
White-Haired Template System

DxDverse, also known as Draconic Deus, is a world full of wonder. The story of this place follows a young man trying to fulfill his dream as Harem Protagonist. It is light-hearted and full of service. However, beneath all that light-hearted story, there is darkness. Humans are the race known as nothing but weaklings in this world. The race looked down upon is used as cannon fodder and even as cattle for the other race. And I reincarnated in this world as a human. I want to change how others see humans. With this power given to me, I will change humanity's fate and reach the stars! I shall make humanity conquer the stars!

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Chapter 2: The Rain Find Her Sky

I look out of the window and sigh a little. It has been ten days since I got kidnapped and awakened. With the weird naming aside, this power is very useful.

Katekyo Hitman Reborn might not be a world full of planet-destroying enemies, but it is still a dangerous world full of exotic power.

Dying Will Flame is among them. It is a power that I got from the Byakuran Template. Dying Will Flame is an energy from one soul. It is a power with many kinds of effects.

There are two Dying Will Flame. The first is the Dying Will Flame of the Sky, and the second is the Dying Flame of the Earth. What I got from Byakuran was the first one.

Dying Will Flame of the Sky is divided into seven forms and named after seven weather phenomena in the sky: the Sky itself, Storm, Rain, Sun, Lightning, Cloud, and Mist.

Storm Flames continuously at the heart of the attack, the furious Storm that never rests. It is the power that attacks the enemy and destroys any obstacle the user faces. Its characteristic is Disintegration, and its color is red.

Rain Flames is to square away conflict and wash away the blood spilled—the Requiem of Rain. It is the power to stop movement and even power. Its characteristic is Tranquility, and its color is blue.

Sun Flames destroy the misfortune that attacks the Famiglia with their own body. They become the Sun that brightly shines upon an area. It is the power to heal and enchant one body. Its characteristic is Activation, and its color is yellow.

Lightning Flames is to draw damage to himself and away from the rest of the Famiglia, serving as a lightning rod. It is the power to protect the weak and be the pillar others can depend on in tough situations. Its characteristic is Hardening, and its color is green.

Mist Flames is creating from nothing into something, turning something into nothing, bewildering the enemy, and making the Famiglia untouchable. It is the power to create and to fool others. Its characteristic is Construction, and its color is Indigo.

Cloud Flames is a drifting Cloud that cannot be bound. Protecting the Famiglia from an independent standpoint. It is a power to increase and multiply. Its characteristic is Propagation, and its color is purple.

Sky Flame… Sun, Lightning, Storm, Rain, Mist, Cloud-- He envelops them all. He accepts them all. That is the Sky's purpose. It is the power to bind all those elements and make them feel at home. Sky is the home those wandering souls can depend on, and makes them feel safe. Its characteristic is Harmony, and its color is Orange.

These seven flames are the power coming from that world. I have the Sky Flame, the most mysterious one and the one with a lot of exotic effects. Harmonization has a lot of uses: it can heal, it can petrify, and it can even cure a curse.

Sky Flame is about making things harmonious and ensuring no such thing is negative in its presence.

Other than those things, Sky Flame also has a thing called Attraction, which makes the one having this flame more charismatic and ensures loyalty to my rainbow (My direct subordinate).

I shake my head and release a sigh. Using this flame, Luca and I go around the city to destroy all human farms we can. Speaking of Luca…

"Sir! My contact managed to get another location for the farm!"

Luca enters my office with a stack of paper in his hand.

The Savu Family is an old family. They are an old Vampire Hunter family that can be traced back to the time of Vlad the Impaler's reign. Because of this, Luca has a lot of connections that he can use to track the human farms around the city.

"Where is it?"

"It is in the south, boss."

"Right. We can go there tonight. However, we need to think about our current situation."

"What do you mean, boss?"

I release a sigh and point at the corner of the room. He turns around and sees a massive pile of cash sitting in the corner of the room. These are the money we get from raiding the farm. Rather than throwing them away, we decided to take them and use them for our organization.

"We need to think of a way to clean that money."

"Ah, that! I can think of a few ways to launder the money. Leave them to me. I can create a company to clean that money."


I release a sigh, get up from my chair and say.

"Let's prepare for the raid."

"Yes, boss!"


|3rd POV|

She did not know how long she needed to experience this torture.

She is Felicia Movila, and she is a member of the church. She is an exorcist sent here to investigate the disappearance of her fellow exorcist in Romania, but instead of finding a clue, she finds a betrayal.

Instead of finding the corpse of her fellow exorcist, what she finds is a group of former humans eating the flesh of humans. What she found is that her fellow exorcists move away from their faith and join the Vampire.

They capture her and torture her. They show her that God does not exist and her faith is nothing more than a lie of a fraud.

At first, she held firm to her belief. She still believes in her god and his army of angels that will help her. However, as days pass by, she starts losing hope and begins to believe what they say to her.

She looks up when she hears an explosion coming out from above her. She can hear shouting and another explosion happening. She wonders if it was her fellow exorcist. She wonders if her faith is not misguided and the people who mock her are wrong.

Her answer appears in front of her as the door to the dungeon opens up, and she sees a man with white hair open her cell door. As her eyes land on this figure, she feels something surging up from inside her body. A warm feeling covers her entire body, and a cool, soothing feeling starts to appear inside her body.

She sees him cut down the chain around her hands and legs and prevent my body from falling to the ground. As Felicia looks at the face of her savior, she sees a gentle smile that shines like the stars in the night sky.

The man in front of her is the star on her dark day. She is the saint who saves her from darkness.

"My name is Valerian Millefiore. Are you okay, dear?"

Felicia does only what she can do at the moment and hugs him tightly while quietly sobbing. Valerian hugged her back and patted her back gently. The warmth of the sky envelops the tormented rain.

The Rain finds her Sky. A tormented soul has found her home. Millefiore Famiglia got another member.

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