
Who Am I?!: One O'clock Game

[ Game locked, Everyone can get in but no one can get out. Stay!, it's not a choice nor a decision, it's an order. The one who die shall buy a life, the one who die without money shall mine to buy a life. Unlike The usual game, a player who failed their mission, quest, answer, choice, and to kill shall either die by the punishments or pay, if the player doesn't have enough money to pay, then dept, but everyday will be hell for them since everyday, a loanshark will come to your room, if you want to hide from them, stay inside the quest or mission where it doesn't have a countdown. All players, ENJOY A PAINFUL DEATH!] What'll happen if a lazy guy who lived and died a billion times in different world and environment creates his own game where no one can die if they have money?. A game for friend to enjoy(?). Oh!, he also got locked inside his own game with his real friend?!. (currently on hold) (BTW the cover does not belong to me so to whoever the owner of this art is I sincerely apologize and thankful for your art)

WhiteRaven3 · Spiele
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33 Chs

A Baby And Its Father

Josh who can feel the impending danger that dash in the air straight to their location instinctively put the holy shield on Daniel instead for himself.

Daniel who was just about to crush the head of the last bear suddenly lost his strength and fall on the ground.

" Josh. . .don't you think protecting an unholy person with a strong holy shield is inappropriate?"

" Even if you say that, I won't remove them. Something dangerous is heading towards us but I can feel it only targeting you"

" Of course they would target me" Daniel said nonchalantly as he stood up and disperse the shield, another shield was once created and he fall flat to the ground again.

". . ."

" S-sorry, that wasn't on purpose"

Daniel stood up again and sighed, he was about to break them again but

A lightning speed player grabbed him and they now flew with a supper sonic speed, breaking all the trees using Daniel's back as the player punch him nonstop. A few minutes later of flying for quite a speed and the player finally got bored, so she used her power(gravity) to pull them down.


" W. . .what's wrong? Did you not finish the last dungeon of the first floor? " Daniel asked as blood oozed out of his mouth, he stare emptily at her angry expression and blazing eyes from anger.

She slapped him hard and answered:

" So? What's wrong with that?"

She and her partner who only got a step inside the dungeon got struck by two lightning bolts as the gigantic creatures inside watch them die.

" What's this?! You never fight back! Are you this weak?! How disappointing, you really are a disappointment" She said in disdain as she scoff.

". . . I'm sorry, please tell me what I did wrong or what my mistakes are, I will try my best to correct them" Daniel said with his head lowered down.

" Haha! You did something wrong?! That's not quite right, when I choke you to death and asked your father to burn you, you were just a week old baby, how can you do something wrong or anything called "mistake" if you can't even lift a finger?!" She laughed maniacally as she stare at the rare expression of Daniel.

". . .Then. . . I didn't do anything wrong?" He said with faint light in his eyes, a hint of hope that he'd be loved by his first ever parents.

" Fufufu" she caressed her son's bloody and swollen cheeks as she giggled. " Of course! You did nothing wrong!" She said cheerly, and when she sense Daniel's hands nearly going to hug her, she said with a shrug:

" Because your existence is a mistake itself"

The will to hug her mother disappeared as his mind go blank. Tears rolled down from his sad eyes to his bloody cheeks, the tears won't stop flowing out yet he didn't even blink once.

" Fufu, what's this? Are you crying? " She snickered as he watch him cry.

He held her hands and put it around his neck then smiled warmly.

" It's like this right?, the feeling of strangling someone, was it nice? Your hands around the neck of a week old baby, does that make you feel high? gripping tighter and tighter while the baby gets suffocated, was it fun? He was cute isn't he? He was just smiling infront of you while you're strangling that defenseless child 'til death" He said with a smile.

Her hands trembled, not because of regret, conscience, or repent, but because of fear, the bloodthirsty monster behind Daniel keeps on getting closer and closer to her with its intimidating presence, it's not just a monster, it's Daniel's killing intent towards her.

He let go of her trembling hands and. . .

He hugged her tight and said " Pfft, Just kidding, everything's just a joke " he gave off a weak laughter.

He let her go and push her off and walk away to return back to his friend. " I guess this is goodbye" he waved goodbye.

" W-where are you going?! We're not done yet!!" She yelled even though Daniel is still few meters near her.

Daniel stopped.

" I'm going to father, I'm afraid my friend will be in trouble, father's too strong in any aspects possible, although Josh doesn't have any reactions to magic, he's still a 'prey' "

(That couple(Daniel's parents) chose Human and Ant as their prey)

Daniel jumped high up and landed near Josh.

" I WILL HAVE THE LAST LAUGH!!" She yelled, not accepting defeat til the very end.

" Eh?what? You have another child again??" Daniel asked in a misleading tone to his father who's feeding on Josh's age. He's just joking though, he already knew that it's Josh.

