
Whispers of the Bunian: A Silat Tale

In the heart of the Johorean jungle, where the emerald canopy conceals ancient secrets, a village exists in the mystical embrace of nature. This is a place where the boundaries between reality and the supernatural blur, and the jungle's rhythms dance to age-old tunes. At its center is Ayyash, a young boy dedicated to Silat, the revered martial art passed down through generations. His days are filled with rigorous training, guided by the teachings of his late father, a Silat master. Ayyash's aspirations reach beyond the earthly realm. In the midst of the jungle's beauty, he seeks not only physical prowess but also the spiritual essence of Silat. Yet, the jungle harbors secrets older than any martial art, including a hidden Bunian village veiled from mortal eyes. Najwa, a Puteri Bunian, is curious about the world beyond the veil, drawn to a boy she glimpses in the shadows—a boy whose movements are like poetry, whose spirit is like the wind. Their connection defies their separate worlds, leading Ayyash to stumble upon the Bunian village, a realm of ethereal beauty and mystery. Their encounter is miraculous, bringing together two souls connected by Silat's ancient dance and a curiosity that transcends realms. But fate weaves wonder and heartache in equal measure. As Ayyash and Najwa's love faces the ultimate test—the divide between two worlds—the secrets of a lost Silat manuscript hidden deep within the jungle hold the key to their destinies. This is a tale of tradition and mysticism, where the echoes of Silat's past resonate through the trees, where the Bunian village guards its secrets, and where the love between Ayyash and Najwa unfolds amidst the enigmatic Johorean jungle, a place where magic and martial art entwine, and where the past and future collide.

MohdShukri_MN · Fantasie
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16 Chs

The Bunian Village's Invitation

Ayyash's curiosity stirred, like a breeze rustling through leaves. His thoughts danced with intrigue, and he couldn't help but feel a shiver of anticipation ripple through him. "Someone I should meet? Who is this person?" His eyes darted about, searching for clues, as if the very air held secrets waiting to be unraveled.

Tengku Iskandar's lips curved into a subtle smile, his eyes glinting with hidden knowledge. "All in good time, Ayyash. You will understand soon enough. But for now, let us return to the Bunian village. I am certain you must miss the world of humans."

Ayyash's heart momentarily wavered as he contemplated his life in the human realm. Simultaneously, a pang of nostalgia tugged at his heart, reminding him of the deep longing he already felt for his life there. The village, Pak Kadir, Malik, Siti and all the villagers, the comforting familiarity of sights and sounds—he yearned for them. But he had also come to love the enchantment and beauty of the jungle, as well as the companionship of Tengku Najwa.

"Yes," Ayyash admitted with a touch of nostalgia, "I do miss the human realm, but I also feel a deep connection to the jungle now. It's a part of me."

Tengku Najwa, her eyes shining with a secret joy that she couldn't quite conceal, added, "Ayyash, you are always welcome in the Bunian village. You've become a part of our world, and we would be honored if you stayed with us for a few more days."

Ayyash felt a rush of gratitude and warmth at Tengku Najwa's words. He had forged a bond not only with the jungle but with its guardians, and the prospect of spending more time with them was enticing. "I would be honored to accept your invitation, Najwa. Thank you."

With their decision made, they began their journey back to the Bunian village. The moonlit path seemed to welcome them, and the jungle's nocturnal chorus serenaded their steps.

As they continued their journey to the Bunian village, Tengku Iskandar, walking in the lead, gestured for Ayyash and Tengku Najwa to place their hands gently on his shoulders. Ayyash stood to his right, Tengku Najwa to his left, their hands resting on his shoulders simultaneously.

In a hushed tone, Tengku Iskandar recited words so soft that Ayyash could barely make them out, like a whisper of ancient incantations.

