
Who Reigns Above All

From the mysterious death of the King of the Grendale Kingdom, a web of destiny quietly weaves. In an academy where noble houses hold the threads of power, a time-honored tradition unfolds—the Crowning Game, where the next lone supreme ruler of the kingdom is chosen. However, among the select group of candidates, young heirs and heiresses from noble houses, there's one who stands apart—a mysterious candidate named Jean, who just suddenly became a part of all this thrill. Jean is an enigma, a recent addition to the candidate roster who knows nothing of noble life. While others have trained for years, Jean is an outsider, a wild card in this sacred selection. As children of disparate lineages, their fates intertwine beneath the watchful eyes of the anonymously hidden agendas. At stake: the throne of Grendale Kingdom. Where the stakes were at their highest, an unlikely duo found themselves working in the shadows, shrouded in mystery and intrigue. Maximiel, the stern and capable son of the Academy's Headmistress, was a force to be reckoned with. Raised under the weight of immense expectations, he was known for his unwavering dedication to victory. His demeanor was as sharp as his skills, and his presence alone was a testament to his power. In stark contrast, Jean, the free-spirited newest addition to this prestigious assembly, was a breath of fresh air. Seemingly naive and unknowing, he had stumbled into a world of noble manipulations and secrets of royalty. His lack of knowledge made him an anomaly, and some considered him an easy target amidst the cunning and ambitious candidates. Each candidate possesses a unique talent, a skill honed through years of training, but Jean's abilities remain unknown. Amidst the gilded walls, friendships will be forged, loyalties tested, and rivalries ignited. Every choice they make, every alliance they form, will shape the legacy of the entire kingdom. As the Crowning Game progresses, the suspense mounts, and the question lingers—who is Jean, and how will his presence alter the fate of this sacred selection. In a place where power, mind games, and strength converge, the echoes of their choices will resonate through Grendale's history. Secrets will unravel, alliances will shift, and the crown will find its rightful heir. Witness where nobility and suspense dance hand in hand, to see who will emerge as the supreme leader, the puppet master of Grendale's destiny—who reigns above all.

Fireflee · Fantasie
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3 Chs

CHAPTER 2: Lisa Lantis

[Awaiting in the river of time

On the summer, glowing blue

Upon the waters of bloom]

The blue carriage came to an abrupt halt after several hours of travel. With a book in hand, Leo gently shakes Lisa's shoulder to awake her from her slumber, her head lolling back, mouth agape, a rivulet of saliva escaping her lips—an unpleasant sight that prompted Leo's inner thoughts to recoil. His efforts persisted until Lisa jolted awake, her initial grogginess giving way to a sharp slap across Leo's cheek.

"Ah! Oh, my Goddess!" Lisa shrieked, regret swiftly replacing her shock.

"I'm so sorry! Wha- why didn't you just tell me to wake up!" she exclaimed, her hand over her mouth, casting a reproachful gaze upon Leo's annoyed visage, his palm pressed to his smarting cheek.

"Very well, madam... wake up," Leo replied in a tone dripping with sarcasm and an unfeeling apathy that surpassed any she had ever encountered. Lisa rolled her eyes at Leo's jest, exhaled an exasperated sigh, and strode to the carriage door, throwing it open to reveal their destination.

The astonishing sight met her, it was Dempfion Academy, the name etched above the grand entrance gates where numerous noble carriages are below. The school sprawled before them, an expansive compound of seven unique buildings encircled by a towering wall, a school almost rivaling the expanse of their kingdom. Each structure boasted distinct architectural marvels, oozing sophistication and artistry. The embellishments whispered of royalty, the trees bordering the walkways exuded serenity, and a blossoming garden at the center completed the enchanting view of the place. Lisa found herself whispering a soft "Wow" under her breath, though she couldn't ignore the eerie emptiness that clung to the place.

"Good. Less attention, but perhaps I'm the last one to arrive." Lisa murmured to herself, determinedly navigating through the imposing entrance gates. Her butler, faithful Leo, emerged from the carriage to handle her luggage.

