
Whispers of the Sea

The two lands, Melfren and Ashnal, are watched over by a water and a fire goddess. However, when horrendous disasters start to occur all across the land, one young priestess must take incredible risks and sacrifices in order to save her homeland.

starlightmoon896 · Fantasie
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2 Chs

Chapter 1: The Beginning

"Long ago, there were only two goddesses that existed. Lunaia, goddess of the seas and all creatures which live inside of it, and Iknar, goddess of the fires and lava. They fell in love at first sight, and as a result, they created many of the creatures that walk the joined lands of Melfren and Andral. Humans, were one of these creatures that they so lovingly created.

The humans and creatures looked to the goddesses' for guidance and aid, and as such, the goddesses acted accordingly. They all lived in harmony as the goddesses walked among them.

However, as time went on, Iknar started to despise the humans due to their disrespect and ignorance towards her. Soon enough, she decided that the world would be better off if the humans were wiped out completely. So, with all of her might and strength, Iknar caused a sudden, large fire that spread rapidly in the village. She killed a good amount of the humans, but not all. When Lunaia saw this tragedy, she was enraged at Iknar. Lunaia punished her for this by using the seas to trap her inside of a large volcano, forever. Lunaia, out of sorrow and pity, gave the remaining humans a gift she had made from her own hair, the Sword of Thalai. Should the humans ever come in contact with Iknar ever again, this sword would be able to mortally wound her. The humans then took the sword, grateful for her assistance, and settled in the land of Melfren.....and that, my daughter is the story of how our great church and country were founded."

The little girl sat beside her mother listening intently. The girl then looked up at her mother with wonder,"Mama, do you think that we will ever see the goddess again?" The middle aged woman spoke thoughtfully,"Maybe...one never knows, my dear child. However, they do say that if you go to the Sea Shrine and sing, you could catch a glimpse of our great goddess." The little girl's eyes widened,"Can we go there one day, Mama?" The woman shook her head," I'm afraid not very soon. That place is only available to priestesses of the Sea Shrine. They are very protective of it." The little girl stood up and spoke confidently,"Mommy, I want to become a priestess when I get older." The woman chuckled,"I am sure you would become a lovely priestess, my dear Catherine. Now, get some rest." The woman tucked the little girl in her blankets and kissed her forehead. She then walked out of the bedroom and quietly shut the door. The little girl then closed her eyes and drifted off into sleep.