

Madeline clutched her night gown as she looked him in the eye, he had pushed her against the wall and blocked her every escape route

" Don't tell me you forgot, Madey?"

Peter said with a surprised smile,

" You've been really aloof lately...."

He mumbled, closing the little gaps between them as he pressed his upper body against hers

Madeline turned her face in disgust as she muttered " Get off...and get out"

She pushed him off as she tried running to the door but Peter closed it shut in a split second as he gave her an awkward smile.

" Madey....What'd you think the maids would say if they saw you leaving in the middle of the night? Hm...Madey?"

" What is up with this guy?

Why in the world is he doing this?"

She thought, remembering all her wedding nights before now and how her spouses always tried their best to avoid THIS!

Madeline put her hand on her waist as she walked towards him

" Then just go to bed QUIETLY...."

She whispered to him

Hearing those words, a grin appeared on his face as he bent down

" I don't think that's going to be possible, Madey"

She pushed his face away and began walking to the bed, wondering if her aunt didn't explain to Paul thoroughly about his role as the emperor and not some man that's playing house with her, pretending to be her husband

But before Madeline knew it, she was pinned down to the bed as Peter placed himself above her saying

" I take your silence as a yes...."

Madeline widened her eyes in shock, She was about screaming


Before her mouth was quickly blocked, he had kissed her.

Madeline punched his chest and shoulders as he continued.

She finally got her hands free as she pushed him off with all her strength. He staggered as he landed on his feet, but before Peter could say anything; He recieved a resounding slap on his face

Peter's head flung to the other side as his hair covered his eyes

Madeline's was fuming as she held unto her reddened palm and screamed at the top of her lungs


She shoved him out the room and closed the door shut with an echoing bang as he stood quietly in the dark empty hall.

His hair covered his eyes as he looked back at the room in silence, his face completely unreadable; before he slowly walked off putting his hands in his pockets.

Madeline was backed against the door, she covered her mouth with her hands; she slid down and unto the floor.

Tears streamed down her face as she began to cry.

She didn't expect him to change this much!

She didn't expect him to do this to her!

Why'd he have to come back!?

Why'd he have to give her so much pain!?

Madleine tried her best to muffle out her cries, she didn't want anyone to hear her cry not even herself.

She slowly rose from the floor and walked towards the bed as she sobbed, wiping her tears away with her palm

Plopping onto the bed and letting out a huge sigh, immediately falling asleep

She didn't want to remember anything anymore, If her life was taking now; she would be more than happy to thank whoever did it....

Whoever saved her from her misery


The next morning

Madeline was awoken by the blinding light of the morning sun.

She frustatedly jumped off her bed and aggressively closed the blinds, before plopping back on the bed, face first.

A maid knocked on her door before entering the room

" My Queen...?",

"What do you want, Piper?"

Madeline's muffled voice asked as she bowed and announced

" Your bath is ready. Your Majesty!"

" Sure..."

Piper walked out; Madeline turns on the bed, taking in deep breaths as she puffed strands of hair off her face.

She sluggishly got of her bed and stared at the door, staggering to her feet.

She tried her best not to remember what happened last night.

She was scared

Scared...that it would change her

Scared...that it would break her

Scared...that he would breach the contract

She shuffled out her room, on her way to the bath.

Just a few inches out and she bumps head first into something hard

"What the heck!"

" My day just keeps getting worse..."

She wanted to completely destroy what was in front her but didn't think she could raise her head.

Madeline's eyes were swollen red, It would be too embarrassing to be seen in her state

Before she could blindly punch the thing in front of her, short locks of brown hair brushed up against her face as the person bowed

" I am dreadfully sorry....Made- I mean...

My Queen"

He was the last person Madeline wanted to see right now, but she was honestly surprised by his apology...Peter

Madeline couldn't see his face, so it was quite hard to deduce a response or if he actually meant all he said.

She could feel his tension....really uncomfortable from so damn close!

" Do you expect me to forgive you so easily...

My King?"

She crossed her arms and cursed him with her eyes

Peter raised his head and looked at her with a remorseful expression; only for his face to contort into a cringed state as he stared at her furious demeanor, contrasted by her swollen red eyes and croaky voice. Her tongue poking at her cheek.

He gave her an awkward smile as he put his hand to his chest, kneeling on one leg and with his left hand he held her right, saying in a gentle voice...

" Forgive me my lady....I have wronged you, to show my regret...I give you my life"

Madeline pulled her hand away and uttered with a smug look

" Your life already became mine the moment you set foot in that church..."

She began walking away but he held her back

" Then you can take my life right here and now.." Peter jabbered, pulling out a dagger

Madeline was shocked

" Why the heck does this guy keep a dagger on himself?!"

Peter forced the dagger into her grip as he used her hand, forcing the dagger unto his throat

"Kill me..."

Madeline was disgusted

He was well aware she couldn't kill him..not now at least

"Such a Drama Queen....

But your tricks won't work on me"

She clenched the dagger and pressed it to his throat as a drop of blood streamed down his neck

" Death will be the last thing on my mind when I decide to punish you....Peter"

Madeline threw the dagger onto the floor, staring at his shameless face for a brief second before marching away.

Peter was in a daze as he froze in place, watching her stroll away, He snapped back to life by the tingling sensation of the cut on his neck.

He caressed his injury

Madeline had really changed.

The Madey he knew was a softy, she would never hold a dagger to his neck

But that was a long time ago, now wasn't it?

He slowly rose to his feet and grinned

" Seems this'll be harder than expected....How exciting you are Madey..."

" Why don't people just stay the same?"

sqwcreators' thoughts