
Who can fall in love after being reborn?

I struggled until I was thirty-eight and couldn't afford a house. I had to pay a gift of three hundred thousand in advance to get married. I lived frugally and frugally for most of my life. It was so hard that my liver was broken. But what about the money? Who made the money? Jiang Qin, who harbored countless grievances, was reborn at the age of eighteen. The only thought he had when he opened his eyes was to start a business and make money. The first step is to snatch back the love letter you sent, turn it over, and write three lines in the school belle’s astonished eyes: It’s impossible to work part-time now! I just want wealth and freedom, never be a slave! As for love? Don’t even talk about that stuff!

Son_Goku_Kakarot · Fantasie
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39 Chs

Delete friends

"Lao Jiang, let's get the admission letter! Let's go together!"

  The day after returning from the bar, Jiang Qin just got up from the bed when he suddenly received a message from Guo Zihang.

  He couldn't help but look up at the calendar on the wall and found that today was indeed the day to get the notice. However, considering Guo Zihang's results, he could barely apply for two copies. The notice didn't come so quickly. ?

  "Is your notice here too?"

  "No, didn't I go with you?"

  "It's not yours. Why are you so active?" "

  You said you would take me to the shower after you sent the notice. From the city!"

  Jiang Qin couldn't help but smack his phone, thinking to himself, is this what the hell a contemporary college student has to offer? I actually think about washing my feet every day!

  He threw down his mobile phone, got up and washed himself, then changed his clothes and went out. When he arrived at the post office, Guo Zihang was already waiting at the door.

  "Father, your admission notice is on the fifth shelf on shelf No. 3!"

  "How did you know?"

  "I've already looked for it for you. If the staff hadn't stopped me, I would have gotten it for you directly. Come out."

  "You really did whatever it took to go to the Foot Washing City!"

  Jiang Qin was impressed by Guo Zihang. If this guy was so active, no, half active, when he was in school, wouldn't Tsinghua and Peking University let him choose?

  Guo Zihang laughed naively, without explaining, and followed Jiang Qin into the post office like a bitch.

  The admission notice is a very important document. Although there is no hard and fast rule that you must pick it up in person, you must present your ID card to pick it up even if it is signed on your behalf you.

  Jiang Qin found his admission notice on the top of shelf No. 3, then rummaged twice more and took another package.

  "Brother Jiang, why do you have two admission notices?"

  "The other one is from Feng Nanshu."

  "No, if it's not him in person, you have to have Feng Nanshu's ID card to take it away."

  Jiang Qin said nothing and took it from his pocket. He took out two ID cards and handed them to the postman, one for himself and one for Feng Nanshu.

  Seeing this scene, Guo Zihang's eyes instantly widened like bells, and he even held the other party's ID card in his hand. Can this be called just friends?

  "Brother Jiang, which university did Goddess Feng apply to?"

  "With me, Linchuan."

  "Did she tell you?"

  "No, I guessed."

  Guo Zihang continued to ask, but suddenly he caught a glimpse of a familiar figure out of the corner of his eye. figure.

  She was wearing a denim skirt and a neat ponytail. She was none other than Chu Siqi, the class beauty of Class 2, Grade 3.

  "Jiang Qin, long time no see."

  Jiang Qin nodded slightly: "Long time no see."

  Chu Siqi bit her lower lip: "Did you also apply for Linchuan University? I'm in the law department, what about you?" "

  Who told you that I Did you apply to Linchuan University?"

  "It's Wang Huiru, but don't get me wrong, I didn't ask specifically. We accidentally talked about it yesterday, so I just listened."

  Jiang Qin smiled slightly and walked out of the post office.

  In fact, he didn't care about what Chu Siqi said at all. He only chatted a few words out of politeness. As for the same school, it didn't matter. Anyway, the School of Finance was in the main campus and the Department of Law was in the East Campus. As long as it was not a separate appointment, basically No chance to meet.

  When she saw Jiang Qin walking away, Chu Siqi immediately became anxious.