"Let us proceed to admissions, Madam. Prepare yourself," Leo declared, his steps leading the way.

"I am always prepared. They better be prepared for me," Lisa retorted, trailing behind with an air of unshakable confidence.

Arriving at the admissions desk, Leo promptly initiated the necessary formalities while Lisa relaxed on a bench, her gaze wandering the ornate chandeliers, intricate decor, and grand staircase, taking in every detail with delight. However, her reverie was abruptly interrupted by a familiar voice.

"Hi, Lis!" a girl exclaimed, causing Lisa's eyes to widen as she turned to face her.

"Did you miss me? Lis?" the young lady inquired; Lisa's curiosity swiftly overshadowed by annoyance.

"Not at all. And please, don't call me Lis. Do you want me to call you Poo?" she quipped with a wry smile.

"No way! My name, Poorsha, is so authentic. And you'd just call me 'Poo'? Eew!" Poorsha retorted, matching Lisa's half-smile.

Poorsha smiled too, as she saw how Lisa is amused by her as always, with her short auburn hair, brown eyes and a bright yellow dress that matched her peanut-colored skin. She reached into her orange bag and said, "By the way, I have a new-"

"No. Please. I am not interested in any of your products. And I've said it before, haven't I? I am not interested in any alliances you all have," Lisa asserted, her patience wearing thin.

"You think I want to team up? Have you not known me at all, Lisa? I am not here for their stupid alliances; I am here solely for business! And you should see what I'm selling first, before you decide not to buy it. You're such a geez," Poorsha replied while rifling through her bag.

Lisa observed Poorsha's determination. That's Poorsha for you, she's heavily influenced by her father, the House of Fenekon that manages each merchant and all the marketplaces throughout the kingdom, but I cannot really trust her, she said in herself.

"Yeah, right. Classic Poorsha of House Fenekon. But guess what, I am still not interested," Lisa declared, but it appeared her words fell on deaf ears.

"This! Finally!" Poorsha exclaimed, pulling out a small, transparent box filled with glittering violet powder that shimmered under the ambient light.

"Hey! THAT'S A—"

Before Lisa could finish her sentence, Poorsha pressed a finger to her lips, Poorsha's grin turning menacing, her brown eyes seemingly transforming into a luminous yellow. The surroundings darkened as her attention fixed on Lisa, her smile and piercing gaze instilling dread. Lisa swallowed hard as she hears Poorsha's more relaxed breath as she speaks "I know Liza, shush. Isn't it delightful that the black market offers this?"

"I-I..." Lisa stammered, unable to find her voice, her eyes locked onto Poorsha, who withdrew her finger and began inspecting the box. It was illegal—a possession Poorsha shouldn't have in her hands.

"Am I expecting ten gold coins?" Poorsha inquired, peering at Lisa once more.

Lisa remained shaken, her silence speaking volumes. Poorsha's brows furrowed briefly, but her grin returned as she said, "Oh, I see, you don't think this is real? Well, let me test it on you—"

"Enough!" Leo's voice reverberated through the room, halting Poorsha's intention to open the box.

Leo approached them and said, "The games haven't started yet, Madam Poorsha. I will—"

"Oh? I don't recall that a butler has the authority to—"

"I apologize for his reckless behavior, Miss Fenekon, but please excuse us; we really have to go," Lisa interjected as she rose, gripping Leo's arm.

"Hey, wait! What about this? Don't you want to—"

"No. I don't want to. Farewell, Poorsha," Lisa responded and turned to walk away with Leo.

"The Fenekons and their dirty business, huh? Amusing," Leo remarked as they strolled and went away.

He caught sight of Lisa's serious and vexed expression. Lisa noticed his gaze and brightened slightly, stopping at the exit.

"What?" she asked.

"Was I wrong to intervene, Madam?" Leo inquired.

"No. You saved me there, Leo. I owe you that one," Lisa conceded, her thoughts momentarily lost in contemplation.

