
Whispers Of Love

Alessandra, a smart and determined young woman, finds herself working at an upscale strip club to pay her mother's mounting medical bills. One fateful night, she crosses paths with Leonardo De Luca, a commanding billionaire celebrating a business triumph. Drawn together by an undeniable chemistry, their encounter leaves Leonardo haunted by the memory of Alessandra's captivating eyes and touch. Determined to find her again, he embarks on a journey that will challenge their perceptions of love and destiny.

Fredozy · Urban
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7 Chs

Chapter Three


Alessandra hurried up the stairs to Sofia's apartment, her heart racing with excitement. She clutched the letter in her hand, hardly believing the news it contained. She knocked on the door, and Sofia opened it with a wide smile.

"Alessandra! What's got you so excited?" Sofia asked, her eyes sparkling with curiosity.

Alessandra thrust the letter into Sofia's hands. "Read it! I finally got a response from De Luca! They want me to come in for an interview next week!"

Sofia's eyes widened as she scanned the letter. "Oh my God, Alessandra! This is amazing!" She pulled Alessandra into a tight hug. "I knew you could do it!"

Alessandra beamed, feeling a surge of hope and relief. "I can't believe it. This could change everything, Sofia."

Sofia nodded, her grin infectious. "We have to celebrate! How about a drink to toast to your success?"

Alessandra laughed. "A drink sounds perfect. But first, tell me what's been going on with you. Any news?"

Sofia's eyes twinkled mischievously. "Well, as a matter of fact, I have a date tonight."

Alessandra's eyebrows shot up in surprise. "A date? With who?"

Sofia giggled like a schoolgirl. "It's with Luca."

Alessandra's mouth fell open. "Luca? As in the guy you met are the club Luca?"

Sofia nodded, her cheeks flushing with excitement. "Yes! We've been talking, and he finally asked me out."

Alessandra grinned. "That's fantastic, Sofia. I hope it goes well. You deserve someone who treats you right after all those toxic exes."

Sofia's expression turned serious for a moment. "Yeah, those were rough times. But Luca seems different. I'm hoping for the best."

Alessandra raised her glass. "To new beginnings and good men. Here's hoping Luca is as great as he seems."

They clinked their glasses together, the sound ringing with a sense of newfound hope.

Sofia took a sip of her drink, then looked at Alessandra with concern. "How's your mom doing? Any updates?"

Alessandra's smile faltered slightly. "She's stable for now, but the doctor says she needs the treatment soon. The medical bills are overwhelming, Sofia. I'm really hoping this job works out. It would make all the difference."

Sofia reached out and squeezed Alessandra's hand. "You're doing everything you can, Alessandra. Your mom is so lucky to have you. And you're going to get that job. I just know it."

Alessandra nodded, a lump forming in her throat. "Thanks, Sofia. I don't know what I'd do without you."

Sofia pulled her into another hug. "We're in this together. You've got this."

Alessandra leaned back, wiping a tear from her eye. "I hope so. I really do."

Sofia grinned, trying to lighten the mood. "Now, let's get back to celebrating. Tell me, what are you going to wear to this interview?"

Alessandra laughed, feeling the tension ease a bit. "I have no idea. I'm going to need your fashion expertise for this one."

Sofia's eyes lit up. "You know I'm always up for a fashion challenge. We'll find the perfect outfit to knock their socks off."

Alessandra smiled, grateful for Sofia's unwavering support. "I'm lucky to have you, Sofia. You're the best."

Sofia winked. "And don't you forget it. Now, let's drink to your future and my date with Luca."

They raised their glasses again, the clink of the toast echoing with promises of better days to come. For the first time in a long time, Alessandra felt a glimmer of hope, a sense that things might finally be looking up. And with Sofia by her side, she knew she could face whatever challenges lay ahead.


Leonardo sat at the head of the conference table, staring blankly at the sales charts displayed on the projector screen. His mind was elsewhere, consumed by thoughts of Alessandra. The shareholders' voices droned on, discussing quarterly profits and market expansion, but he barely registered their words.

"Leo? Leonardo!" Luca's voice cut through his reverie. Leonardo blinked, snapping back to the present. "Yes, what is it?"

Luca gave him a concerned look. "We were discussing the latest sales figures. Any thoughts?" Leonardo cleared his throat, trying to focus. "Right. I think we should increase our marketing efforts in the European sector. Our competitors are gaining ground, and we need to stay ahead."

The shareholders nodded in agreement, jotting down notes. After a few more minutes of discussion, the meeting concluded, and everyone filed out of the room, leaving Luca alone with Leonardo.

"What's on your mind, Leo?" Luca asked, leaning back in his chair. "You've been distracted all morning. Is it Natalia again?"

Leonardo shook his head, irritation flickering across his features. "No, it's not her. I don't have time to entertain her nonsense."

Luca raised an eyebrow. "Then what is it? You're not yourself."

Leonardo sighed, running a hand through his hair. "Forget about it. It's nothing."

Luca stood up, stretching his arms. "Well, I won't be able to join you for the lunch meeting later. I have plans."

Intrigued, Leonardo looked at him. "Plans? Where are you going?" Luca grinned, a boyish excitement in his eyes. "I have a date."

Leonardo chuckled, a rare smile crossing his lips. "You? A date? With who?"

Luca's grin widened. "A girl I met recently. You might have seen her at the club." Leonardo sighed, resignation in his voice. "The girl from the club? You'd better be careful, Luca. Remember what happened with your last fling? She was stealing from you."

Luca's expression sobered slightly. "I know, I know. But this one's different. She seems genuine." Leonardo shook his head, a faint smile playing on his lips. "Just be careful, okay?"

Luca nodded. "I will. Oh, and by the way, we have people coming in for interviews next week for the assistant position. You'll need to sit in on some of them." Leonardo nodded, his thoughts drifting back to Alessandra. "Got it. I'll be there."

As Luca left the room, Leonardo leaned back in his chair, his mind once again wandering to the mysterious woman who had captured his thoughts. He needed to find her. The memory of her eyes, her touch, her scent—they were etched into his soul, and he wouldn't rest until he had her in his arms again.