Then, with a single step, Tengku Iskandar led the way forward, and the surroundings transformed as if they had entered a different realm, a village materializing before their eyes. This was "ilmu lipat bumi", the art of earth folding, a rare Silat skill capable of transporting one in the blink of an eye to distant places. Ayyash's eyes widened in astonishment at this extraordinary occurrence.

Ayyash, Tengku Iskandar, and Tengku Najwa found themselves standing at the outskirts of the Bunian village, the breathtaking sight taking Ayyash's breath away once more.

The air seemed to grow purer, infused with the fragrances of exotic flowers and lush vegetation. The sounds of the jungle took on a harmonious quality, as if the very forest welcomed their arrival.

Eventually, they reached the outskirts of the Bunian village. Ayyash's return to the Bunian village felt like a homecoming. He had first ventured into this enchanting realm when he had met Tengku Najwa, and the memories of that initial encounter still lingered in his heart. As they walked through the village, he couldn't help but feel a deep sense of familiarity.

Tengku Najwa, her hand in his, led him deeper into the Bunian village, where the very air seemed to shimmer with magic. The quaint huts, crafted from woven leaves and vines, exuded an otherworldly charm. Bioluminescent flowers illuminated their path, casting a soft, iridescent glow on the surroundings.

"This is the Tree of Knowledge," Tengku Najwa explained, her fingers brushing the intricate carvings on the grand tree's trunk reverently. The massive roots of the tree seemed to be intertwined with the earth itself, a testament to the history and culture of the Bunian.

Ayyash gazed at the Tree of Knowledge with a sense of reverence. He remembered this place, the stories and wisdom shared beneath its branches. It was here that he had first met Tengku Najwa, and his journey into the mysteries of the jungle had truly begun.

As they stood before the ancient tree, Tengku Iskandar approached, a knowing smile on his face. "Ayyash, you have been here before, haven't you?" he asked, his eyes filled with a deep understanding.

Ayyash nodded, a flood of memories rushing back. "Yes, Tengku Iskandar. It was here that I first met Tengku Najwa and embarked on this incredible journey."

Tengku Najwa's eyes sparkled with a mixture of pride and affection. "You are not a stranger to our village, Ayyash. You are a part of our story now."

Tengku Iskandar placed a hand on Ayyash's shoulder, his voice carrying the weight of tradition and history. "Then you understand the significance of this place. The Tree of Knowledge holds the wisdom of our people, a repository of the jungle's secrets."

Ayyash felt a deep sense of gratitude for being welcomed back into this sacred space. He had been on a journey of self-discovery, and now he found himself at the heart of the Bunian village once again.

Tengku Najwa, her eyes reflecting a mix of emotions, turned to Ayyash. "Ayyash," she began softly, "I want to thank you for your bravery and companionship on this journey. You've shown incredible strength and resilience."

Ayyash smiled warmly at her, his heart touched by her words. "Thank you, Najwa. It's been an honor to journey with you and your father. I've learned so much, not just about the jungle but about the bonds that can form between people."

Tengku Iskandar, the wise and stoic warrior, nodded in agreement. "Ayyash, your presence has been a blessing on this journey. You've shown great respect for the jungle, and that is a quality we hold in high regard."

As they walked into the village, Tengku Iskandar spoke of the Bunian village with a sense of reverence. "Our village is a place of beauty and wonder, Ayyash. It is nestled deep within the heart of the jungle, hidden from the human world. It is a sanctuary where the Bunian live in harmony with nature."

Ayyash listened with rapt attention, eager to learn more about this hidden world.

Ayyash couldn't help but gasp in wonder at the sight that greeted him. The village was a hidden gem, a place of enchantment that seemed untouched by time.

Houses, made of woven leaves and branches, blended seamlessly with the natural surroundings. Luminous mushrooms illuminated the pathways, casting a gentle, otherworldly glow. The air was filled with the soft melodies of unseen creatures, creating a serene ambiance that felt like a dream.

