
X: Bunny Ears

Sniffing... smoke, alcohol, drugs, money, people... People with dark motives. Aahhh... My heart hungers.

I held my Katana tightly. Slightly opening it with my thumb, I'm getting ready to finally get some slicing.

"Tonk!" Something banged on my head that caused me to almost fall down on my knees. I picked up what was thrown and saw that It's my mask.

I looked at the direction from where it came from and saw our bus near.

Standing outside the bus with a position of someone who had just thrown something was V, "You forgot something baby boy!" "Shut up!" I shouted back at him.

One by one the crew was coming out of the bus. "So you found what you're looking for? We'll stay here and see through if you need backup." V said.

"Enjoy San! Woooooh!" Yuu cheered. "Shut up!" shouted back at Yuu as well.

"Are there women inside?" RR asked in excitement. "Leave something for us!" "Shut up!" shouted back to RR too.

They're annoying me again! Ugggh...

As soon as JM got out of the bus and opened his mouth to seem like he's going to say something, I shouted at them, "Shut up! All of you just shut up!"

"What? What did I do? I was just going to yawn." JM reacted looking like a fool.

"Hahahahaha!" everyone laughed. His face really looked funny.

Setting aside the comedy, I put on my mask and head towards the entrance.

"Sir, you are not allowed to enter here." The guard said pushing me back.

Poor guy and poor me, he's not as good but not as bad either. He's not sufficient for my thirst.

"Ughh!" he exclaimed after I punched him hard and fell on his knees in pain. Seemed he can't get up for a while so I walked on and try to find where Emen might be. But the smell of those hearts were quite distracting.

I reached a room similar to a club. It was a big place and very crowded. The lights were low and the music was deafening. Everyone were dancing, influenced by either alcohol, drugs or just plain old club music.

Yuck! How filthy the people here were with all their sweat mixed up in the air. I got a few hits as I pushed into the crowd. So disgusting.

"Emen!" I shouted as I see him near the wall, avoiding the crazy kids, heading towards a door at the opposite side of the room's entrance.

I hurried to the door where Emen went into, trying my best to push away the filthy crowd thinking I'll just take a bath after this mess.

After opening the door I looked around and there was no sign of Emen. There was a few steps of stairs down and another door at the end.

I went down and turned the knob pulling the door towards me and heard, "Item 32 sold to Mr. JK. And now presenting item 33."

Finally opened the door fully, I saw Emen went down from a somewhat stage but when I was about to chase him, I got distracted by someone talking aloud.

"This one is younger than the previous and look at her, how angelic her face is..." the man with a mic and dressed in suit goes on with his intros. I don't understand what he was talking about and just tried to look around to find Emen.

"...starting with $150,000... 160... 170..." he goes on.

But... I couldn't help to see what was being presented at the somewhat stage.

And there... under that striking spotlight was truly an angelic face as the speaker said.

Her eyes were closed and she seemed like sleeping. The girl's hands were raised into chains showing her full-grown body exposed into an ample amount of audience.


Wait a minute...

My heart stopped. I was in a state of feeling I couldn't explain.

#whitemovement #bunnyears #auction #clubbing