

In the Land named Lender, there existed creatures that no one has ever heard about. Have you ever heard of creatures from one of its kind? One among the myths beings who are said to be the strongest of all? Who lives behind the shadows of humans, who are called the strongest from one side while the others called them immortal? They are not fairies, Vampires, Goblins, or Werewolves however something beyond them. They are called DeathLocks. It is a rare rumor about them that they are powerful and strong after being gifted with a natural mysterious source called a system. The system works well with them as it provides them necessary requirement from above what a normal human being struggled to earn. With this, they wage wars over numerous Kingdoms and conquered lands according to their own will. No one can stop them or battle against them. On the other hand, a common fact about their system is known that Human beings can’t see their system as for this the Deathlocks feel proud for it. However, everything slowly collapses when a young boy from the humans named Yutosai soon discovers a chained Deathlock who is trapped between survival for life and with the darkness of death. What’s worse both are quite close to each other. To turn the matter upside down, this Deathlock chooses Yutosai to be his slave in exchange for his freedom by providing him THREE systems at a time, with all different statuses and power which soon takes his life from the poor of slavery till meeting up with mighty kings. How does Yutosai’s life changes into a world where he sees mystery behind lands, finds cries behind voices, seeks evil behind the white, visits strong Kings and salutes Empires, met dark villains, and feels peaceful auras trapped around his land? With the blood of a slave running in his veins, find out his long journey around the land and how will he manage to finish the main quest line with one sentence to be solved as an order by his master: WHITE FEELINGS, BLACK HEART.

Ninestar619 · Fantasie
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32 Chs

Fight in the dinner hall.

In the dinner hall, when Yutosai introduced himself, the evil man Snakie gave him a direct hard kick on his chest, stamping him on the wall.

"OH DEAR!" all cried at this horrible look.

"Don't do that!" cried Lily from the side.

When she learned the members of the fight going on inside the hall, the girl left her seat plus, only time meal,

She rushed to the corner as she grew worried for the little boy Yutosai.

Unfortunately, her worries and cries all went in vain.

The man torture him by kicking several times on the boy's arms, body, and head which suffered him agony, losing away his knife.

Snakie laughed at his suffering, mercilessly he dragged the wounded arm of Yutosai lifting it on his arm causing him server pain all over his arm as thou, it would tear off his body any second but, surprisingly, this boy didn't even make an AH! for it.

His eyes were hidden under his hair as his head hung like a ragged doll, dripping blood drop by blood.

His body still was fighting for breath, exhaling and inhaling nonstop. The man leered at this as he brought him closer to his face whispering,

"So tell me, how do you want to sleep today boy?"

It might all on the next blow, once it gets it means death.”

Suddenly, Yutosai opened his eyes, glaring straight into his eyes. This staring puzzled the man, unable to understand what was the child's intense.

Within the next second, AAAAAAAAA!

The whole hall got deafened by the scream this man cried out. Some shut their ears, others lost their hearing for a few seconds. Just then, the guards of the place burst in shouting, "What's this noise? HUH?"

Even the guards turned solid, looking at what caused all this noise.

The little wild boy was over the man's face, biting with his wide mouth, his sharp teeth on his nose and his both hands pulling the two ears wide and twisting it so hard, any time to get them torn off.

Not to mention, the ears felt like they would prick off his head.

The poor man couldn't scream or hit the boy at least, struggle to get away from his grip because he knew non would work.

Yutosai was glued on his face making it impossible to even throw him out.

"HELP ME! PLEASE!" cried the poor man named Snakie like a weeping child who was trapped in a swing, crying to be freed to the ground as his feet were miles high.

Instead of helping, even the guards began to laugh at him.

No one cared about his condition.

They watched and enjoyed their meal.

The roar of the helpless man ended with a decrease in his screams and he fainted.

When the boy stepped off him, his mouth was covered with the blood of the man his just bite ad his hands were shivering by the measure.

“This is what you get when you face me…”


At night, in a large room, 10 meters long, with three large windows built on the right side wall, where the moonlight could peep into the room of hundred beds arranged beside each other, a horizontal line at both faces, left and right of the room. This room was quite an old type, with wooden roofs and cracked walls with dirty floors.

On the beds, a few children around age five to twelve were getting prepared to sleep.

An old piece of cloth folded over and over to form a pillow was used under their heads and a long old cloth sheet for the blanket.

They all quietly went to bed filled with soreness and hopelessness, sleeping in despair.

Among them at the 45th bed, under the window was the wild kid sitting on his bed getting his wounds covered.

A girl of age nine with light pink hair and crystal blue eyes was busy cleaning his injuries, using her dress. "I can't cover up the wounds well but, I think using my pillow cloth may do the work." She said with a gentle smile as she tore a rag cloth into two pieces and wrapped it around the boy's arm wound.

"I didn't ask for your kindness…" replied the boy rudely trying away his face, "you're wasting your time with me, Lily."

He called her by her name.

However, the girl didn't mind his words instead she looked up at him, stretched her index finger, and pricked Yutosai's left check, by which he blasts loudly,

"AAAAAA! MY TEETH!" cried the boy falling back on his pillow, covering his swollen cheek, "CHEESE! Why did you do that?!" he yelled in tears at the pain.

The girl laughed replying, "Because, it's simple to tease a wild kid like you. If you won't have bitten that man Snakie so hard, this won't have happened." teased Lily.

Yutosai, on the other hand, lay still staring at the roof, and said, "It wasn't my fault. He started it first. From my side, it was just self-defense."

Lily giggled saying, "Surely, that man deserved what happened to him. No one will forget that."

"HUMPH…I don't care about it." Turning aside Yutosai blackened her, "I told you it's his fault and it IS!" the girl only smiled and turned straight in sadness.

That's how Yutosai was unforgiving, misunderstood, and careless and didn't care much for all.

That's when the page of his life began to change.

As he lay in the pose, staring at the last wall with his empty head with cold eyes when suddenly a cold whisper spoke inside,

"You truly are a wild beast out there. What a weird human I have ever seen…"

"WHAT?!" shocked Yutosai by hearing it. That voice gave him goosebumps, freezing his spine out of fear with only one question running in his head, "WHO SAID…?"