The sand beneath their feet was pristine white, like a canvas untouched by time. The village homes were quaint and cozy, nestled closely together, their triangular thatched roofs peeking out from the lush greenery. The houses were small, and their doors were crafted from woven nipah leaves, a testament to the Bunian's deep connection with nature.

Ayyash found himself captivated by the seamless blending of the village with the surrounding jungle. Here, humanity and the natural world existed in flawless harmony, a testament to the Bunian's deep reverence for their environment.

As Ayyash gazed upon the beauty and serenity of the Bunian village, he couldn't help but utter in hushed wonder, "It's absolutely breathtaking."

Tengku Najwa watched Ayyash's reaction with a fond smile. "Welcome to our village, Ayyash. It's a place where the Bunian have lived for generations, in harmony with the jungle and its secrets."

As they entered the village, the residents, adorned in traditional Bunian attire, greeted them warmly.

The heart of the village was a vibrant center of activity. Bunian children played joyfully, their laughter a melodious echo that blended with the soothing sounds of the jungle. Ayyash observed with wonder as Bunian craftsmen skillfully wove intricate patterns into baskets made from the jungle's resources, showcasing their deep connection with the natural world.

As Ayyash, Tengku Najwa, and Tengku Iskandar strolled from the outskirts of the Bunian village toward the magnificent Istana Bunian, the lush surroundings seemed to come alive around them. Tengku Najwa, with a radiant smile, pointed toward the distant Istana Bunian and said to Ayyash, "That's my home, Ayyash. The Istana Bunian."

Tengku Iskandar, walking beside them, chimed in, "We'll have one of the palace servants prepare a royal guest palace for you, Ayyash. Afterward, I'll introduce you to my wife, Putri Mayang Sari."

Tengku Najwa's eyes sparkled with happiness as her father mentioned meeting Ayyash with her mother.

Tengku Iskandar led Ayyash toward the resplendent Istana Bunian, gesturing for him to follow. "Come, there is much to show you. But first, let us prepare a meal and find some rest. You must be weary from our journey."

As they entered the Istana Bunian, Ayyash was enveloped by an atmosphere of otherworldly beauty. The palace's interior was adorned with intricate carvings, and soft, iridescent light bathed the surroundings. The air carried a sweet, almost hypnotic fragrance from the exotic flowers that adorned the halls.

Tengku Najwa's mother, Putri Mayang Sari, a graceful and dignified figure, approached them with a warm smile. Her dignified demeanor and grace were matched only by her daughter. With eyes like deep forest green, she extended a welcoming smile, a blend of kindness and curiosity in her gaze. She greeted Ayyash with a gentle nod, her maternal warmth palpable.

Tengku Iskandar, with a twinkle in his eye, added, "Ayyash, allow me to introduce you to my wife, Putri Mayang Sari. She is not only the heart of our family but also the guiding spirit of our village."

"Welcome to our village, Ayyash," her voice flowed like a gentle stream, soft as the rustle of leaves in the wind. "We are deeply honored by your presence."

Ayyash returned her warm greeting with a polite bow. "Thank you for your hospitality, Putri Mayang Sari. Your village is truly remarkable."

Tengku Najwa, her heart filled with happiness and affection, couldn't help but beam with joy. She clung to her mother's arm, her eyes sparkling with delight as she observed the exchange, her cheeks radiating a soft, rosy hue.

Before partaking in the sumptuous meal, Ayyash was led to a tranquil chamber where he could take a moment to rest and refresh himself. Here, amidst the gentle sounds of a trickling waterfall and the fragrant petals of blossoming flowers, he found a beautifully adorned attire waiting for him. The garments were a testament to the artistry of the Bunian village, crafted with intricate patterns and vibrant colors that celebrated their culture. Ayyash took his time cleaning himself and donning the attire, appreciating the gesture of hospitality and the opportunity to immerse himself further into this enchanting world.

The meal that followed was a feast of flavors that Ayyash had never experienced before. Exotic fruits, aromatic herbs, and dishes infused with the essence of the jungle filled the table. It was a culinary journey that tantalized his senses and left him deeply satisfied.

