
Whispers of the Prophecy: The Playful Princess

In the mystical empire of Zephyria, a centuries-old curse has condemned the imperial family to birth only eccentric sons. But prophecy foretells a miraculous exception: a princess destined to carry a fragment of the goddess of peace, bringing solace and prosperity to the realm. When Empress Sinclair gives birth to Adelaide, the long-awaited princess, the imperial family shrouds her existence in secrecy to protect her from the empire's hidden dangers and potential betrayals. Raised among the green elves in a hidden forest, Adelaide grows up unaware of her royal lineage. Her bright, playful spirit and extraordinary magical talents set her apart, yet she remains blissfully ignorant of her destiny. As whispers of the hidden princess spread, the empire's nobility and commoners alike grow restless, desperate to witness the embodiment of the prophecy. However, the Emperor steadfastly refuses to reveal Adelaide, fearing for her safety. Curiosity and an insatiable desire to understand her world drive Adelaide to uncover her true identity. Defying her family's wishes, she embarks on a secret journey to explore the empire and connect with her people. Disguised as an ordinary traveler, she revels in the freedom and adventure of the outside world, all the while unaware of the chaos her disappearance sparks within the royal court. As the search for Adelaide intensifies, hidden enemies and political intrigue threaten to unravel the fragile peace of Zephyria. Adelaide must navigate a treacherous landscape of deception and danger, harness her magical abilities, and fulfill her destiny as the beacon of hope foretold in the prophecy.

Ahrum14 · Fantasie
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6 Chs

Birth Of A Light

The hidden forest was bathed in the soft glow of twilight, the air filled with the gentle hum of nature. Inside the elven dwelling, Empress Isolde rested on a bed, her face serene yet tinged with worry. The midwives bustled around her, preparing for the birth that was still expected to be weeks away.

Outside, Elion stood on high alert, his magical senses scanning for any signs of danger. Suddenly, he felt a shift in the air—a dark presence approaching. His eyes narrowed, and he raised a protective barrier around the dwelling.

At that moment, Isolde gasped, clutching her belly.

"I-It's too soon!" she cried out, pain etched across her face. The midwives rushed to her side, their practiced hands working quickly.

One of the midwives looked up, panic in her eyes.

"The princess is coming now!"

Elion, sensing the urgency, rushed inside.

"Your Majesty, stay calm. We will protect you and the princess."

Miles away, Emperor Alaric sat in his tent, surrounded by advisors, discussing the upcoming dangers and the coming of a princess. A courier then burst in, breathless and wide-eyed.

"Your Majesty, urgent news from our spies! The Empress is said to be put in danger! They found out that the Vesperians had plotted to stop the prophecy with other nations and a group of rogue elves that harbor hate for the civilized high elves from the hidden forest in the disguise of mercenaries."

Alaric's heart pounded as he read the hastily written note. He sprang to his feet, barking orders.

"Ready my horse! We ride to the hidden forest immediately!"

The emperor and his most trusted guards rode with relentless speed, cutting through the dense forest with a singular focus—reaching his wife and unborn child.

Back in the elven dwelling, Isolde's cries filled the air. The pain was intense, and the birth progressed rapidly. Elion stood guard at the door, his magic ready to repel any threat, along with his group of warriors and royal knights. The dark presence he had sensed earlier grew stronger, closer.

"They aren't supposed to have the ability to enter... did they manage to break the barrier?" Elion's younger brother and right-hand man, Eldrin, said.

"It must be the work of a rogue. No one can break a century-old spell apart from the leader. So, they must've known the transporting spell to enter the forest. I just happen to know who it might be. Prepare yourselves! They could be stronger than the ones we fought before!" Elion yelled, ready for battle.

Just as the baby began to crown, a long crash echoed outside. Shadows moved swiftly among the trees. Elion stepped out, his eyes blazing with determination. Dark-cloaked figures emerged, weapons drawn.

"You shall not pass!" Elion shouted, summoning a shield of radiant energy.

The hidden forest's tranquil atmosphere was shattered by the clang of steel and the crackle of magic. Elion stood at the forefront, his eyes scanning the dense foliage.

Suddenly, the air shimmered, and a dark-cloaked figure emerged, followed by a small army of shadowy assailants. Among them, Elion recognized an elf with familiar features twisted by malice—an elf had once called a brother.

"K-Kael," Eldrin whispered, his voice filled with a mixture of sadness and resolve.

Kael stepped forward, a sinister smile on his lips.

"Hello, Elion, Eldrin. Long time no see."

"You betrayed us," Elion said, his voice steady but laced with pain.

"You let those villains in and broke the rule of protecting our forest."

Kael laughed, a cold, mirthless sound.

"The high elves' time of isolation is over. The world is changing, and so must we. But you—you're still clinging to the old ways."

Elion raised his hand, summoning a barrier of light.

"Enough talk. You will not harm anyone in this forest."

Kael's smile widened, "We'll see about that."

