
Repair Machine

I placed my hand on the cold metal of the malfunctioning machine, a wave of determination washing over me.

"Alright," I said, my voice echoing in the vast, empty factory. "Let's see what I can do."

I focused my mind on the blueprints Yolan had shown me, the intricate details of the Infusion Engine imprinting themselves on my consciousness. I traced the flow of energy through the machine, visualizing the intricate workings of each component.

Repair… Heal this machine, restore it to its full functionality.

I commanded, my voice a silent whisper in my mind.

A warmth spread through my hand, flowing into the machine. I could feel the energy coursing through the metal, reawakening the dormant mechanisms. The warning lights on the control panel flickered, then steadied, their ominous glow replaced by a reassuring green.

The machine hummed to life, its rhythmic vibrations filling the air. Yolan's eyes widened in amazement, a smile spreading across her face.

"It's working!" she exclaimed, her voice filled with joy. "You did it, Xian!"

A wave of relief washed over me as I saw the machine whirring back to life, the rhythmic hum of its gears a symphony of success.

"That was incredible!" Yolan exclaimed, her eyes wide with amazement. "How did you do it?"

"I just... imagined it working perfectly," I replied, still a bit dazed by the experience.

It was as if the knowledge from the blueprints had imprinted itself on my mind, allowing me to visualize the machine's inner workings and mend the damaged components with a mere thought.

Yolan grinned, clapping me on the back. "You're going to be a valuable asset to the team, Xian. Thank you."

I walked back over to Yolan, who was putting the finishing touches on the motorcycle.

"I memorized the blueprints," I announced, a hint of pride in my voice.

She looked at me skeptically. "In a few seconds?"

"I just imagined my brain working faster," I replied, a smirk playing on my lips.

"Well, I wouldn't go that far," I said, rubbing the back of my neck. "It was more like a quick study session with the blueprints."

Yolan chuckled. "Still impressive," she said, wiping her hands on a rag. "I'm almost done with the bike. You guys can head back if you want. I'll bring it to your house when it's finished."

I exchanged a glance with IM. "Actually," I said, "we could help you with the other machines. Do you need anything checked out?"

Yolan's eyes lit up. "That would be great!" she exclaimed. "There are a few machines that have been acting up lately. Follow me."

We followed Yolan through the maze of machinery, the air filled with the rhythmic whirring and clicking of various devices. She led us to a separate section of the factory, where a row of large, stainless steel machines stood humming.

"This is our sterilization unit," Yolan explained. "It's where we sterilize the water Irune uses for her healing elixirs."

One of the machines, however, was ominously silent. Its control panel displayed a series of error messages, and a red light blinked incessantly.

"This one's been giving us trouble," Yolan sighed, a worried look on her face. "It's crucial for our production process, but it keeps overheating and shutting down."

IM stepped forward, his eyes scanning the machine with an intensity that sent a shiver down my spine. "May I?" he asked, gesturing towards the control panel.

Yolan nodded, a flicker of hope in her eyes.

IM placed his hand on the panel, his fingers tracing the intricate circuitry. His eyes glowed with a faint blue light as he channeled his energy into the machine.

A low hum emanated from the sterilizer, and the error messages on the control panel began to disappear. The red light turned green, and the machine sprang to life, its rhythmic whirring filling the room.

Yolan gasped, her eyes wide with amazement. "You fixed it!" she exclaimed, her voice filled with joy. "How did you do that?"

IM shrugged, a modest smile on his face. "It was a simple matter of realigning the energy flow," he explained. "The machine was out of balance."

Yolan rushed forward and threw her arms around IM, her gratitude overflowing. "Thank you!" she exclaimed. "You saved the day!"

IM chuckled, patting her on the back. "It was nothing," he said. "Just doing my job."

I watched the exchange with a warm feeling in my chest. It was good to see my family working together, their powers complementing each other in perfect harmony.

"Okay, that's all for now," Yolan declared, wiping her hands on a rag. "There aren't any more machines that need immediate attention."

A brief silence fell over the group as we contemplated our next move.

"Xian," Yolan said, turning to me with a thoughtful look on her face, "you said you can create anything you can imagine, right?"

I nodded.

"And you can replicate objects as long as you've seen their blueprints?"

I nodded again.

"Great!" she exclaimed, a spark of excitement in her eyes. "That means you can replicate the Infusion Engine!"

I was taken aback by her suggestion. "But... wouldn't that be illegal?" I asked hesitantly.

"Who cares?" Yolan shrugged. "We're already breaking the law by stealing from Asmar. Besides, this is for a good cause. We need that machine to keep producing our healing elixirs."

I was still unsure, but Yolan's enthusiasm was contagious. "Alright," I finally agreed. "I'll give it a try."

Yolan beamed. "Awesome! Let's call it a day, then. The workers can come back tomorrow. Your bike is still at the company, right?"

"Yeah, it's in the parking lot," I confirmed.

We piled back into the van, Yolan's excitement about the motorcycle modifications bubbling over. As Aca started the engine, Yolan turned to me with a wide grin. "Get ready for the ride of your life, Xian!" she declared.

The drive back to the WRA Company. The sun had long since set, and the city lights twinkled in the distance as we approached the familiar building.

Parking the van in the garage, we made our way back to the office, the energy from the day's events still buzzing in the air.

Back at my house, we dismounted the bike and wheeled it into the garage.

"Should you just duplicate the bike for me?" IM asked, his eyes gleaming with anticipation.

I paused, considering the possibility. "... You want one?"

"Yes," he replied. "It would be suspicious if we were both riding the same bike, wouldn't it? Besides, I'd like to have my own set of wheels."

< Chapter 090 > Fin.