As they savored their meal, Tengku Iskandar wove enchanting stories of the Bunian village, tales rich with ancient traditions and their profound connection with the jungle. Ayyash hung on his every word, his curiosity growing with each narrative.

Seated beside Ayyash, Tengku Najwa couldn't contain her delight at hosting him in her village. Her heart swelled with an unprecedented happiness, and she stole glances at him when she thought he wasn't noticing.

Putri Mayang Sari, her presence exuding grace and warmth, continued the conversation. "Ayyash, Tengku Najwa has been eagerly telling me about you. It's a pleasure to finally meet you in person," she said with a kind smile.

Ayyash, deeply touched by the warm reception, responded with heartfelt gratitude, "Thank you, Putri Mayang Sari. I've heard wonderful things about your village and its hospitality. It's truly an honor to meet you in person."

Once their meal was complete, they gathered in a communal area, where a crackling fire illuminated the space with a cozy radiance. Ayyash, Tengku Najwa, Tengku Iskandar, and Putri Mayang Sari settled around the fire, and the night stretched before them, filled with the promise of deepening friendships and unforgettable adventures.

As they continued their conversation, Putri Mayang Sari leaned in and said to Ayyash, "Tomorrow, you should consider lingering around the village with our palace guards. There are many hidden wonders to explore, and they can be excellent guides."

Before Ayyash could respond, Tengku Najwa interjected, her eyes sparkling with enthusiasm, "If you don't mind, Ayyash, I'm quite free tomorrow, and I'd love to accompany you. I know this place like the back of my hand, and I can show you some of our village's best-kept secrets."

Ayyash's heart warmed at the offer, and he replied with gratitude, "That sounds wonderful, Tengku Najwa. I'd be honored to explore the village with you as my guide." Their shared excitement painted a promising picture of the adventures to come.

As the hours passed, Ayyash's fatigue began to catch up with him. The rhythmic crackling of the fire and the soothing sounds of the jungle lulled him into a sense of tranquility. Tengku Najwa, her eyes sparkling with a secret happiness, offered to show him to his resting place for the night.

They withdrew to a leaf-woven hut reminiscent of a traditional Malay royal guest palace where Ayyash would spend the night. The inviting interior, bathed in the gentle glow of firefly lanterns, exuded a sense of sanctity. As Ayyash settled in, the echoes of the jungle and the warmth of his companions enveloped him like an embracing cocoon.

He couldn't help but feel a deep sense of contentment. The jungle's mysteries had drawn him in, but it was the warmth and hospitality of the Bunian, especially Tengku Najwa, that had truly captured his heart.

Tengku Najwa lingered for a moment, her eyes locked onto Ayyash's with an unspoken message of affection and gratitude. "Sleep well, Ayyash," she whispered, her voice as soft as the jungle's breeze.

Ayyash smiled, his heart brimming with warmth. "Goodnight, Najwa. Thank you for everything."

With a final, lingering gaze, Tengku Najwa left him to rest. As Ayyash closed his eyes, he couldn't escape the thoughts of the mysterious figure alluded to by Tengku Iskandar. He furrowed his brow in contemplation, his mind racing as he imagined this enigmatic person.

The subtle rustling of leaves outside seemed to intensify in his ears, as if the jungle itself was whispering secrets. Ayyash's fingers unconsciously clenched the fabric of his blanket, a physical manifestation of his curiosity.

With every fiber of his being, he felt that this person simply couldn't be Tengku Mayang Sari. Ayyash's lips formed a determined line, his thoughts a whirlwind of anticipation and wonder.

He allowed the soothing jungle symphony to embrace him, the distant calls of night creatures and the gentle rustling of leaves gradually lulling him into a tranquil slumber. Yet, even in the midst of dreams, his mind continued to explore the mysteries of the figure on the horizon, a puzzle he was determined to unravel.

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