
You May Begin

Adam knew better than to judge off of appearances and didn't show disrespect towards the man, but also didn't submit to him and responded clearly, confidently and directly.

"The dog's name is Rex, and it's just a dog beast. I am sure you have seen many of them and it is nothing special" answered Adam, not wanting to reveal too much about Rex and end up admitting that he had taken it from the Secret Lab that he had trespassed on.

"Is that so?" he said as he stroked the long hairs that protruded out of his chin.

"Where did you come across this beast as the way it is mutated and appears to be, seems to have something to do with an experiment that I know of?"

"Well, I came across him a while ago in another country and I don't know much about it, but it is my pet and that is all I need to know," answered Adam.

"Is that so?" he repeated as he continued making the same action.