
Whispers Of Love

Alessandra, a smart and determined young woman, finds herself working at an upscale strip club to pay her mother's mounting medical bills. One fateful night, she crosses paths with Leonardo De Luca, a commanding billionaire celebrating a business triumph. Drawn together by an undeniable chemistry, their encounter leaves Leonardo haunted by the memory of Alessandra's captivating eyes and touch. Determined to find her again, he embarks on a journey that will challenge their perceptions of love and destiny.

Fredozy · Urban
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7 Chs

Chapter Four

Alessandra's eyes shot open, instantly realizing she was late. The bright morning sun streamed through the thin curtains of Sofia's apartment, highlighting the chaos of her frantic movements. She glanced at the clock and panic surged through her. "Oh no, I'm going to be late!"

She bolted out of bed, stripping off her clothes as she dashed to the bathroom. In record time, she jumped into the shower, the water barely having time to warm up. She scrubbed and rinsed quickly, then hopped out, wrapping herself in a towel.

"Sofia!" Alessandra called out, her voice echoing through the small apartment. "I can't find my earrings!"

Sofia, lounging on the couch with a cup of coffee, looked up calmly. "Relax, Alessandra. You've got time."

"No, I don't!" Alessandra snapped back, yanking open drawers in search of her accessories. "I have, like, fifteen minutes to get ready and get to the company."

Sofia stood up and began to help her friend. "Here are your earrings," she said, handing them over. "And breathe, Alessandra. You've got this."

Alessandra took the earrings with a grateful smile and hurriedly put them on. She then grabbed her neatly pressed blouse and skirt, slipping into them quickly. She finished her outfit with a pair of black heels that clicked on the wooden floor.

"How do I look?" she asked, turning to Sofia for a final check.

Sofia smiled, giving her a thumbs up. "You look perfect. The glasses add a nice touch."

Alessandra adjusted the black-framed glasses on her nose and tucked a black strand of hair behind her ear. They were purely for aesthetics, giving her a more polished, professional look. She then gathered her papers, stuffing them into a leather portfolio.

As she reached the door, Sofia called out, "Wait! You forgot this." She handed Alessandra a small flash drive. "You said you needed it for your presentation."

Alessandra took it with a sigh of relief. "Thank you, Sofia. I don't know what I'd do without you."

Sofia hugged her briefly. "Go knock them dead. You've got this."

Alessandra nodded, bolstering her confidence with Sofia's encouragement. She rushed out of the apartment, her mind racing with thoughts of the upcoming interview.


Alessandra hurried into the lobby of De Luca Enterprises, her heart pounding. She glanced at the large clock above the reception desk. Just on time, she thought, though only barely. As she made her way to the elevators, she bumped into someone, sending her papers flying everywhere.

"Dammit," she muttered, dropping to her knees to gather them up and making sure none slips away.

"Are you just going to sit there, or will you pick up your things?" a deep voice said.

Alessandra looked up and froze, flashbacks of the club rushing back to her, his touch as held her, his breath warm against her lips. It was Leonardo, the man from the club. He was on a call, looking down at her with a mixture of annoyance and amusement. He didn't seem to recognize her. His eyes were the same, piercing and intense, but his demeanor was all business.

"I'm so sorry," she stammered, quickly gathering her papers.

He didn't respond, simply turned and walked away, leaving her to scramble. She watched him go, wondering what he was doing here. As she finished picking up her papers and making sure everything was complete, she shook off the encounter and focused on her task. She couldn't afford to be distracted now.


Alessandra reached the conference room where the interviews were being held. She saw a number of candidates leaving with dejected expressions, which only heightened her nerves. Her heart thumped loudly as she waited her turn, trying to calm her racing thoughts as she moves forward to sit down while awaiting her turn to be called in.

After an hour finally, her name was called. Taking a deep breath to orient herself, she walked into the room. Lucas and Leonardo were seated at the long conference table her heart beating fast, deep in conversation. They looked up as she entered.

"Good morning," she said, her voice steady despite her nerves.

Lucas smiled politely, while Leonardo's gaze seemed to scrutinize her, as if trying to place her. "Good morning Miss Alessandra. Please, have a seat," Lucas said.

