
Whispers Of Love

Alessandra, a smart and determined young woman, finds herself working at an upscale strip club to pay her mother's mounting medical bills. One fateful night, she crosses paths with Leonardo De Luca, a commanding billionaire celebrating a business triumph. Drawn together by an undeniable chemistry, their encounter leaves Leonardo haunted by the memory of Alessandra's captivating eyes and touch. Determined to find her again, he embarks on a journey that will challenge their perceptions of love and destiny.

Fredozy · Urban
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7 Chs

Chapter six:

The first day at De Luca Enterprises was nerve-wracking yet exhilarating for Alessandra. She arrived early, meticulously dressed in a professional yet stylish outfit, complete with glasses that added a touch of sophistication.

As she walked through the grand lobby, her nerves were calmed by the thought of the stability this job would bring. However, the memory of Leonardo's intense gaze during the interview lingered in her mind.

"Remember, you've got this," Sofia had told her. "And don't forget to breathe."

Leonardo, meanwhile, couldn't shake the feeling that Alessandra was somehow connected to the woman from the club. Her demeanor, her eyes—everything about her seemed familiar. He watched her discreetly from his office window as she arrived, trying to piece together the puzzle.

Lucas, noticing Leonardo's distraction, smirked. "You seem particularly interested in our new assistant."

Leo shot him a look. "She's intriguing. There's more to her than meets the eye."

Lucas chuckled. "Just make sure your interest doesn't turn into obsession."


Alessandra was quickly introduced to her new role by Lucas. He was thorough, detailing her responsibilities and the intricacies of working directly with Leonardo.

"First and foremost, confidentiality is key," Lucas explained, guiding her through the office. "You'll handle sensitive documents and information. Mr. De Luca values discretion above all."

Alessandra nodded, absorbing every detail. "Understood."

"You'll also manage his schedule, filter his communications, and ensure his time is optimized," Lucas continued. "It's a demanding role, but I believe you're up to the task."

As they approached Leonardo's office, Alessandra's heart rate quickened. The memory of his touch at the club, the intensity of their encounter, flashed through her mind. She took a deep breath, steadying herself.

Inside the office, Leonardo and Lucas were engrossed in a discussion about a significant business deal.

"The investors need reassurance. We can't afford to lose their confidence," Leonardo was saying, his voice commanding.

Lucas nodded. "Agreed. I'll handle the preliminary negotiations and set up a meeting for next week."

Alessandra watched them, her gaze drifting to Leonardo. His presence was magnetic, and she couldn't help but recall how he had made her feel at the club. She quickly averted her eyes, focusing on her notepad.

Leonardo glanced at her, feeling a strange pull. "Lucas, has Alessandra been briefed on her duties?"

Lucas smiled, noticing the slight tension. "Yes, she has. Alessandra, if you have any questions or need further clarification, don't hesitate to ask."

Alessandra nodded, her voice barely above a whisper. "Thank you, Mr. Lucas."

Lucas looked at her. "Speak up, Alessandra. Confidence is key here."

"Yes, Mr. Lucas. Thank you," she said, louder and more composed.

Leonardo's eyes met hers, and for a moment, the world around them seemed to fade. There was an unspoken connection, a shared memory that neither could fully grasp. The tension in the air was palpable.

"You'll find that Mr. De Luca expects efficiency and precision," Lucas continued, breaking the silence. "But he also values initiative. Don't be afraid to step up when needed."

"I understand," Alessandra replied, her voice steady now.

Leonardo nodded, his gaze lingering on her. "I trust you'll do well, Alessandra."

"Thank you, Mr. De Luca. I'll do my best."

Just as the tension reached its peak, the office door opened, and a young assistant stepped in. "Mr. Lucas, there's a meeting you need to attend."

Lucas nodded, glancing at Leonardo. "I'll leave you to it. Alessandra, if you need anything, don't hesitate to contact me."

As Lucas left the office, Alessandra and Leonardo were alone. The silence was thick, charged with the weight of their unspoken thoughts. Leonardo finally broke the silence.

"Do you have any questions or concerns about your duties?"

Alessandra shook her head, trying to maintain her composure. "No, Mr. De Luca. Lucas explained everything clearly."

"Good," Leonardo said. "If there's anything you need, my door is always open."

"Thank you," she replied, her eyes meeting his once more. The intensity of his gaze sent a shiver down her spine.

With a nod, Leonardo turned back to his work, the moment of connection lingering between them. Alessandra left the office, her mind swirling with thoughts and emotions. The day had just begun, and already, she felt the complexity of her new role and the man who would inevitably become a central part of her life.

As Alessandra left Leonardo's office, she was met by the assistant who had earlier come to fetch Lucas. The young woman gave her a warm smile.

"Hey, you must be Alessandra, right? I'm Claudia," she said, extending a hand.

"Yes, nice to meet you, Claudia," Alessandra replied, shaking her hand.

Claudia could see the tension in Alessandra's shoulders. "I know it can be overwhelming at first. Don't worry, you'll get used to it."

Alessandra managed a smile, though her nerves were still palpable. "Is Mr. De Luca always so... intense?"

Claudia chuckled. "Oh, you have no idea. You should see him in meetings. He's like a statue—completely unyielding. But trust me, you'll adapt. We all did."

Alessandra nodded, feeling a bit more at ease. "Thanks, Claudia. I appreciate the reassurance."

"No problem. If you need any help or just someone to talk to, I'm around. We assistants have to stick together," Claudia said with a wink.

- - -

The rest of the day went by in a blur of paperwork, emails, and brief interactions with various team members. Alessandra focused on familiarizing herself with Leonardo's schedule and the company's protocols.

Every now and then, she felt Leonardo's eyes on her as if studying her, a subtle reminder of their earlier tension.

By the time she finished her tasks for the day, the office was beginning to empty out. She gathered her things and headed out, feeling a mixture of exhaustion and accomplishment. The ride home was a chance to reflect on the day's events.

Sofia was waiting for her when she arrived home after making a quick stop at her apartment, eager to hear about her first day.

"How was it? Did you survive?" Sofia asked with a teasing smile.

Alessandra laughed, setting her bag down. "Barely. It was intense, to say the least. But I think I can handle it."

Sofia nodded, handing her a cup of tea. "You're strong, Alex. You'll do great. Did anything interesting happen?"

Alessandra hesitated for a moment, thinking about Leonardo. "Not really, just a lot of new information to process. Oh, and Mr. De Luca is even more intense in person than I imagined."

Sofia raised an eyebrow. "Really? How so?"

"He's just... very commanding. It's like he can see right through you," Alessandra said, sipping her tea.

"Sounds like quite the experience," Sofia said with a grin. "But you'll get used to it. Just take it one day at a time."