
Who can fall in love after being reborn?

I struggled until I was thirty-eight and couldn't afford a house. I had to pay a gift of three hundred thousand in advance to get married. I lived frugally and frugally for most of my life. It was so hard that my liver was broken. But what about the money? Who made the money? Jiang Qin, who harbored countless grievances, was reborn at the age of eighteen. The only thought he had when he opened his eyes was to start a business and make money. The first step is to snatch back the love letter you sent, turn it over, and write three lines in the school belle’s astonished eyes: It’s impossible to work part-time now! I just want wealth and freedom, never be a slave! As for love? Don’t even talk about that stuff!

Son_Goku_Kakarot · Fantasie
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39 Chs

Don’t spend money lavishly

 Warm sunlight passed through the huge floor-to-ceiling windows of the library and fell on Feng Nanshu's body, making her long, silky hair and thick eyelashes seem to be coated with a layer of light gold.

  She sat upright, upright, quiet, and well-behaved.

  Clamping a corner of the page with her slender fingers, she turned the pages gently, her smart eyes full of purity.

  After reading this page, she pinched a shrimp cracker and put it in her mouth, making a clicking sound, and then continued to turn to the next page.

  After repeating this cycle several times, the packaging bag containing shrimp crackers gradually became empty.

  It wasn't until Feng Nanshu took action again that she realized that this was the last piece, so she looked up at Jiang Qin.

  "I won't eat, you can eat it all."

  Feng Nanshu's eyes flashed with joy, he picked up the last piece and ate it into his mouth, then turned to the next page.

  Jiang Qin stared at her for a long time, feeling that Feng Nanshu was indeed not joking with him.

  She really agreed to borrow the money.

  But why does he feel so absurd?

  Don't you need to make an IOU?

  Even if it doesn't work, you should ask me what to do and when to pay back the money.

  Jiang Qin has the soul of a thirty-eight-year-old uncle. A pure creature like a high school student should be able to see through it at a glance, but he really can't understand Feng Nanshu's operations.

  But this is normal. He had never been in contact with a rich woman before his rebirth, so it's not surprising that he doesn't understand.

  Maybe rich women are like this.

  At 4:30 in the afternoon, Feng Nanshu suddenly put the bookmark into the book, stood up, smoothed down his skirt, and put the book back on the bookshelf.

  She leaves on time at this time every day, and it seems that the access control is very strict.

  But this time, before going out, Feng Nanshu paused for a moment, then turned around and waved goodbye to Jiang Qin.

  Not so cold...

  Jiang Qin watched her leave, then turned to look out of the huge floor-to-ceiling window. Through the glass, he could clearly see the black Bentley parked downstairs.

  The driver, wearing white gloves, had already opened the door and was waiting respectfully, while the bodyguard stood on the side of the door with a serious and alert expression.

  Feng Nanshu walked out of the library quietly, got into the car without saying a word, and disappeared into the streets before dusk with the roar of the engine.

  "Golden House and Yan Ruyu are the same person."


  "Suddenly I'm a little hungry, let's go home first."

  Jiang Qin picked up the "Guide to Soft Rice" and put it back on the bookshelf, then rode back to Bei Er Road. Hongrong Homestead and bought a drawer of steamed dumplings at the gate of the community.

  Today is Wednesday, a working day.

  Ms. Yuan Youqin is a staff member of the government guest house, and Mr. Jiang Zhenghong works in the Health Bureau, so there should be no one at home now, so he can only buy a small steamed bun to make do.

  However, after eating so much takeout and instant noodles in his previous life, he is no longer a vegetarian and doesn't have excessive requirements for the quality of his food.

  What's more, this steamed stuffed bun shop tastes really good, with a thin crust and big fillings. Ten years later, it even opened a branch.

  Jiang Qin picked up a bun from the plastic bag and took a bite. It was warm and moist, still the original recipe, and still had a familiar taste.

  It's just that the weather is so hot now that I'm sweating after eating two.

  Jiang Qin tied up the plastic bag and planned to eat it at home.

  At seven o'clock in the evening, the night came quietly.

  Mr. Jiang Zhenghong returned home carrying two plastic bags, changed out of his slippers, and sat down on the sofa.