  She had actually been here a long time ago and had been sitting at the milk tea shop opposite the post office. When she saw Jiang Qin coming, she immediately ran over. All she did was just want to say a few words to him.

  Aren't you angry with me?

  Isn't it okay if I take the initiative to talk to you?    

  But he didn't expect Jiang Qin to be so decisive and turn around and leave.

  You have 300,000 yuan, which is great. It's you who likes me, but it's not me who likes you. I've given you steps to step down and you still can't step down!

  "Jiang Qin, do you really plan to become a stranger to me?"

  "Yeah, I told you the answer a long time ago."

  After hearing this, Chu Siqi gritted her teeth and said with an annoyed look on her face: "Okay. , then tell me why you want to go to the same university as me!"

  Jiang Qin was stunned for a moment and instantly remembered something he had forgotten.

  That's right, on the eve of the college entrance examination, before he traveled back in time, his adolescent self once asked Chu Siqi which university she wanted to attend. She answered Linchuan University because her father graduated from Linchuan University. .

  After resurrecting his life, he forgot many details. He only remembered that Linchuan was a city he was familiar with, but he completely forgot that he went to Linda because of Chu Siqi.

  Damn it, isn't this just a coincidence that my mother cried in the middle of the night and died?

  "It has nothing to do with you that I am admitted to Linchuan University."

  "Oh, your grades are enough to go to the capital, right? But you chose Linchuan University because you knew I would go to Linchuan!"

  Jiang Qin sighed and replied She turned to Chu Siqi and said, "The capital is too far away. I don't want to be too far away from home. Linchuan is a good choice."

  Chu Siqi's eyes were filled with mist, and her lips were bitten red: "Then Just really don't contact me again, delete me, and immediately delete my QQ in front of me!"


  "What's wrong, why are you silent? Don't you dare anymore?" Chu Siqi said angrily. , the full chest kept rising and falling.

  Jiang Qin took out his mobile phone and looked at Guo Zihang with a guilty conscience: "Old Guo, how do you delete friends on the 08 version of mobile QQ?"

  Guo Zihang was shocked and looked at him as if he were an idiot: "Father, you can't even do this? No?"

  "I really don't know how, please help me do it."

  "Look at me!"

  So, Guo Zihang used Jiang Qin's mobile phone and deleted Chu Siqi directly in person.

  Seeing this scene, Chu Siqi burst into tears. While cursing Guo Zihang for being a bastard, she ran away whimpering and even forgot to take the admission notice.

  Guo Zihang was stunned after being scolded, thinking that it was none of my business, I just provided technical support!

  Then he suddenly raised his head, stared at Jiang Qin, and said to himself, Foster father, you are really cruel, did you deliberately transfer your hatred to me? Have you become a good person?

  In fact, Jiang Qin was wronged because he really didn't know how to play this old version of QQ!

  "Lao Jiang, you're sorry if you didn't invite me to the foot-washing city today!"

  "Wash, I'll wash your bald skin!"

  Jiang Qin got on his bicycle and took Guo Zihang to Xinghai Road, then boarded Shuiyunjian Tall front steps.

  However, when he entered, Jiang Qin stopped and first educated him on the rules and various industry slang to prevent him from being embarrassed after entering.

  Guo Zihang's face turned red when he heard this, and his eyes kept averting. Finally, he said nothing and refused to go in. He even turned up his collar and covered his face like a thief.

  "Don't you fucking want to go?"

  "Brother, I thought they were just foot washers in there!" "

  So what?"

  "I'm not going, let's go back!"

  "Trash, I don't think you can do anything big. "

  Guo Zihang looked aggrieved and couldn't help but look down at his feet.

  He really thought this was a place to wash his feet. The only difference from washing his own feet was that there was a young lady to serve him. For this reason, he specially rubbed his feet with soap three times before going out, for fear that the young lady would think his feet smelled bad, but who knew how to wash his feet? What Foot City washes is not feet!

   Please read it, please read it!

  (End of chapter)

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