
12. *Spoiler*

*title at the end of chapter*

For my progress in my sword arts, I had already reached the Intermediate Stage in every move of the Black Oni Gate Sword Art, except the first move – Siege and the fourth move – Enter, which reached Small Accomplishment and with the seventh move – Destruction I only reached the Basic Stage.

The stages for mastery of a technique were, Basic Stage, Intermediate Stage, Small Accomplishment, Advanced Stage, Great Accomplishment, Mastered, Completion.

Even though I was a bit dissatisfied with my progress, but my Master was really shocked. He even scolded me, when I told him that I didn't feel satisfied with my progress and even found it slow. After all I reached Completion in both the Basic and Advanced techniques in under three years.

I thought I would at least reach Small Accomplishment in all moves of the Sword Art in two years.

But my master told me that I shouldn't bite more than I can chew, and that the maximum one can reach in a Core technique of someone else is the Great Accomplishment. And even that is almost unheard of, since why would one waste so much time training a technique that will never allow one to reach even the Mastered tier.

Even those that were satisfied with the Core technique of someone else and never tried to create their own technique, spent at least 30 years to reach the Great Accomplishment. Even though they weren't as talented as me, they too only spent a bit over six years to reach completion in the Basic and Advanced techniques.

So I was still considered fast.

The reason for my fast progress was not only due to my Master, but also due to the change in my training regime.

After I learned the Black Oni Gate Sword Art, and had an initial grasp of it my Master began to sent me, with the help of Granny to another island once a week. This island was similar to the one were Luffy trained for two years except the beasts were a bit weaker. Only from around entry level Grandline pirate to Entry level New World Pirate.

Ah did I mention that I had at that time already reached the peak for entry level Grand line pirates?

That was because I had a weak body.

Well at least for the standards of One Piece. With my techniques and my devil fruit development I could already rival some New World Pirates without Haki, but my body, also big and well developed, was still weak considering the grand scheme of things, this was my problem since the beginning.

Another problem was my lack of combat experience. Sure I trained with master and Granny daily, I even hunted and fought the beasts on our home island, and now on the new island, but I still lacked real life and death experience, as all these fights were in a controlled environment, were I knew that even if I slipped up granny or Master were there to help me and rescue me.

And now after these two years of training and fighting on that island I have reached the combat power of a high level pirate of Paradise. But I would still loose if I were to face one, as I really lacked the viciousness and decisiveness of one.


Today was a sad day for me, as today was the final day Master would stay with me and granny. He originally planned to stay a year longer, but he got a message from his clan to return, as it seemed something happened.

„Sigh, Kid don't be sad that I am going, it isn't like this is goodbye forever, I will definitely return here in three or four years in order to reach you haki. But now I have to go back to the clan, it seems something big has happened."

Master hugged me as he consoled me.

I really degrade a bit in maturity and was currently crying like a small child, like my fire body age.


Something big happened? Could it be?

Yeah it should be around this point in time.

Rodger reached the true final island and became Pirate King.

So even the hidden Clans were shaken by the news. This is really exciting.

I also should really decide if I want to meet Rodger an Rayleigh or if I pass it.

I already have some good options to learn about haki and other stuff, as in my sportsmanship is is slowly time for me to create my own personal sword art. And the only things I still want to learn are the Rokushiki from the marines and Haki, but I don't think Rokushiki will be an option, as I have no plan to join the marines and serve that stupid World government.

And for Haki I can either wait three to four years for my Master or I could go back to my clan if grandfather is around. And he should soon, if Master was summoned back, then my grandfather should too.

Sure they are in two different clans and the position of Master is higher than Grandfather, but Grandfather is still one of the highest combat powers of the Clan, so he should have been summons back.

So I can return there and learn under my grandfather or I can even go to the new world and search for my father, Whitebeard.

If he is the same as in the manga then he should be willing to teach his son and from the point of his mastery, he shouldn't e that far from Rodger or even if he is beneath him, he still shouldn't e that far behind.