"Why didn't you buy it then? Ten gold coins mean nothing to you, Madam," Leo ventured. Lisa met his eyes and sighed.

"I don't want to be entangled with her or anyone in this absurd game. I can't simply trust her and purchase that item, even if it might give me an advantage. Besides, I know she's planning something, and I don't like it when a Fenekon is really panning something," Lisa firmly stated, striding out of the building.

Leo collected her luggage and followed her. Before leaving, he glanced back and saw Poorsha watching them with her eerie smile before turning away.

"Hmm... I suppose the games have already begun. Do your best, Lisa. And save Grendale," Leo said, then turned to follow his master.

After half an hour of different processes they went through. The two of them entered a building, and is now alone in a hallway where they stopped at a door, her hand poised on the handle, ready to turn it. But then, a sudden hesitation seized her.

"What troubles you, Madam?" Leo inquired, his perceptive gaze capturing her apparent stasis.

Lisa mumbled, her gaze shifting back to Leo, a smile gracing her lips. "Uhm..."

"Thank you so much, Leo, for your unwavering support. But please—"

Lisa's words were gently cut short as Leo interjected, a profound seriousness infusing his gaze, his eyes misting with emotion. "Please, spare me your farewells. I am confident that you'll win this, Lisa."

Lisa bowed her head, exhaling deeply as she wiped away a stray tear. "I'm not saying goodbye Leo. I am just thanking you. And thank you for believing in me, and I promise that I will get to see you again, no matter what it takes, I will finish what we started. It's just appropriate to thank you because this is the first time that you won't get to see me for a long time." She embraced Leo, her voice carrying unwavering determination.

"You are always welcome," Leo responded as he gently lowered her bags and enveloped her in an embrace.

After a minute Lisa stepped back and Leo said, "Also Madam, I know you don't want to get involved to other people but there's this saying I learned from my years in the marine." Lisa looked at him with curiosity.

"The sea is always unpredictable Lisa, but that's why you would need the help of people around you, and that's what makes your voyage interesting." Leo asserted with a reassuring smile.

"So, having allies in your fight can be valuable in the long run." Leo added.

"That still depends on the run I'm taking. And I know all of them, none of them are worthy to be my ally Leo, you know that already, right?" Lisa countered with a determined resolve.

Leo sighed in response, pondering her words. After a contemplative moment, he hoisted her bags once more. "I wish you the utmost luck, Madam. Until we meet again, next year." and turned around.

Lisa expressed her gratitude. "Thank you. Also, kindly place my bags on the bed, so that I may pack more easily later." Leo halted in his tracks and smiled, gazing out the window before him.

"Understood. I shall ensure your dormitory is tidied impeccably. Farewell, Lisa," Leo conveyed before Lisa finally entered the room.

Upon opening the door, a classroom was revealed to her and she was met by a middle-aged lady wearing teal and purple uniform standing beside a table, with numerous peers of Lisa's age arranged before the lady in academic chairs. Lisa briefly scanned the room before addressing her.

The grandiose classroom within exuded an aura of gravity and formality. Its vaulted ceilings soared above, adorned with intricate carvings that depicted legendary battles and scholarly pursuits. Tall, arched windows on one side of the room filtered dim sunlight, casting long shadows upon the polished stone floors. Heavy, velvet curtains, deep crimson in color, framed each window, adding a sense of opulence to the surroundings.

Rows of meticulously crafted wooden desks, each etched with the emblem of the academy, were lined up in regimented order. Each seat held a candidate, their formal attire draped with care. The candidates' expressions were serious, their faces etched with determination and a hint of apprehension. These young individuals, heirs to noble houses, gathered here for a solemn purpose.

A tense silence hung in the air, only occasionally broken by the faint rustling of parchment or the soft creaking of leather-clad candidates shifting in their seats. The atmosphere was electric with anticipation, as if the very walls held their breath, awaiting the momentous event about to unfold.

