
Who Am I?!: One O'clock Game

[ Game locked, Everyone can get in but no one can get out. Stay!, it's not a choice nor a decision, it's an order. The one who die shall buy a life, the one who die without money shall mine to buy a life. Unlike The usual game, a player who failed their mission, quest, answer, choice, and to kill shall either die by the punishments or pay, if the player doesn't have enough money to pay, then dept, but everyday will be hell for them since everyday, a loanshark will come to your room, if you want to hide from them, stay inside the quest or mission where it doesn't have a countdown. All players, ENJOY A PAINFUL DEATH!] What'll happen if a lazy guy who lived and died a billion times in different world and environment creates his own game where no one can die if they have money?. A game for friend to enjoy(?). Oh!, he also got locked inside his own game with his real friend?!. (currently on hold) (BTW the cover does not belong to me so to whoever the owner of this art is I sincerely apologize and thankful for your art)

WhiteRaven3 · Spiele
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33 Chs

Open The Doors

" Ace" Josh called.

There was no reply.

" Ace, Hey! Wake up!" Josh started kicking Daniel.

Daniel kicked back.

" So you were awake!" Josh fought back.

" Yeah" Daniel yawned.

" Ace, can you untie me? I'm not good with my hands" Josh requested.

" Got it"

Daniel's blindfold and cuffs that's bounding his limbs together shattered like a glass and turned into dust. He stood up and took a glance at the collapsed lady, she was planning on escaping but the black substance went inside her eyes and showed her her biggest nightmares until she became unconscious. He then uncuffed Josh and untie the blindfold, after that, he slumped on the bed again to sleep.

" Huh?! Hey! Why are you going to sleep again?!" Josh shaked him.

" I'm not, I'm just laying down. . . .that's a lie" Daniel sit ups.

" Please don't lie if you will falter anyway"

Josh stands up and walked towards the door near where the lady is laying, he put his ears against the door and listen sharply.

He heard a lot of noise and footsteps from the other side because there's a lot of guys in black waiting outside guarding.

" . . .Ace, there's a lot of people guarding the exit" Josh reported.

" Then I guess we have no choice but to look through these three doors" Daniel pointed at the other three doors on each wall of the room. Josh nodded.

They opened the first door and an unsightly scene welcomed them. The room is filled with corpse, disgusting odor of rotten flesh that'll make you puke,and giant container full of blood.

[The 'hunger'-

Josh covered Daniel's eyes in a split second before the All Seeing Eyes can finish.

-has been depleted]

" Eh?!" Josh let go, confused.

Daniel yawned, " I do appreciate your concern but the 'hunger' has been subsided, although it's all thanks to someone who stuffed a whole carrot in my mouth" he said jokingly, though it's true.

" Ah, haha, it's because the screen said that you won't be able to stop eating 'it' if you ate 'it' once, you're always welcome anyway" Josh said with a smile.

" Shouldn't you use the reason that it's because you don't want me to bite your cousin?"

". . . .Hahaha no, it's fine" Josh waved his hands. He have some stuff going on with Karin anyways.

" What? Which part of it is?". ' That doesn't sound like you '

" Ace, are you perhaps, a God?" He asked, changing the topic.

". . . Uhhh, is that an insult. . .or . . ." Daniel has gone blank, he was wearing a face screaming the words " Are you serious?" because it was the first time he was called a god, he's been called; a monster, hero, beast, and a King but never in his lives was he called a "God".

" How is it an insult?" Josh asked.

" How is it not?" Daniel questioned.

The two has gone silent, they looked at the corpses infront like it was just a room decoration then they slammed the door close and move on to the next one.

They opened the next door.

". . .?"

They were clueless, it's a room full of . . . "Toys" (adult toys), since they don't know what the h*ck are those stuffs for, they moved on to the other after closing the door slowly, still peeking through from curiosity.

They opened the last and it made them regret opening it.

They closed it slowly then turn around like nothing happened.

" . . . So, about why I asked if it was an insult, it's impossible to think that I'm a god because I'm more like a devil or a worm, saying that I'm a god would probably like saying " pigs may fly", It is impossible" Daniel explained to forget about what they saw.

" But even if you say that, your sta-"

Josh's reply was cut off when the police from the last room opened the door with a bang while closing his zipper.

"Ah. . . ." A mild reaction from those two before they run towards the door where the lady who just got up with a bloodshot eyes and is trying to stand was walked past by them.

They pushed the door open and increased their speed, but then, they realize the truck blocking their way, Josh closed his eyes, waiting for the pain but he wasn't hurt, he just felt a warm hand on his face, shielding it from getting hurt by the impact of the speed when the truck and his head collided.

" Who in the world would use a truck to block the entrance?" Daniel whined as he scratch his head from annoyance, he kicked the truck and it was split into half with a huge crumple on where he kicked it.

Hundreds of police cornered the building, they thought they were already saved because the chief of police who asked them for help on the huge graveyard made his entrance to the scene with a lot of police force.

They both put their hands up.

" Sorry, your hands are burning because of me" Josh apologized as he look at the the smoking hand of Daniel.

" It's my fault for being unholy, but It's fine though" Daniel said and close his hand, when he opened it, his hand is as good as new." See" he yawned.

". . . .You're still sleepy even in this kind of situation" Josh sighed.

" Well, you're still cheerful and energetic even though you're homesick"

" That's just who I am" Josh said.

" Yeah. Right back at you"

". . ." Josh was speechless.

" H-honey~ Y-you're finally back!!! That two teens (she pointed at Daniel and Josh) t-tried to **** me" she wailed, slumped on the floor with her dress ripped apart, revealing her big breast and her white thighs filled with love marks.

' We what?!' Both asked at the back of their minds.

" I-it's alright honey~ I'll make sure they rot in jail" the chief of police said to his wife with a cheering tone and menacing glare towards the two.

" Her acting is good" Daniel whispered to Josh.

" Yup, good enough for us to get in a pretty huge trouble" Josh whispered back.

" Guess we'll have to come with them, huh?" Said Daniel.

It's no use escaping because the game said "continue being the victim until you decode the mystery by connecting the clues you find, only then, you're allowed to catch the culprit"... Escaping is against the rule and even if they already know who the real culprit is, catching her on their current situation is also out of the question.

The cops used stun gun on them and they eventually faint.

They are moved to the police station.

WR3: Would you rather commit suicide or commit homicide

Josh: *In daze.

Daze: I can do both but I prefer commiting homicide than suicide.

WhiteRaven3creators' thoughts