Alessandra sat down, placing her portfolio on the table. She tried to keep her hands from trembling.

"So, Alessandra, tell us about yourself," Lucas began.

Alessandra took a deep breath. "I recently graduated with a degree in business administration. I've worked in various administrative roles during my studies, and I believe I can bring strong organizational skills and a fresh perspective to your team."

Leonardo remained silent, his eyes never leaving her. "Why do you want to work here at De Luca Enterprises?" he asked, his voice low and probing.

Alessandra met his gaze, forcing herself to stay calm. "De Luca Enterprises is a leader in the industry. I admire the company's innovative approach and its commitment to excellence. I want to be part of that—to contribute to a company that values growth and innovation."

Lucas nodded, glancing at Leonardo. "What makes you think you're suited for this role, specifically as my assistant?"

Alessandra swallowed, feeling the weight of the question. "I'm highly organized, detail-oriented, and I work well under pressure. I believe I can manage the demands of the role effectively and support your work in a way that enhances productivity."

Leonardo leaned back in his chair, his expression unreadable. "Describe a situation where you had to handle a difficult task or project. How did you manage it?"

Alessandra thought for a moment, then spoke. "During my final year at university, I was part of a team responsible for organizing a major fundraising event. Halfway through, our main sponsor pulled out. It was a critical situation, but I took the lead in finding new sponsors and restructuring our budget. In the end, the event was a success, raising more funds than we had initially projected."

Lucas looked impressed. "That's quite a story. It shows resilience and leadership. Two very important qualities."

Leonardo's eyes narrowed slightly. "What are your long-term career goals, Alessandra?"

She paused, choosing her words carefully. "I aim to grow within the company, taking on more responsibilities and eventually moving into a managerial position. I believe in continuous learning and development, and I want to contribute to the company's success in any way I can."

Leonardo leaned forward, his gaze piercing. "And what drives you? What motivates you to excel?"

Alessandra hesitated, thinking of her mother and the struggles they had faced. "My mother. She's my biggest motivation."

Lucas looked intrigued. "And what about your father?"

Alessandra's expression soured slightly. "He's not in the picture."

Leonardo's curiosity was piqued further, but he didn't press the issue. There was something about her that felt familiar, yet he couldn't quite place her. The way she carried herself,the gestures, the determination in her voice—it all tugged at his memory.

Lucas glanced at Leonardo, then back at Alessandra. "I think that's all the questions we have for now. Do you have any questions for us?"

Alessandra thought for a moment. "Yes, actually. What qualities are you looking for in your ideal assistant?"

Lucas smiled. "We're looking for someone who is reliable, proactive, and able to handle the fast-paced environment here. Someone who can anticipate needs and take initiative."

Alessandra nodded. "Thank you. I believe I can meet those expectations."

Leonardo's gaze softened slightly, and he exchanged a look with Lucas. "We'll be in touch soon. Thank you for coming in today."

Alessandra stood up, her heart pounding. "Thank you for the opportunity."

As she left the room, she couldn't help but feel a mix of relief and anxiety. She had done her best, but the wait for their decision would be agonizing. She glanced back once, seeing Leonardo still watching her, a contemplative look on his face.


Leonardo sat back, lost in thought as Lucas turned to him. "Impressive, isn't she?"

Leo nodded slowly. "Yes, very. She seems genuine and driven. Something about her is... familiar."

Lucas raised an eyebrow. "Really? I didn't notice anything like that. But I agree, she's a strong candidate. We need someone who can handle the pressure, and she seems capable."

Leonardo's mind was still turning over the details of their interaction. "There's more to her story, I can feel it. She's not just another applicant."

Lucas shrugged. "Well, we'll find out soon enough. We'll review the candidates and make a decision. But she's definitely at the top of my list."

Leonardo nodded, his thoughts still lingering on Alessandra. As Lucas began to pack up his things, Leonardo couldn't shake the feeling that he had seen her somewhere before, heard her voice in a different context. But where?

As Lucas left the room, Leonardo stared out the window, Alessandra's image firmly imprinted in his mind. He knew there was more to discover about her, and he was determined to find out what it was.