

My mother and my father met when they were very young, five years old to be exact...

They were friends for a very long time


Until my mother got married...

Then she got married again...

And again....And ....

My mother and father grew apart, building walls and hardening their hearts to the world, slowly exposed to the world of politics, nobles and well...responsibilities.

Then she married my father and well,they had me.

But this story isn't about me.....It's about my parents, the two people who caused me the greatest amount of pain even in death... which caused my death...then the death of many other people....the destruction of the country.....and the rampage of monsters killing everyone.

So hang tight as we go back to a time where none of this had happened...a time with flamboyant dresses and glistening jewelry....a time well known for its fashion and etiquette.

A time when my mother, Madeline Foxenton reigned as empress.

It was a "special" day for my mother Madeline, it was something she had experienced numerous times but it always felt slightly different, though it was the same people, the same words, same room, same faces, same maids; even the same words.

It's like they practised it numerous times, it came naturally to them to repeat the same phrases for the sixth time, "today's your special day"

" Your mother would be so proud"

" Don't show any weaknesses, Madeline"

" Shoulders high, you're walking into a war zone immediately you step out of this room, alright?"

Madeline was sick of these words, she knew it was all lies, no one wanted to sit here and compliment her beauty in her white gown, or how beautiful the church is, she knew that someone in here was struggling to hide their disgust, trying their best to not blurt out the words, "How does it feel to be getting married again?".

But it was unrealistic to ever expect them to say it to her face, so they said it behind her back; chattering and whispering as she walks towards the Giant doors that she was too familiar with.

Madeline didn't want to go, she knew what awaited her just beyond those doors and she dreaded it, she wanted to run, to escape but her thoughts were cut short as a lady in red heels and a white dress walked towards her.

The ladies shoes clacking on the tiled floor as she made her way. Madeline's face flinched as she bowed her head, the maids behind her scurried off as the lady grabbed Madeline's arm.

" Good day, Duchess..." Madeline said as she clutched her gown, the lady simply smiled and asked, " Why do you look like that?", coming closer, " I'm your aunt after all, so cut the formalities. I even permit you to call me by my name only for today, Madey"

Madeline felt uncomfortable, she knew what her aunt was doing but she couldn't say anything, " Yes.....aunt Katrina".

Her aunt put on a forced smile and whispered in her ear, " You better not mess this up....Madey".

Madeline froze in place as aunt Katrina locked hands with her, putting on a great big smile....

Someone please....anyone.... please


My mother thought as the great doors opened and a blinding white light enveloped the surrounding area....It was time...

White doesn't always mean pure....

sqwcreators' thoughts