
Who Is Your Baby Mama- (Will Be Republished)

THIS STORY HAS BEEN REPUBLISHED WITH THE SAME TITLE... "WHO IS YOUR BABY MAMA" CONTINUE READING FROM THERE... THANKS Having a baby will only ruin her body and her career. After Nate kept on pestering Quinn about having a baby, she couldn’t, she didn’t want to get pregnant. Adoption was never an option for her until she found her long lost friend. Because of what she had been through, she agreed to the contract to carry the pregnancy for her because of the money. Nate, having the chance to lay with his crush, used the opportunity. What happened after her third miscarriage? Who is the owner of the baby? Quinn or Paige? Find out in… Who Is Your Baby Mama?

Pop_Corn_0765 · Urban
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33 Chs

Making Her Sign The Papers

Betsy's smile slowly faded. She coughed out a smile glaring at Quinn. She didn't understand her present reaction.

"Why do you seem so surprised?" She asked.

Quinn cleared her throat and wore a fake smile. She shouldn't be angry, it's her child also.

"I was surprised, yes. I mean, it's just two weeks"

Betsy's smile revived again.

"Can't wait for Nate to hear the good news" she said and started walking up the stairs.

"Um... Allow me to tell him the news. He should hear it from his wife" she said. Betsy rolled her eyes and smirked.

"I think he should hear the news from the one carrying the pregnancy and that's me. I will tell him myself"

"I made you into what you are now. Don't make me take it from you Betsy. You will listen to me and do exactly as I say"

"Yes madam" she snorted and walked away. She was carrying Nate's child and that's what she was happy about. She can't wait to get the one million after giving birth to the child.

"Nine months, just nine months" Betsy murmured as she walked into her room. She sat down on her bed brought out her phone.

She went to the search engine and and started typing some words.

"How to... Give birth in less than nine months..." She muttered as she typed.



Paige left the office when it was 4pm. She took a bus home and finally arrived. She wanted to see the surprise Zane had for her. She felt guilty pushing him away from herself.

"Should I just let him touch me?" She asked herself as she walked up the stairs.

"He could take advantage of that" she replied to her question.

"I should just let him kiss me instead" she added and walked to her room. She pushed the door open and saw that it was locked. Zane wasn't home yet.

She frowned and started looking for her key inside her bag. For the past two weeks, she has been coming home to meet Zane at home but now, he isn't home today. She didn't know know how she trusted him so much to give him a spare key. She finally found the key and opened the door. Out of tiredness, she threw herself on the couch. She shut her eyes, day dreaming. Little did she know that she was falling asleep.


Nate decided to visit his friend since it was already weekend. He wanted to have some drink with Dylan. He pulled over in front of his studio. He left the car and walked to the studio only to see that it was locked.

"Where did this a$$hole go?" He asked himself. He brought out his phone and dialed his number. After the third ring, he picked up.

"Where are you Dylan?"

"Oh, I'm at the bar with a friend" he replied.

"Which bar?"

"Your favorite one" Dylan replied.

"I'm on my way" he said and hung up. Without hesitation, Nate hurriedly went back to his car and zoomed off to the bar. It was few streets away from Dylan's studio.


Dylan placed his phone on the counter and stared at Zane.

"You should get going. Nate will be here any minute"

"Sure, I'm sure Paige must be home now" he said and stood up. He grabbed his glass and gulped down the whole drink in it. He tapped Dylan's shoulder and walked away. Dylan smirked and grabbed his own glass.

"I killed two bird with one stone. You never accepted me Paige, I'll make sure no one gets close to you" he said and sipped from his drink.


Nate pulled his car over and took his key. He walked to the building and saw a familiar somebody walking out of the bar.

"Isn't that Paige's boyfriend?" He asked himself. He has seen him number of times whenever he comes to pick Paige.

"What is he doing here?" He asked again.

He then hiss and looked away from him. Why should he care? He remembered when Paige told him not to interfere in her personal life.

He got in and met Dylan. He sat close to him and shook hands with him.

"It's been a long time bruh"

"Yeah, it has. Come on, let's drink up" he said.


Zane arrived at Paige's house. He held the paper she is to sign in his hand.

"I'm sorry Paige but I have to do this" he said and hid it. He walked into the house and saw her sitting up from the chair.

"Paige" he called out. She strained her eyes and stared at him.

"Oh hi" she waved at him.

"Are you okay?" He asked.

"Yeah, I am" she replied and stood up.

"I'm just waking up from a short nap. I was waiting for you" she added.

"Well, I'm here and I'm back. I've been working non stop today then I decided to have some drink" he paused and walked towards her.

Paige felt uneasy when Zane was closer to her.

"But I remember that I can have some drinks with you"

"I don't really like to drink alcohol"

"Really?" He asked, smiling.

"Yeah" was her short reply.

"Please, just for today" he said, pouting his lips like a child.

Paige lowered her head and sighed deeply. She doesn't go to work on Saturdays. Of course she could drink.

"Fine, I'll drink with you. Just for today" she agreed.

Zane smiled and clapped his hands. He walked to the refrigerator and took a bottle of alcohol. He has been keeping it for this special day.

He took two small glasses and walked back to the living room.

"To make it fun, any glass you take, you spill a secret of yourself" he said.

"Sure, that sounds fun" she giggled. He sat opposite her and opened the bottle. He poured the drinks into the glasses and pushed one towards Paige.

"You go first" he said.

She took the glass and took the first shot.

"Ah" she let out some air. It was very hot.

"Wow, the drink is so strong" she commented.

Zane smirked.

"After the fifth shot, she won't get herself anymore. Then, she'll sign the papers" He thought to himself.

Dear Readers, this book will not continue here anymore. It has been republished. Please, search for the book (WHO IS YOUR BABY MAMA) in the search box and keep reading.

Enjoy 💖