
who's my dad???

Jivi_0825 · Fantasie
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50 Chs

Scared of him

venessa's POV

'that thief send me a message' 😱suddenly my phone ring again i see the message which is an unknown number i read the text

???: aah my angel i miss you!! by the way stay away from all guys okay or i will kiss you " 😚

i check that message and start panicking i think i should call the police ' but he doesn't harm me or anything....right '😑 i thought 'maybe I'll just tell James about this yeah he'll definitely help me ' 🤔again i see his message and read

???: i knew you are not going to reply me !"🙁i see the message ' yeah right so stop messaging me'😒 i thought but then suddenly my phone rings and i can see he is calling me this time 'ooh no!! what should I do now!!! don't pick up venn don't pick up' 😣i said to myself after some time the call cut then i see he messaged me again

???: please answers my call angel i just want to hear you voice"😚 i look at the message 'what is his problem why can't he leave me alone i should ask him atleast'🤨 i thought so i decided to reply him so i reply him

"look Mr thief i am not gonna pick up your calls so stop calling me or i will report to the police okay "😠 i send the message then after some minutes he reply

???: my angel your not going do that because you don't have proof so don't be smart and i never harm you remember! and i just want to talk with you ! "😘 i read his message and decide to ignore that and went to sleep after some hours i feel something moving on my bed i was so tired to open my eyes so i just slept like that but after that my phone started ringing i search my phone and pick it up without checking the name

"umm....hello "🥱i said still sleeping i hear nothing but someone's breathing on the other side so i ask again

"hello....." 😵i said again but no one is answering so i just hung up call and went back to sleep but again i hear my phone rings i pick up

"hello "😵i said but this time again there's no one answering so i cut the call i hate it when someone wake me up in the middle of the sleep

but this time again my phone rings i pick up in frustration and said

"ARE YOU DEAF OR WHAT HUH?? "😡i said in anger

???: ( laugh) my angel i am your idiot thief " 😘he said

"what are- WHAT!!!! "😱 i was shock to hear what he said so i check the caller ID and confirm and yes it's him i face palm myself 'why did i pick up the call you idiot venn' 😓i thought

???: okay don't hung up i called you because I wanted to tell you something important so please listen to me okay....are you there angle " 😅i hear him

" okay tell me and leave me alone okay "🙄 i said him he just chuckle

???: we will talk about that later okay"😘 he said

" tell me fast i want to sleep " 😤i said still in anger voice

???: i know my baby.. so i want you to tell you that stay away from men's- " 😅he said but i cut him and said

" REALLY...and who ar-" 😡i was so angry by his words

???: you will know about me so just do as i say "😏he said

" i am not gonna-" 😠i was saying but he Stop me by saying

???: by the way that white t-shirt looks good on you"😏 he said and chuckle i was shocked by his sentence i look at my outfit and yes i was in white t-shirt

"how do you know???"😱 i whisper and look everywhere in my room he lagh on the other side

???: don't warry baby i can't harm you....by the way why are you in that club??" 🤨he ask me

"it's none of your business " 😒i said

???: it is my business!! i watched you everywhere....like where you go and that man what is his name ka- Kayden right.....stay away from him okay baby"😚he said then i panicked ' oh no he knows kayden now'😱 i thought

" look don't follow me like a stalker"🤨 i said in calm tone

???: i did not follow you...i was there already okay and then you just came there and saw you it- it was coincidence "🙄 he said

" ooh really....fine but don't put anyone into this okay..just leave me alone you idiot thief "🤨i said to him but he lagh like i told him something funny

???: i said that i can't harm you....i just want you to stay away from men's" 😚he said again

"and why would I listen to you " 😤i ask him he sigh

???: because it's good for you " 😘he said 'good for me.....good advice from idiot thief ' 😒i thought

" and who are you to decide "😒i said

???: i-i am- because I care for you that's it "he said 😓i stop for a moment because of my heartbeat 'why my heart doing like this ' 😵

???: by the way you look amazing in that dress" 😘he said ' is he really an idiot' 😑 i thought

" okay bye and please don't call me " 😡i said

???: do you want to see me come and check your window!!! 😘he said

" w-WHAT!! "😱i was shocked and couldn't say a word i don't want to go and see but my body just move by itself so I got and see yes he is there on the road in black hoodie and mask it was so dark out side i look at him he watch me from far

???: beautiful!!!" 😘i hear him he was standing near by a pole and look at me. i was trembling. i close the room quickly and cut the call and run into the bed and started crying

"i am scared! god please help me"😭i said