In this room steeped in tradition and secrecy, the candidates were acutely aware of the weight of their responsibilities. The future of their noble houses rested on their shoulders, and the academy's rigorous selection process was their path to power and influence. The suspense was heavy, and the room crackled with the energy of young minds prepared for the challenges that lay ahead.

After looking around for short seconds, Lisa finally addressed the lady, "Pardon my tardiness. I hope I haven't arrived too late."

The lady responded with a wry smile, her gaze piercing. "No apologies necessary. Please, take a seat."

Lisa nodded and made her way to a chair in the last row.

"Who might she be?" Lisa whispered to herself, her eyes shifting briefly to the lady, who briefly shot her a disdainful look before returning to a composed expression. Lisa rolled her eyes and directed her attention to her fellow attendees, her supposed "classmates", the other candidates that'll be her competition for the whole year of this crowning game.

"It seems I am the only one who's late," Lisa remarked quietly, a sly grin playing on her lips as she surveyed her peers from behind.

The middle-aged lady finally broke the silence. "Now that all of you are present, I require your—"

There was a sharp rap at the door, and it swung open to reveal a vibrant yet bashful voice. A young man stood at the doorway, hesitantly addressing the lady, "Uhm... hi?"

He finally entered the room and faced the lady, "I'm sorry, is this the room for the orientation? They told me to uhm... go here. I hope I didn't bother anything." He asked and scratched his head as a hint of slight embarrassment. But still he smiles brightly, he's Jean Schédio, and he always smiles brightly.

A palpable silence descended upon the room as all eyes turned to the newcomer wearing a formal wear like them, their collective thoughts echoing the same question: "Who is he?"

The lady arched a bemused eyebrow before replying, "Indeed. This is the orientation. Please, take a seat."

"Okay, thank you!" the young man replied enthusiastically as he navigated the room and sat beside Lisa.

As he sits, he noticed the lingering glances directed his way. He turned his gaze toward Lisa, seeking answers. "Why were they all looking at me?" he inquired, his voice soft but curious.

Lisa briefly averted her gaze from the lady at the front, her brow furrowing as she met his eyes. "Of course, you're the joker." Lisa replied shortly.

"Huh? That's not a joke-"

Lisa turned to face him directly. "You are the joker of this game, are you not?"

"I don't get it. What joker are you talking about-"

Jean's words were cut short as the lady in front spoke, "Now let's proceed. I am Sera Caulily, the head mistress. And I hereby announce the official rules of the crowning game." Sera sternly announced.

Sera commenced her explanation in an authoritative tone. "Each one of you, as members of royal lineage, represents your noble houses and stands as a candidate for the future King or Queen of our kingdom. To rule as monarchs, you must excel in both intellect and physical prowess that will be tested in this school. You will attend classes like ordinary students and hopefully excel in your examinations.", all the candidates seemed unfazed, except for Jean who seems excited.

"However, you will also partake in such games, they can be anything." Sera declared firmly.

"Rule as monarchs? Games? Wow." Jean excitedly said to himself.

"As they can be anything, they can also be the reason of your demise." Sera continued, Jean's jaw dropped in surprise.

"But fear not," Sera continued, her lips curling into a sly smile, "I know all of you are preparing for this moment, this year of selection, and one of you candidates shall be crowned ruler of the kingdom."

Jean pondered this revelation for a moment, then leaned back in his chair with newfound understanding. "Ah, I see. Crowned ruler... No. Can I just forfeit?", he casually said to himself.

"What's up with him?" Lisa asked to herself as she heard what he said and saw his obvious reactions on every word of Sera.

"But for now, all of you are students of this school, abiding by the school rules. And for the special rules of this tradition, you have to remember five things," Sera raised her fist for counting the rules.

"First, you cannot disrupt an on-going class. Professors would be permitted to eliminate you once you do." Sera stated with a serious face.

Jean, his gaze fixed on Lisa, interrupted with a puzzled tone, "Eliminate? What does she mean?"

