
Whispers in the Ruins

Riku Yukimura, an ordinary Japanese student, wakes up to a reality he never expected. The world has transformed into a landscape of abandoned cities and nature's reclaiming embrace. With no sign of humanity, Riku embarks on a journey of self-discovery.

Takahashi_Ren · Fantasie
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1 Chs

Chapter 1: The Gift of Lunch, the Gift of Change

I woke up to the blaring sound of my alarm, just another ordinary day in my mundane life. Riku Yukimura, that's me. Average student, no standout talents.

Mom had breakfast ready, her usual spread of eggs, toast, and miso soup. The routine never changed, unlike me.

"Good morning, Riku," Mom greeted with a warm smile.

"Morning, Mom," I replied, the corners of my mouth lifting slightly.

"How's school going, sweetheart?" Mom asked, pouring me a cup of tea.

"It's going pretty well, Mom, except for that one subject" I said.

Dad, buttoning up his suit, chimed in, "You better make sure that one subject doesn't drag your grades down, Riku. You can't afford any slip-ups."

I felt a twinge of frustration, but I kept it to myself.

Mom, sensing the tension, intervened, "Dear, let's not start the day like this. Riku is trying his best. Right, Riku?"

I nodded, keeping my eyes on the plate. Mom added, "Eat up, it's going to be a long day."

"Thanks, Mom," I said, appreciating the attempt to diffuse the situation. The usual morning tension lingered in the air. After downing the last bite, I prepared for school, the same routine as always. Mom, despite the tension, packed me a lunch. Same routine, yet today felt different.

I stood at the bus stop, lost in my own thoughts, when I noticed an old hobo shuffling toward me. His weathered figure huddled against the chill of the morning, and deep lines etched on his face told tales of countless experiences. His clothes, worn and patched, whispered stories of a life lived on the fringes.

His eyes met mine, revealing a mixture of weariness and wisdom.

"Spare some change, young one?" he rasped, his voice carrying the weight of years.

I hesitated, glancing at the meager contents of my wallet. With a shrug, I offered what little I had, and his eyes lit up with gratitude.

"A kind soul, you are," he mumbled, his fingers closing around the coins.

As he counted the change, his gaze turned thoughtful.

"You're seeking something more, aren't you? Not just in your pocket but in your heart."

His words struck a chord, an unexpected resonance that left me momentarily speechless.

With a mysterious smile, he handed back the change. "For your journey," he said, his voice low and conspiratorial. "And remember, in the shadows of change, seek the echoes of your heart, young seeker."

Before I could respond, he shuffled away, his tattered coat trailing behind him. The early morning sunlight cast long shadows, adding to the mystique of the moment. As he disappeared around the corner, the whisper of his parting words lingered in the air, leaving me both perplexed and strangely intrigued.

I stood there for a moment, contemplating the encounter, before boarding the bus. Thoughts swirled as I took my seat, the cryptic advice echoing in my mind. Arriving at school, dizziness overcame me. I passed out.

When I woke up, everything had changed. Abandoned buildings, nature reclaiming what was once bustling. No sign of humans. The world I knew had transformed into an eerie, silent landscape.

The hobo's words echoed, 'In the shadows of change, seek the echoes of your heart, young seeker.' As I navigated through the deserted streets, a strange familiarity settled in.

"This feels like a game I played yesterday," I muttered, bewildered.

To be continued...

This is my first time writing a novel! I hope you like it!

Takahashi_Rencreators' thoughts