With these option I didn't have to meet  Rodger, but it is still very alluring, after all he was one of my favorites, even if you saw near to nothing from him, but that what you saw already made him one of my favorite characters in the show.

Well let's wait for a year, as only then am I sure were I can find him.

The rip off bar on Sabaody, were he said goodbye to Rayleigh before turning himself in.

I was then brought out of my thought by the all to known laughter of my Master.

„Kahahaha, kid, you are my one true pride in this life of mine. I never had kids of my own, but you. I see you as my grandson. So stay strong and don't worry about your Master. Once I am done with my clan I will come and find you, to see how far you progressed haha.

Here, this is your vivre card, I and your Grandma Aria made it for you. Always keep it on you, and if you ever want to stay in touch with someone, just give them part of it like this. With this I will be able to find you no matter were you are in the world. So don't worry that I can't find you and start your adventure whoever you are ready. Kahahaha.

Yuno we meet again!"

He gave me a sheet op paper that didn't feel like paper, so this is the legendary vivre card. How fascinating.

Master also teared a small piece of it off and took it for himself, grandma did the same.

After that he turned around and started to head back the same way hr had come all those years ago.

As he waved and said all those words, I couldn't help but become teary eyed.

Seeing this granny came and had a rare tender look on her face as she hugged me.

Sigh Master left.


After my Master left the island, it became really silent and I just now noticed just how much live he brought into my and Grannys life.

But even though it was slightly depressing I still continued with my daily training.

But I trained with even more vigor, as I slowly grew restless and wanted to leave the island and start my adventure.

But I couldn't, or better I didn't want to. As I wanted to stay by the side of Granny.

She was really lonely, and after Master left she slowly grew depressed again and even worse that before.

Since Master came granny had slowly lifted herself out from her depression, something I now know was thanks to Master. But now that he was gone she slowly fell right back in, and this time even worse.

I really tried to cheer her up but it seemed like nothing I did could do anything to help her.

As such I could only helplessly watch as granny grew more and more reclusive and silent. She smiled less and less and ate less and less.

I couldn't do anything.

And I think if I wasn't there maybe granny would have stopped eating altogether.

But I really couldn't understand why this happened. Not at all.

What made Granny so depressive. Just because Master left? That can't be.


It was around ten months after Master left, that I finally found out.

But it was too late.


It was a normal day for me. I just finished my fruit training for the day and was just about to start my sword training. When suddenly a rift opened before me and out came a bloodied Granny.


I rushed up to her and hold her, just in time before she fell to the ground.

„Wait Granny you have to keep it up I will carry you to your room. We should still have some medications in the house! Just keep it up, Granny! Don't die on me. I can't loose you too. Also who did that?! Ah but that isn't important now, don't answer, just concentrate on staying alive."

I had a small mental breakdown, as I saw granny up close unnoticed that her situation was not good. It was a miracle that she was consciousness. But I had to treat her. I couldn't loose her, not after loosing his mother when just being born. He long saw Granny as his mother. And he can't loose her.

No! Absolutely not!

I will definitely make the person that did this pay! No matter who it was. Even if it was that almighty existence at the top of the world, Imu.

No definitely not. I will definitely make that person pay. ABSOLUTLY! How dare he/she harmed the closest person he had? The person he saw as his mother?

How dare you!

I wanted to continue to rage, while carrying granny to our house, but I felt a touch on my face that took me out of it, I looked at granny, as she was the one who touched me.

„Young Master, cough… Yuno, you shouldn't make such a scary face. It destroys you handsome face. Cough…. There are a few things I have to tell you…"

„Stop granny! Don't speak and concentrate on staying alive! You can tell my everything once you recover!"

„Sigh Yuno, you should be able to tell, this body of mine is too old, and my injuries to heavy cough I don't have much time left. But before that, I have to do a few things. Cough…. First let me tell you a few things. First about your mother and father…. Here this is a letter that your mother wanted to send to your father, this should explain it all. Cough… next I need to tell you, never return to the Clan!