(Daniel feed on human's flesh and blood, his mother feed on human nightmares and dreams, while his father feed on human age and youth,soul and will, in other words, HUMANS ARE THEIR PREY, even so, they're created to protect humans)

" W-what?! Don't say that! If she hears you, she'll murd- . . . Huh? Why is a beagle here instead of my beloved poodle??" He asked why Daniel is there instead of his beloved wife.

" That's quite harsh, how come a beagle be a son of a hellhound and a poodle?, did the poodle cheat on his partne-"


His mother screamed from afar, running towards them in full speed, aiming a pretty painful slap to her husband.

His father started to run while explaining that it was just nonsense but she didn't believe him even though she doesn't have any solid proof.

' Now that those two are busy, what am I suppose to do with you?' Daniel thought while running to the dark and grassy path while holding the three month old Josh.

He soon arrived in a small hill and dug up the soil to create a cave for them to stay, as soon as it's finish, he went in and laid the baby Josh to the ground.

"Waaaaaah huhuhuhu"

Josh cried which made Daniel look at him.

Daniel sighed and wiped Josh's tears " what should I do?. . . I'm not even a slightest good at handling kids, and the one infront of me is a baby, no less. . ."

" Hehe" Josh giggled.

Daniel's eyes slightly widened as a grin formed on his bloody face

" Pfft, don't tell me you're actually quite happy to see me frustrated" Daniel booped Josh's nose.

Josh grab his point finger with his small hands and it burns.

" Waaaahhh"

Josh once again sniffled and wailed.

" Hey, I should be the one crying, I was the one who got his finger burned" said Daniel to baby Josh. He healed his finger and smiled at him then said " See? There's nothing to cry about, is there?".

'ah! Wait. . . Does an infant like him even know what I'm saying?' Daniel asked himself. ' No, forget it, he's not crying anymore so it's fine. If he cry again, I don't know if this will still be enough to shelter us. . . But. . . I think I have a shield that can-

"Because your existence is a mistake itself"

That line from his mother suddenly popped inside his head, he pinched the bridge of his nose and sighed ' I can't even consentrate'

" A se"

Josh muttered, although his appearance is those of a baby, his conciousness is still the same as his real age.

" Just now. . . What did you just say?" Asked Daniel to baby Josh.

' I'm asking if you're okay!'

". . . A. . .goh" Josh uttered instead of what's on his mind.

' Wait! That's not it! Where did my voice go??' Josh asked, internally screaming "Why".

Daniel chuckled, " Right, what am I even thinking? You're a baby, how can I ask a baby and expect it to answer?"

" You should sleep, it's already late" he added and crouched on the ground, hugging his leg and leaning his head on his crossed arms.

Josh created a sound that's close to crying so Daniel immediately look at him.

" What?Hungry? Sorry, I'm a man,I can't produce milk and I don't think milk is good for a lactose intolerant like yo-. . . oh wait, maybe a soymilk" he flick his finger and a cup of soy milk appeared floating in the air.

Josh's mouth gaped. Not only can Daniel summon living beings, he can also summon things! With that, Josh got a lot more curious about this legendary person infront of him. He even double think whether he should tell him that the way he thinks isn't those of a baby, or just continue deceiving, but in the end. . . . He's just too curious. . . Curiosity got the best of him.

Daniel carefully carry the small baby Josh in his hand and helped him drink up the milk, Josh drinked slowly until he's full.

' Why do I feel like a father?' Daniel thought.

Daniel lift the baby Josh and sneer " This is quite ironic, why is the lazy me taking care of a diligent you? You should be taking care of me like a mother . . ." Daniel whined in front of Josh.

' Pfft, he's even jealous of me being taken care of him' Josh giggled.

" . . .What are you giggling about? You should sleep early or else you will stay small forever" Daniel threatened.

' Huh? But. . . aren't you always sleeping but never grow an inch since last year?' Josh asked in his mind innocently.

Daniel raised one of his eyebrows from the sight of Josh's bewildered Babyface " What's with that look? Are you implying that I'm small??"

Josh nodded.

Daniel smiled sinisterly " Heh, seriously?, I'm being mocked by a baby. . . Oh!" He hammered his palm with his right hand and grinned which made Josh gulped." Would killing you reset you? Maybe if I kill you, you'd go back to life again with your real body, it's worth a shot right?" he asked enthusiastically which made Josh coldsweat.

[Notice: If the game does not include killing each other's partner, you are not allowed to kill each other. If you accidentally or purposely kill each other inside the current game then the punishment for failing will be the punishment for that] A screen appeared infront of the two.

Josh sighed in relief while Daniel got his little hope shattered.


' W-what?! Did he just click his tongue at me? Is he really planning on killing me?! '

WR3: How did you two first met each other?

Josh: I was in a hurry to go down the stairs to meet someone and I'm late so I ran...I ended up almost killing him.

Daniel: I was trying to escape from a trouble person so I ran upstairs but ended up almost dying because of him.

WR3: How about the second.

Josh: I asked him to a family restaurant as an apology and gratitude for saving me but...

Daniel: It wasn't as good as the first meeting, I mean, we were kidnapped.

WR3: Third?

J&D: Game locked

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