"Kill. They can kill you." Lisa responded. Jean's eyes widen from what she said and redirected his attention to Sera.

"That's scary, why would that be a rule? They should be specific what kind of disrupt leads to that. There are so many ways that a class can be disrupted... accidentally. A lot of possibilities." Jean said to himself.

That's true, what an insightful man, Lisa said to herself while looking at him. Although Jean appeared to be listening, his eyes wandered across the room, taking in the surroundings—the ambient lighting, the elegant seating, and their refined attire.

"Secondly, escaping or leaving the campus is strictly prohibited, and we have taken measures to ensure compliance. Look out the windows." Sera said and gestured all the candidates to look at the windows of the classroom beside her.

All eyes turned to the windows, where soldiers stood, forming an imposing formation outside.

"So, we're basically trapped here?" Jean queried; his gaze fixed on Sera.

"Yes," Lisa coldly replied. Jean shrugged and said, "Alright. I might be dreaming." and refocused his attention on Sera.

"Thirdly, participation in all exams and games is mandatory. Any deviation will result in disqualification," Sera announced with a smile.

Jean suddenly asked, "What happens if one gets disqualified? Are they sent home?"

Lisa, now irritated, retorted, "Something like that. How do you not know this, Joker?" Her gaze never left Jean, who seemed to be ignoring her and didn't heard of what she said, his expression impassive.

"Hmm," Lisa murmured, narrowing her eyes in intrigue as she turned her attention back to Sera.

"Fourth, a murder on a professor or a normal student will ultimately remove you to this game." Sera said.

"Murder? But no one would do such thing." Jean said to himself. Lisa heard this and smiled.

"But all of us can do such thing." Lisa replied, making Jean uncomfortable with her response.

"Oh, right," Jean conceded, embarrassed.

Sera proceeded, "Fifth, the sacred selection of Grendale's Tale will commence." and Sera smiled again with such anticipation.

This statement piqued everyone's interest, and they briefly turned their attention toward Jean, their heads that turned to look at him for a second but looked back at Sera again.

"W-What?" Jean inquired softly to himself as he saw them turn their heads to look at him for a second.

"That concludes the rules. I wish you all the best of luck. Shortly, you will be escorted to your dormitories, and your class schedules for tomorrow will be provided there. Farewell, candidates. May the Goddess smile upon you," Sera concluded, and curtsies before exiting the room.

Jean couldn't contain his curiosity. "What is this sacred selection? What if it's like a test? Oh no. I'm so confused at everything. Do you know what is it?" he asked, touching Lisa's shoulder to gain her attention.

Lisa, however, stared back at him with a sharp expression. "Why are you acting this way?" she questioned.

"Huh?" Jean responded, looking perplexed.

"You're unbelievable," Lisa muttered in annoyance. She rose from her seat and joined the other candidates as they filed out of the room.

As she stood up, Poorsha approached them. "Quite audacious of you to show up already, Joker. What's your name?" she inquired sarcastically.

Jean was bewildered. "I'm Jean, what joker are you talking about?"

"Playing ignorant, I see, I'm Poorsha." Poorsha retorted with a smile.

"To be honest, I'm genuinely confused by all of this. I don't even belong here," Jean admitted.

"Belong?" Poorsha questioned, raising an eyebrow.

"Yes, I'm not a noble like the rest of you. I'm not even fit to be a leader. And this outfit is just borrowed! Pretty fancy, though, don't you think?" Jean replied with a cheerful tone, straightening his purple formal attire.

"Yeah it is. I admire your confidence." Poorsha responded condescendingly. However, Jean remained focused on fixing his collar, seemingly oblivious to her remarks.

Suddenly, Poorsha pulled out a silver pin shaped like an eye with two swords in its purple pupils. "This matches your attire. Let me attach it for you!" she offered, placing the pin on Jean's collar. Lisa stared at Poorsha, her expression silently asking, "What are you doing?"

"Wow, thank you!" Jean exclaimed.

