
Whited Sepulchre

Shiraki Eiji, a 23 years old newspaper journalist suddenly awakened due to strong emotions of losing his sister. He was a rare dual-ability user, but both of his abilities are trash. That is only individually however. Using both of his abilities allowed him to take away abilities from others and gaining the abilities.

Falsesify · Urban
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5 Chs

Chapter 1

I was sitting there beside my sister's bed in the hospital room. She's been lying there for over a week now. She's currently in a coma because she was hit by an ability from a hero.

The company the hero was apart of has already paid the price of my sister's medical fees, but I'm not satisfied. They think they can just solve everything with money? What heartless bastards they are. All I wanted was an apology from that bastard 'Ice Raven'. Is that too much to ask for?

"Hey Hina, How long are you going to sleep for? You said you'd take me out to that expensive restaurant because you got a raise, but how long do you want to keep me waiting...?"

I said in a sombre voice with a faint smile. I looked at the black ice on her right arm on the other side of the bed. It was a reminder of the incident that caused her to enter this coma.

The hero 'Ice Raven' misfired his ability and it hit my older sister. However, I still find it strange how it hit since my older sister was fairly far away from the battle. It's not like she was hit from an AoE attack but a single target shot. The monster was already defeated anyway so what was the purpose of that shot?

I looked at the plate above her bed and read it.

"Hina Shiraki, caught in the crossfire of the A-rank hero 'Ice Raven'. Comatose due to brain trauma..."

I sighed and held her hand tightly and spoke.

"Hey Hina, recently I just awakened as a dual ability user. It was [Extract Fiction] and [System Factory]. The [Extract Fiction] was fucking useless, you know? Like what the even is [Extracting Fiction]. From the status window, it said I could take away any Fiction but I can't even use the extracted fiction since it's apparently sealed inside of me rather than storing. Also, what even the hell is fiction anyway? The [System factory] however wasn't all that bad, but the condition was crazy. It allowed me to create anything I want but my body will lose something equivalent to the item I created. I tried creating a needle but I lost one of my nails as a price. Isn't that just overbearing?"

I ranted and complained about my shitty abilities at Hina. Then I proceeded to complain about my current life without her.

"...Then I had to reject the University's offer because I had to work full time. Ah, you don't have to worry though since I got the job of being a Journalist at Rabbit's Prints. Pretty amazing, am I right?"

Suddenly, my talk was interrupted by an announcement that visiting time is over. The sky outside has already turned night without me even realising it.

"Ah, looks like I have to go now. Well, I'll visit you again soon so be sure to wake up when I do. Though, I'll doubt you'd actually do it. Love you, sis"

I left the hospital and went to the bus stop. I entered the bus and sat down beside the window at the back.

I'm not sure when it started but the Black Cavity phenomenon was the start of this era. Monsters came pouring out of the Black Cavity and threatening many lives. There were even cases of the monsters destroying cities and turning countries into wastelands.

Modern weapons like nuclear missiles and carpet bombing are not enough to fight them back. They're as effective as bringing a sword to gun fight. However, it all started to change when humans with supernatural abilities started to appear.

They were able to fight back the monsters and defend what remains of human civilisation. These super humans were given the title of heroes and has now become a profession rather than just a title.

Although only 1 out of 50 people are able to awaken abilities, that is enough to give fight back against the monsters and maintain the safety of humanity.

'Ah, I haven't told Hina that I could seal other people's abilities too did I? Well, it's better if she doesn't know'

My abilities are trash on their own but I've discovered of a way to effectively use them. I discovered that the word [Fiction] in my ability refers to things that are associated with the mind or spiritual like the concept of ideology or souls. This implies to abilities as well since it's something that is similar to the concept of souls.

'It's called supernatural for a reason afterall'

I found out after experimenting on myself and accidentally sealed away an opinion of mine.

'And the result of that is me liking pineapple on pizza. Never in my life I would expect to see myself eating pineapple on pizza like it's normal...'

Reaching my stop, I got off the bus and went inside my house. I opened the lights inside and rested on the sofa in the living room. I took a remote and turned on the television.

"Oh? Looks like that fucker 'Ice Raven' managed to rake in another achievement. Damn, bastard"

I held out my hand and used my [System Creation] ability to create a marble-shaped pill. After imbuing the property I wanted on the pill, I swallowed it and the effect immediately showed up.

"And I'm now back to hating pineapple on pizzas. Talk about a quick change of mind"

I lied down on the sofa and grinned. Malice thoughts began to appear in my head.

"If my theory is correct, then I should be able to steal abilities too. Ahh~ There really is no time to be more happy than this"

I clenched my teeth the moment after I said that last line. A grin full of malice and evil intentions appeared on my face.

"Looks like I can now fucking kill you, Ice Raven. Seriously, some people are just unfit to be called heroes. Just some digging and I already found a ton of dirt on you. Just wait for me, you damn birdbrain~"

For real though, pineapple on pizza is delicious. You should try it some time

Falsesifycreators' thoughts