Ten months ago, your grandfather, like your master to his clan was summoned back to the Woo D. Clan. Cough…. But your Grandfather, wasn't welcomed, as one of the branch clan leaders, but … cough ….as a prisoner. Cough…. It was under the pressure of the World government! Cough… your grandfather was captured in order to force us out. Cough…. Shortly after Barn left I got the message.

But I couldn't bring you back. Cough …. Not after knowing that you were still hunted. Cough… Cough… but I also couldn't endure any longer, knowing I was the reason, my Master is suffering. Cough… as such I tried to rescue your Grandfather today. And the results… cough … are as you can see, I failed. Cough… cough…. Cough…

But I did manage to reach your grandfather… cough… and he asked me about you… cough,… I told him that you grew to be a very fine young man, very talented…. Cough… sniff… he was very pleased…sniff …. And happy, knowing that he had a good grandson…. Cough… sniff… as I was about to free him… cough…. I got attacked, and heavily injured as you can see… cough… Master was furious and resentful… cough….sniff… he was furious about the clan for treating his family like this, but resentful at himself….Cough ….cough ….sniff…. For causing trouble to his family. Cough… cough… as such… sniff…. Cough… as such he choose to end himself….sniff snifff. So that we could be free….cough cough… even though I was sad at that time …. Cough I could only return…cough snifff…

 Yuno I am telling you this, not to make  you feel guilty, but to show you how determined we all are to protect you… cough cough… so don't do anything stupid in the future… Cough cough… Live well and strong… Cough cough cough… Stay safe and train hard…. Cough cough… You are really talented,so I know you will become someone big in the future… Cough cough cough…. So let me pave the way for you one last time…. Cough cough cough…. You won't be able to truly spread your wings on this small island.,. Cough cough cough …. So let me send you somewhere else… Cough cough cough…."

Hearing up till here I tears started falling from my eyes like a waterfall. And I was a bit dazed, as such I couldn't even react as granny dragged me with her into her spatial tear. The next moment I appeared on a field of green grass, I assumed. We were surrounded by big trees.

Where is this…

Before I could think further I suddenly heard heavy coughing.


„Cough cough cough…. My time is near… cough cough cough… your journey begins from here… cough cough…. Although its a bit early… cough cough cough… I know you are ready…. Cough cough cough… you are strong Yuno… cough cough cough… stronger than we let you believe you are… cough cough cough…. But don't get complacent…. Cough cough cough…. And keep training hard…. Cough cough cough… Yuno…. Cough cough cough…. These last fourteen years with you were truly the happiest I ever had in my life."

The arm wit which granny held my face fell down. Lifelessly.


„Oy Granny… no Mother! What do you mean with had? We can still life long together! You aren't hat old yet!"

What are you saying.. You know…

„No Mother is simply… sleeping… yes sleeping! She isn't dead yet! She's just resting to cure her wounds!"

No she isn't sleeping. You know that she will never

„No! No! NO! NOOOOO! Shut up! She is just sleeping! Sniff.. She's just sleeping."

Sigh you can't lie to yourself. You should know….


Sigh you can't keep lying to yourself. You should know..

„I think I already told you to SHUT…"



Instead of lying to myself its better to focus on my training and my enemy…

„The enemy… Woo D. Clan! CP-0!"


3rd person PoV


Suddenly a massive wave of pure willpower exploded outwards, if there was anyone normal here they would probably faint. But fortunately there was only someone abnormal here, someone who noticed this spot after feeling an unusual spatial fluctuation and a wailing cry of a young child.

And now even this.

He got really interested and as he approached and reached the origin of the commotion he finally saw the source.

A giant child, around three and a half meters tall unconsciously lying down, while hugging an old woman, the same height, but with a big wound, full of blood and no longer breathing.

„Oh. Interesting."

He then grabbed both the young man and the dead woman and disappeared in the woods.

Title - The End and a New Beginning