"You're welcome! Now, that'll be one silver," Poorsha said, extending her hand.

"What? I thought you were giving it to me. I'm sorry, but I don't have any money with me right now—" Jean began.

"Okay!" Poorsha interrupted in a high-pitched tone.

"Huh?" Jean questioned, perplexed.

"You owe me one silver, Jean. You'll have to pay up soon. Nice meeting you," Poorsha declared before walking out the door.

"What? No, I'll return it!" Jean turned around, but Poorsha had already left.

"Oh, no. How am I going to come up with one silver?" Jean lamented.

"You won't. She's Poorsha of House Fenekon, you don't know her? She'll likely ask for something in return other than silver," Lisa replied, watching the two of them the whole time.

"What do you mean? She clearly asked for one silver. Back in my village, I'd have to sell three sacks of wheat for that," Jean said, his tone filled with melancholy.

"Village?" Lisa inquired.

"Yeah, Monsdeur Village. The village outside the kingdom capital, you know, the land where agriculture blooms and the life there is simple. Damn, I miss home." Jean said while gazing out of the window, seemingly lost in thoughts and the memories from what he said suddenly.

Lisa recalled a moment when she had been in a carriage and witnessed royal knights surrounding a villager's home. "You're from that village? Are you the mayor's son?" she asked.

"What? No, Lisa, I'm far from being a mayor's son," Jean replied. Lisa was taken aback by his response and fell into deep thought.

"Yes, indeed. Being a mayor's son wouldn't grant you nobility. You've dug yourself into quite a hole, Joker," Lisa muttered to herself.

"I don't even know what joker you're talking about, I'm certainly the most unfunny guy I know." Jean nervously and sarcastically replied.

"Indeed, your feigned ignorance is not amusing. You are an outsider, the Joker, the King's murderer, and a threat to us all," Lisa declared, her gaze sharp. She looked around for a moment and took a step back.

"Huh?" Jean inquired in response to her accusations.

Lisa poised herself with one foot behind, her shoulders slanting, and her hand holding her sapphire-colored necklace. "I, Lisa Lantis, the Undine, shall execute you in the name of Grendale's justice," she declared with utmost seriousness.

"Lisa, no... an executioner's exordium," Jean gasped in shock.

Executioner's exordium is the Grendale's tradition which an executioner will be stating their name and title as proof of authority before the execution. As all nobles have titles, they all do the executioner's exordium to state their power and honor Grendale's tradition in general. This was also instilled to high-ranking warriors and gladiators of the kingdom, and other higher class of citizens with titles who are about to battle or to kill. Executioner's exordium is a serious warning that only nobles can do so freely, citizens with no power nor given title doing this are arrested when caught on the act by authorities.

When a noble states this, they are surely determined to kill. Lisa's actions echo with profoundly justice, tradition, and power, that our choices paint the portrait of our character. Like an artist, crafting our narrative with each stroke from the past, present, and future, shaping not only ourselves but also how the world perceives us.

Our actions are under constant scrutiny, passing judgment on our every move. The legacy we leave becomes a part of history, and our reputation serves as a lens through which others view us—a mirror reflecting our character, honor, and commitment to our guiding principles.

Lisa epitomizes the delicate equilibrium one must maintain. She carries the weight of her actions with grace and determination, aware that in life's uncertainty, each seemingly insignificant thread contributes to the fabric of destiny itself, ensuring to grab every opportunity even if no one understands.

[A woman of bravery, and power

Like a blue lotus blosomming

Amidst the cruel, graceful river]

Lisa glared at Jean in front of him who's still seemingly confused yet surprisingly no hints of fear. Lisa held her necklace much more tightly, as her eyes start to glow into a color of dark, deep blue.

What will happen next as Lisa's determined to get rid of Jean? Who is Lisa and what is the House of Lantis? What is the sacred selection? What does being the joker mean and why is Jean accused of being one? Does magic really exist in this story?

If you're curious to find out, look forward to the next chapter.

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