
White-Haired Template System

DxDverse, also known as Draconic Deus, is a world full of wonder. The story of this place follows a young man trying to fulfill his dream as Harem Protagonist. It is light-hearted and full of service. However, beneath all that light-hearted story, there is darkness. Humans are the race known as nothing but weaklings in this world. The race looked down upon is used as cannon fodder and even as cattle for the other race. And I reincarnated in this world as a human. I want to change how others see humans. With this power given to me, I will change humanity's fate and reach the stars! I shall make humanity conquer the stars!

LuxVonDeux · Anime und Comics
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55 Chs

Chapter 41: Siege of Vindice (II)

|3rd POV|


Robert roars as he rises from the ground, even with the amount of gravity around him. He looks at Vale with all the hatred he has as he snarls.

"You human! I will kill you!"

Robert created twenty magic circles above him, and the elemental attacks come from those magic circles. Fire, ice, and lightning come out of the magic circle, and all of them fly toward Vale.

However, before it can even reach him, Vale already claps his hand and releases a wave of Sky Flame around him, nullifying all the attack. Even Robert's magic circles disappear from the Sky Flame.

"That's my brother!"

Byakuran cheers Vale when he sees his brother copy his move.

Sadly, when Vale uses this move, the gravity around Robert gets canceled because he needs to focus his power to match the attack coming at him, which requires a lot of focus.

It is enough for Robert to take a flight and create some distance away from Vale. He then raises his hand, creates forty magic circles that are smaller than before and says.


He moves his hand and bombards Vindice with his magic attack. However, before his attack can land, Felicia and Martha jump together and face the attack head-on.

"I will not let you destroy our home, vampire!"

"Not so fast!"

The two of them release their flame and create a barrier that appears in front of Robert's attack. The Rain Flame reduces the attack into nothingness, and the Sun Flame boosts the potency of the Rain Flame. When the two of them combine, it creates a barrier that can eat all energy and make it useless.

While Martha and Felicia take care of the attack, Vale uses his fame to take flight and appear next to Robert, creating a barrier to block Vale's sword attack. However, Vale easily breaks the shield and hits the vampire using his sword.

Sadly for Vale, his sword is not something that truly hurts vampires. It can still kill them if he manages to cut the head into pieces. A deep cut will not kill the vampire, at least not someone as powerful as Robert.

"Hahahaha! You cannot kill me, foolish human! I am immortal!"

Even though Vale cannot kill Robert with only his sword, he can still kill him using his flame.

"Let's see if that is true!"

Vale pumps his sword full of Sky Flame and watches Robert screaming in pain. For the first time in his life, Robert can feel his body is not healing, and fear starts to appear within his heart. In his panicking state, he moves his magic circle and aims at Vale.

A hail of magic rains upon him, but it disappears before it can even touch his hair. Byakuran gives a smug grin at the vampire, who growls at the sight of another human erasing his attack. However, he cannot show his displeasure as his body gets kicked to the ground, and Vale stabs his heart using his sword. He makes sure to use his aura to prevent Robert from running away.

He pulls out his sword from Robert's body and is about to finish the fight by stabbing the vampire right in the head and burning its head using his Sky Flame. Sadly for him, before he can do that, something hits his body so hard his body gets thrown through three buildings before stopping on the fourth building.

"How is it, brother? Do you still think they are normal humans?"

Robert vomits a lot of blood from his mouth and glares at his brother.

"Shut your mouth, brother. Help me."

"I am not your servant, Robert. Call your servant. I have an unfinished fight."

Dominik has a grin on his face when he sees Vale land on the ground with a frown on his face. Killing intent oozing out of his body and combining it with blood pouring out of his head, he looks like a demon.

"We meet again, Valerian Millefiore."

"Oh? You remember my name, Bloodsucker."

"Hah! I will remember the name of someone who is worthy, and you are one of them."

Dominik changes into his vampiric form. Wings appear from his back, and his head changes into a bat-like head. His claws get longer and harden. His torso gets bigger and bulges with muscle.

Dominik looks at Vale and says.

"Come, human! Let's fight!"

Vale dashes forward and appears in front of Dominik. Dominik releases a wave of killing intent and welcomes Vale. Dominik his hand and Vale's attack using his claw, creating a shockwave from the impact.

Dominik raises his left hand and thrusts it at Vale. However, Vale twists his sword and blocks the incoming attack before pushing the giant vampire. With a small window opening, Vale pushed forward and swung his sword.

However, Dominik raises his hand, blocks the attack using his left arm, and then attacks Vale using his right hand. Vale dodges and moves his sword to counterattack on his own.

The two of them fight to a standstill. The two of them move so fast that normal humans or even some fighters have difficulty seeing their movement. Block. Thrust. Slice. Kick. Punch. All of them happen so fast, and with such power, it creates a shockwave that throws rocks and planks away from them each time their attack hits something.

Robert, who gets rescued by one of his servants, manages to regain his strength and see Vale fight against his brother on equal ground. He knows that his brother is on par with their father regarding physical strength, and Vale manages to stand his ground against Dominik, making him fear for their future.

Seeing Vale busy fighting, he knows that this is his chance to kill the problem before it gets bigger. Robert flies into the air and raises his hand. He takes a deep breath and uses all his concentration to create fifty magic circles in the air.

"Like hell, I will let you do that!"

Before he can even finish his magic circle, someone punches his face and throws him to the ground. He grunt and open his eyes just in time to see a purple-haired woman appear above him with a fist covered with Sun Flame.

He grits his teeth and uses the connection between him and his servant vampire to switch places. Instead of him, the one that gets turned into a chunk of meat paste is the weakest vampire in his group.

Just like the devil, vampires can turn someone into a vampire by biting humans under the full moon. However, unlike the devil's peerage system, there is no free will in this system. All the humans or other races Robert turns into vampires will be nothing but slaves to him. Only the Pure Blood vampire has free will.

Robert lands not too far away from Martha and is about to attack her, but before he can even do that, Felicia appears next to him and swings her sword at him. Robert creates a barrier and overloads it to the point of exploding when Felicia's sword hits the barrier, throwing her away.

Robert uses this chance to jump away and create some distance between the two women. However, as he lands on the ground, he screams as a good chunk of his shoulder gets destroyed by a Storm Flame bullet.

Robert snarls and creates a barrier around him to block all the incoming attacks, but he is too focused on defending that he does not see Martha appear behind him and punch his face with a fist full of Sun Flame.

Robert gets thrown away so far that his body hits another body. Vale manages to land a clean hit on Dominik and throw the heir of Tepes Clan away from him. When the two brothers stand up, they can see Vale and his guardians surround them.

Dominik looks at his brother and says.

"How is it, brother? Still think you can win against them?"

"Shut up!"

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