
Who can fall in love after being reborn?

I struggled until I was thirty-eight and couldn't afford a house. I had to pay a gift of three hundred thousand in advance to get married. I lived frugally and frugally for most of my life. It was so hard that my liver was broken. But what about the money? Who made the money? Jiang Qin, who harbored countless grievances, was reborn at the age of eighteen. The only thought he had when he opened his eyes was to start a business and make money. The first step is to snatch back the love letter you sent, turn it over, and write three lines in the school belle’s astonished eyes: It’s impossible to work part-time now! I just want wealth and freedom, never be a slave! As for love? Don’t even talk about that stuff!

Son_Goku_Kakarot · Fantasie
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39 Chs

Demolition in Progress

The following time passed quickly as if it was a fleeting moment.

  On June 25, the results of the college entrance examination were released, which immediately touched the hearts of countless families.

  Jiang Qin's results are exactly the same as in his previous life, with 653 points and 985 points, which is definitely stable. It can be said that there is no suspense. He is calm in his heart, but he has to show enough excitement in front of his parents, which really tests his acting skills.

  But Mr. Jiang and Ms. Yuan were really excited.

  653 Ah!

  This score is 20 points higher than when Jiang Qin took the mock test!

  Ms. Yuan Youqin immediately went to Baiyun Mountain and went to Baiyun Temple to offer incense and fulfill her vow.

  Comrade Jiang Zhenghong was so happy that everyone was shaking. He could neither sit nor stand. He kept shaking his hands into fists. Finally, he pulled Jiang Qin downstairs and ran around the community three times.

  Jiang Qin can understand the feelings of his parents very well because, in the minds of their generation, the college entrance examination is a springboard to success, a major turning point in life, the only opportunity to change destiny, and a stepping stone to glory and wealth.

  But he would never have imagined that in a few years, the world would be filled with PhDs and there would be as many masters as dogs.

  On the third day after the college entrance examination results were announced, the demolition matter began to take shape.

  In the early morning of June 28, the sub-district offices of Fanhuali, Rongcheng, Xingfu Community, and Hongyun Community called Jiang Qin one after another. They briefly explained the demolition and invited him to the specially set up demolition team for discussion.

  Although the official demolition document has not yet been announced, the demolition is basically a certainty.

  In order to save time, all streets affected by the old city renovation project have begun to make preparations in advance.

  This is not something that is widely advertised.

  In fact, except for the owners of the demolished houses, no one else knew about it at all, which saved Jiang Qin, a high school student, a lot of trouble.

  In the following days, Jiang Qin kept going back and forth to various sub-district offices, listening to them read out superior documents and listening to the compensation terms many times.

  Although the things mentioned in each street are repeated, this thing is really fun to listen to over and over again.

  After the formal demolition official letter is issued, the demolition work will enter the negotiation stage.

  This stage is almost the most time-consuming because there are many greedy people, especially the residents who have lived in Laopo Xiao for so many years. Their lives are not satisfactory to begin with, so they want to sit back and raise the price. The more they ask for, the better.

  But Jiang Qin is a person who knows how to take things easy.

  He directly told the street office the number based on the highest proportion he had previously estimated and asked them to call him if they agreed.

  There is actually an important reason why he is so Buddhist, that is, when the demolition work enters the second step, those who sign the contract first can have priority in selecting resettlement houses. Picking a good location is better than spending thirty-five thousand here. Everything is much more important.

  After grinding until the end, all the good positions have been taken away, what should I do if the remaining people don't want them?

  Sorry, you can only draw lots.

  Anyway, the contract has been signed, who will still serve your ancestors?

  Besides, he had another urgent reason.

  He wants to pay back the money.

  Although the money to buy the house was borrowed from Feng Nanshu, the money belongs to her father after all. Nothing has happened so far, which means that his father has not found out yet, but the longer it is delayed, the higher the risk. Jiang Qin doesn't know that Feng Nanshu and him The kind of person my father is, he is not willing to take this risk.

  If you get the compensation early and make up for the shortfall, it will be as if this incident never happened.

  After finishing the preliminary matters for the demolition, Jiang Qin had a day of free time, lying at home and replying to various QQ messages.

  Guo Zihang said he got 472, and Feng Nanshu said he got 671.

  It's not surprising that Guo Zihang got this score, because the Dogecoin is so low, and it's hard to get even one more point. But as Feng Nanshu, a girl who is the god of learning and a top student in her generation, it's quite surprising that she didn't pass 700.

  Of course, the class teacher of Class 1 was also dissatisfied with the score and felt that it must be a misjudgment, so he went to the city to check the test papers on the day the results came out.    

  The result was indeed correct. It was indeed 671 points. The problem lay in the Chinese essay question. Feng Nanshu only scored 12 points out of a full score of 60 points.

  What is the topic of this year's essay?

  Jiang Qin was reborn and had almost forgotten this memory, so he went to the Internet to check it, and he immediately laughed and did the splits.

  It's actually about friendship?

  She doesn't even have any friends, so you want her to write about friendship?

  Isn't this the same as asking a mouse to write an article about his experience in petting a cat?

  It's not a loss or a loss, the 12 points are really not a loss. I guess this point is due to the neatness of the roll.

  "Don't laugh."

  Sitting in a familiar position on the second floor of the Jeju City Library, Feng Nanshu felt completely helpless: "I thought about it seriously, this matter is actually your fault."

  Jiang Qinyi Question mark on face: "We didn't know each other during the college entrance examination, what does it have to do with me that you lost points?" "

  But if I had known you earlier, I would have written it." "

  If you said that, then we might as well Suppose, if you were taking the college entrance examination now, how would you write this essay?"

  Feng Nanshu raised his head with a solemn expression: "I met a friend in the library. He is a poor poor man who likes to look at breasts... "


  Jiang Qin directly interrupted her impromptu composition: "Is this the image I have in your mind?"

  "Isn't it right...?" A trace of confusion flashed in Feng Nanshu's eyes.

  "If you really write like this, then you won't even get the last twelve points."

  Feng Nanshu lowered his head and returned to a state of despair: "Have I made a friend who I can't use?"

  Jiang Qin's face twitched: "The exam is over anyway, there's no point thinking about it anymore." "

  It makes sense..."

  "Why would a young lady from a rich family like you take the college entrance examination? Go directly to study abroad. Wouldn't that be great?"

  Feng Nanshu raised her head, her slender and curled eyelashes trembling slightly: "A lonely girl who doesn't know how to socialize will die if she is sent abroad." "..."


  Qin really didn't expect this. , they simply regarded her as an ordinary wealthy daughter, but if you think about it from Feng Nanshu's perspective, the matter of studying abroad is really quite suspenseful.

  Foreign countries preach freedom and democracy all day long, but the social atmosphere is extremely chaotic. There is still free America. Shootings occur every day. Although the population is only 370 million, the number of registered guns has reached 390 million. On average, a family of three has four guns. Gun, are you planning to have a second child?

  Throwing a naturally stupid and socially fearful girl like Feng Nanshu into such an environment would be like throwing a little sheep into a pack of wolves.

  "It doesn't matter. In fact, domestic universities are pretty good. Which one do you plan to go to?" "

  Then which one do you want to go to?"

  she asked expressionlessly, her thick eyelashes dyed golden by the falling sunlight. .

  (End of chapter)

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