
II: I'm At Your

"The hell's wrong with you?!" I shouted at RR.

"What's going on? Having a cock fight?" Yuu excitedly asked as if he was in so much delight, even clapping.

I immediately stood up and punched him on his face.

Wiping the blood from his nose with his fingers, RR explained, "Whoa San, I just want to know why we kept her, making sure if she's clean or not."

"Do you think I'd let her live if she smelled foul? Back off Rude! I'll kill you if you do that again!"

"I've been craving to do it again! It's been a while since I last tasted birds." RR continued pissing me off.

"Technically, that's a week from now because we missed judgement from our last event. So if you missed out today you'll ruin your record." Yuu added more fuel to my anger.

"You kids are too loud! I was not able to listen to my KLine live because of your petty quarrel." V scolded us as if he was not being a kid being grumpy because of missing out the live show of those Korean idols.

The bus stopped as it parked at the studio.

"We're here!" JM shouted. "Grab your pretty faces and make sure they're ready."

RR was already gone before I knew it.

He loved this place. Aside from the cute make up artist Sena, there were a lot of models taking their shoots here.

It's a nice studio after all. And a decent one too.

"San..." Venus called me as she pulled my vest. I wanted to leave her. But looking at her angelic face I easily changed my mind. I held her right hand with my left and went out the bus with her.

"There goes the cheesy guy." Yuu enjoyed teasing me, "Hey, you forgot your face! Hahahaha!"

"Shut up!" This guy don't change a bit ever since we got together.

After a few hours of poses, I started to get sleepy and sat down at the floor beside the chairs where our photos were taken.

As I was closing my eyes, I believe I smelled something - a foul soul lurking nearby. Murder and fornication... Hmmm, I wanted to end it.

I decided to get up and open my eyes to find that soul. But when I did, I can no longer smell it.

Looking at all directions I only found Sena, Venus, JM, V and Karnal at the room.

Hmmm, so am I just dreaming or what?

"Are you okay?" Venus asked.

"Yeah, I'm good." I told her and smiled so she won't get worried. "I just had a foul dream."

So Karnal was the only person who wasn't here earlier.


What am I thinking?