
Whispers Of Love

Alessandra, a smart and determined young woman, finds herself working at an upscale strip club to pay her mother's mounting medical bills. One fateful night, she crosses paths with Leonardo De Luca, a commanding billionaire celebrating a business triumph. Drawn together by an undeniable chemistry, their encounter leaves Leonardo haunted by the memory of Alessandra's captivating eyes and touch. Determined to find her again, he embarks on a journey that will challenge their perceptions of love and destiny.

Fredozy · Urban
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7 Chs

Chapter Seven

The following morning, Alessandra woke up with a renewed sense of determination. She was ready to tackle her second day at De Luca Enterprises. As she walked into the office, she felt more confident, ready to face whatever challenges came her way.

Claudia greeted her with a smile as she passed by. "Good morning, Alessandra. Ready for another day?"

"Absolutely," Alessandra replied with a nod.

She made her way to her desk, diving into the day's tasks. Her resolve was tested when she had to coordinate a last-minute meeting for Leonardo, but she handled it with poise and efficiency.


Later in the afternoon, Alessandra found herself struggling with a particularly complex set of documents related to a new investor proposal. She decided to ask Claudia for help.

"Claudia, could you help me with these papers? I'm not sure if I'm interpreting some of this correctly," Alessandra asked.

"Of course," Claudia said, moving over to Alessandra's desk. "Let's take a look."

The two of them worked through the documents together, with Claudia explaining the nuances of the company's investor relations and financial jargon. Alessandra quickly caught on, her confidence growing with each passing moment.

"Thanks, Claudia. I really appreciate your help," Alessandra said.

"No problem. You're doing great," Claudia replied with an encouraging smile.


With the documents finally ready, Alessandra braved up to Leonardo's office to drop off the paperwork. She knocked gently on the door.

"Come in," Leonardo's deep voice called from inside.

Alessandra entered, clutching the stack of papers. "Mr. De Luca, here are the documents you requested for the investor proposal."

Leonardo glanced up from his desk, his piercing eyes meeting hers. "Thank you, Alessandra. Please, have a seat."

She sat down nervously, watching as he began to go through the documents she had prepared. The silence was thick with anticipation.

'Okay, stay calm, Alessandra. This is just part of the job,' she thought, trying to steady her nerves.

After a few minutes, Leonardo looked up and handed her one of the documents. "What's your opinion on this proposal?"

Alessandra was taken aback. 'My opinion? Why does he care about my opinion?' "My opinion, sir?"

"Yes. I'd like to hear your thoughts," Leonardo said, his gaze steady.

'He actually wants to know what I think. Alright, here goes nothing,' she thought. "Okay," she replied, taking a deep breath. She reviewed the document carefully. "Well, the proposed terms seem favorable, but there are some potential risks with the projected returns. I think it would be wise to renegotiate certain points to ensure a more stable investment, especially considering the current market volatility."

Leonardo nodded, a hint of a smile playing at the corners of his mouth. "Interesting perspective. Anything else?"

Alessandra hesitated for a moment. 'Should I mention the diversification? Yes, go for it.' "May I speak freely, sir?"

Leonardo looked at her for a second, intrigued. "Go ahead."

"I think we should also consider a more diverse portfolio of investors. Relying too heavily on one major investor could be risky. By diversifying, we can mitigate potential losses and increase our resilience."

Leonardo chuckled softly, surprising her. 'Is he laughing at me?' But his chuckle seemed genuine, almost approving.

"You're quite insightful, Alessandra. That's a good suggestion."

'Phew, he liked it,' she thought, her heart racing as she tried to interpret his reaction. 'Did I say something wrong?' But his chuckle seemed genuine, almost approving.

"That will be all, Alessandra," Leonardo said, looking into her eyes with an intensity that made her breath hitch.

"Thank you, Mr. De Luca," she said, standing up to leave. She could feel his eyes following her every movement as she walked out of the office.

Once she got out, she leaned against the wall, exhaling shakily. "Oh shit," she muttered to herself, a small smile spreading across her face.


The rest of the day went smoothly, and by the time she left the office, she felt a sense of accomplishment. She was beginning to find her rhythm in this new environment, and the initial nerves were giving way to confidence.

As soon as Alessandra left the office, she headed straight to the hospital to see her mother. The hospital's familiar smell of antiseptic mixed with the faint scent of flowers greeted her as she entered the building. She made her way through the bustling corridors, feeling the weight of the day's events lifting with each step closer to her mother's room.

When she walked into the room, Maria's face lit up. "Alessandra! How was your second day at work?"

Alessandra couldn't help but smile at her mother's enthusiasm. "It was good, Mama. Busy, but good. I'm starting to settle in. Today, Mr. De Luca even asked for my opinion on some important documents.

Maria's eyes sparkled with pride. "That's wonderful, darling! I knew you'd impress them. Tell me more about your day."

Alessandra pulled up a chair next to the bed and began recounting her day. "Well, I had to coordinate a last-minute meeting, which was a bit stressful, but I managed. Then, I had to prepare a stack of documents for an investor proposal. Claudia, one of the assistants, helped me with some of the more technical details. She's been really supportive."

Maria nodded approvingly. "It sounds like you're making good connections. And Mr. De Luca? What's he like?"

"Intense," Alessandra replied with a chuckle. "But also very focused and attentive. He has this way of looking at you that makes you feel like he's really listening, you know?"

Maria laughed softly. "Sounds like someone has made an impression on you."

"Mama!" Alessandra protested, blushing. "It's not like that. He's just...different. He's very professional."

Maria raised an eyebrow. "Professional, huh? Well, just remember to stay focused on your goals. But it's okay to enjoy the journey too."

Alessandra smiled, grateful for her mother's wisdom. "I will, Mama. And I am. It's just a lot to take in right now."

"I'm so proud of you, Alessandra," Maria said, squeezing her daughter's hand. "You're doing so well. Your father would be proud too."

Alessandra's smile faltered for a moment, but she quickly recovered. "Thanks, Mama. That means a lot."

They continued talking for a while, sharing stories and laughter. For a moment, it felt like everything was normal, like they didn't have the weight of the world on their shoulders.

As the evening wore on, a nurse came in to remind Alessandra that visiting hours were over. "It's time to go, Ms. Romano."

Alessandra nodded, standing up and giving her mother a hug. "I'll be back tomorrow, Mama. Rest well."

Maria hugged her back tightly. "I will, darling. Have a good night and don't let those investors give you too much trouble."

Alessandra laughed. "I won't. Goodnight, Mama."

She left the hospital feeling lighter, the warmth of her mother's love bolstering her spirits. As she made her way home, she thought about the day's events, replaying Leonardo's chuckle and the intensity of his gaze in her mind. She knew there would be challenges ahead, but for now, she felt ready to face them.

Back at home, she shared her day's experiences with Sofia, who listened intently.

"It sounds like you're starting to settle in," Sofia said with a smile. "Just keep doing your best, and everything will fall into place."

Alessandra nodded, feeling grateful for Sofia's support. "Thanks, Sofia. I couldn't do this without you."

As she prepared for bed, she reflected on the day's events. She knew that working at De Luca Enterprises would be demanding, but she was ready for the challenge. And as for Leonardo, well, she couldn't deny the intrigue he stirred within her. But for now, she focused on her job and the opportunities it could bring for her and her mother.