time to sleep lately.

I will still try to write chapters every day (fitting writing into breaks, like on the way to school or during lunch), but there will be moments like now when I'm simply exhausted and can't write a chapter of sufficient quality. I will still aim to write at least 5 chapters a week, and if I can, I'll write additional chapters, but as you can see, I can't make any promises. I would really appreciate any criticism/advice because this is my first experience in writing books, and English is my third language 🥲 so sometimes it gets quite challenging. I hope for your support!

sorry guys, I let you down again

MrLeastcreators' thoughts