The battle continued in earnest. Elion's warriors, swift and agile, clashed with Kael's dark forces. Blades sand through the air and spelled crackled like lighting. Elion moved with fluid grace, his sword a blur as he parried blows and struck down enemies with precision.

Kael, wielding dark magic, targeted the barrier protecting the dwelling. With a gesture, he summoned tendrils of shadow that lashed against the glowing shield, causing it to flicker.

Elion saw this and shouted, "Protect the barrier! Do not let them breach it!"

As his warriors redoubled their efforts, Elion charged at Kael, their swords clashing with a shower of sparks. Kael's dark magic swirled around him, but Elion's light magic pushed back, creating a dazzling display of power.

"You still can't win, Elion," Kael sneered.

"Your light is no match for the darkness within me."

Elion gritted his teeth, "I will never give up. Not while there is still hope."

As the battle raged on, Elion felt a subtle shift in the barrier's magic. A rogue elf, hiding among the shadows, had infiltrated their ranks and was attempting to dismantle the barrier from within. Elion's eyes widened in realization.

"Ilara, no!" Eldrin shouted and recognized the rogue elf.

Ilara, a once-loyal and outstanding warrior like Kael, glanced back with conflicted eyes.

"I'm sorry, Elion. But I need that power."

With a swift motion, Ilara struck at the barrier's core, causing it to waver. Elion and Eldrin, torn between fighting Kael and other forces and stopping Ilara, made a desperate decision.

Using a burst of speed, Elion disengaged from fighting and lunged at Ilara.

"This ends now!"

As Elion reached Ilara, Eldrin decided to attack Kael, who was preparing for a devasting spell. Elion unleashed a powerful spell, binding her in tendrils of light.

"You all chose the wrong path, Ilara. But it's not too late to make amends."

Ilara's eyes filled with regret, "I'm sorry, Elion." 

Just then, the sound of galloping hooves filled the air. Emperor Alaric and his men burst through the trees, their weapons gleaming in the moonlight.

"Protect the Empress!" Alaric roared, charging into the fray.

The arrival of the emperor's forces turned the tide. The combined might of human and elven warriors overwhelmed Kael's dark army. Seeing his defeat imminent, Kael snarled and vanished into the shadows, swearing vengeance.

Inside the dwelling, the Empress gave one final, agonizing push. The room was filled with the first clear cry of the newborn princess. The midwives cheered, tears of relief streaming down their faces.

At that exact moment, the door burst open, and Emperor Alaric stormed in, his face a mix of fear and hope.

"Isolde!" he cried, rushing to her side.

She looked up, exhaustion and joy in her eyes.

"Alaric, she's here. Our daughter is here."

As he gazed at his newborn daughter, a strange and beautiful phenomenon unfolded in the sky. The stars above the hidden forest aligned in a radiant display, forming a shimmering arc of light that spread across the entire continent. Brillant hues of gold and silver danced in the heavens, casting a magical glow over Zephyria.

Everyone, from the bustling cities to the quiet villages, looked up in awe at the celestial spectacle. Whispers of the goddess's blessing spread like wildfire.

Elion and those who fought, still catching their breath, glanced up at the sky. The beauty of the phenomenon filled them with renewed hope.

"The prophecy has begun," Thalon murmured as he watched over the window and looked back at the still-sleeping seer, Elaria.

"They've done it, Elaria. The princess safely arrived into this world."

Inside, Alaric cradles his daughter, tears streaming down his face.

"She is our miracle, Isolde. The prophecy came true."

Isolde smiled weakly, her strength fading but her heart full.

"Adelaide... She will bring peace. The boys must've wished to be here with us."

"Leave them be. They don't even consider each other as family." Alaric replied, his focus remaining on his daughter.

"Alaric..." Isolde sighed, her eyes narrowing with a mix of frustration and determination.

"What?" he asked, looking up with a frown.

"Do you really think they would act the same with Adel?" she challenged.

"I mean, look at you now. I never saw you hold a baby before, yet here you are. I know that during your free time, you tried to learn it with the head maid so you can be ready for this moment."

Alaric's face flushed, a rare hint of shyness creeping into his expression.

"I... I wanted to be prepared," he admitted, his voice softer.

Isolde's stern gaze softened, and a small smile tugged at her lips.

"If you can change, Alaric, so can they. They deserve the chance to meet their sister, to feel what you're feeling now."

He looked back down at Adelaide, her tiny fingers wrapping around one of his. The warmth of the moment seeped into his heart, and he sighed deeply.

"Perhaps you're right," he conceded.

"Maybe Adel's arrival can help heal old wounds."

Isolde placed a gentle hand on his arm,

"They just need a reason to come together. She could be that reason."

Alaric nodded slowly, his resolve softening.

"Very well. We'll invite them. But if they cause any trouble..."

"They won't," she interrupted, her voice filled with a mother's unwavering faith.

Alaric simply smiled at her, feeling a rare sense of hope, "They'll see what we see. The promise of a new beginning. For Adelaide, and for us all."

Isolde giggled softly at her husband's tender expression, the tension of the moment dissolving into a shared understanding and love.