  There were beads of sweat on his forehead and he couldn't breathe evenly. He hurriedly called Jiang Qin to pour him some water.

  "Dad, where have you been? Why are you so tired?"    

  "Your mother said that the food in Nancun Market is cheap. I rode a bicycle for forty minutes and bought a bunch of them. They are all your favorites."

  Jiang Qin put the water cup in front of him: "It's just a few cents cheaper. ? It's not hard enough. Is our family so poor?"

  Jiang Zhenghong took a sip of water and said with satisfaction: "This has nothing to do with being poor. You are going to college, and you have to marry a wife after college. , There will be more places to spend money in the future, of course, you should save what you can, but you can't spend it lavishly!" As

  As soon as he finished speaking, the door shaft creaked, and the door to the house was pushed open again.

  Ms. Yuan Youqin walked in with a shopping bag from a department store, her expression was overjoyed and she was humming a tune.

  Seeing this scene, the two men couldn't help but look at each other.

  "What are you buying?"

  "Sister Xu from our unit said that the department store's wool coats were on sale for half price, and I got a big bargain!"

  Jiang Zhenghong's eyes widened: "Wool coat? How much did you spend? "

  Ms. Yuan Youqin showed a proud expression: "The original price was 888, but now it's only 488." "

  Dad, is this what you said about not spending money lavishly?" Jiang Qin was shocked.

  "You prodigal bitch, it's the dog days of summer, what kind of wool coat are you buying?"

  "What do you know? If it wasn't the dog days of summer, the price wouldn't be reduced!

  " Jiang Zhenghong showed the majesty of the head of the family: "Jiang Qin The college entrance examination has been completed, and after the results are over, I have to buy wine and pay his tuition. There are many places to spend money."

  Yuan Youqin changed his shoes and walked to the living room: "Aren't these my exact words? Also, I asked you to go Have you been to the Nancun Vegetable Market?"

  "Of course I did. I did the math and found that the food in the Nancun Vegetable Market is much cheaper than our salt shop downstairs. This time we saved more than 20 yuan." "

  Then let's do the math today. Saved 320?"

  Jiang Zhenghong's mind didn't turn around for a long time: "Where did the 300 come from?"

  Ms. Yuan Youqin picked up the shopping bag in her hand: "I used 488 to buy a coat with the original price of 888. Here is Didn't Waiwai save another three hundred yuan?"

  "Youqin, I have to talk about you, your concept of consumption is obviously wrong."

  "Jiang Zhenghong, I haven't bought anything in all the years I've been married to you. Clothes, just a woolen coat and you still blame me?"

  Jiang Qin watched happily from the side, feeling that this long-lost family dispute was heartwarming.

  Dad is still in his prime, strong and strong, and his hair has not turned gray at the age of fifty-three. He has not secretly driven Didi to the point of fainting in the car just to earn a down payment for himself.

  My biological mother is still young and loves beauty. She would go shopping in department stores if she had a little money. She didn't even dare to buy meat because she was saving money.

  This was definitely the happiest thing for him after his rebirth.

  However, it was too mean for him to laugh while watching the show, and he soon brought the trouble to himself and received a blank stare from the couple.

  "Jiang Qin, why are you laughing? Do you also think that I shouldn't buy this wool coat?"

  Jiang Qin suppressed the smile on his face: "Mom, I want to make a lot of money in the future and never let you buy outdated ones again. Clothes are on sale, so my dad won't be allowed to go to the vegetable market that far away."

  Yuan Youqin's expression was slightly stunned, and his eyes instantly softened: "This is my good son, don't be like your dad, searching and searching all day long. "I searched."

  "Where did I dig and search..."

  Jiang Zhenghong's voice was a little weaker, and he obviously lacked confidence. When he turned around, he found that his mother-in-law had already opened the shopping bag, and what was in the bag was actually It's a roll of toilet paper.

  "What is this?"

  "The leader said that all the inventory in the guest house must be replaced, so I took it back. Do you think you are the only one who knows how to be diligent and frugal?"

  Yuan Youqin said angrily, turned around, and entered the kitchen.

  Jiang Zhenghong was stunned, thinking to himself, you are just fishing for law enforcement!

  (End of chapter)

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