
Goblin Beast City Part 2

The Outer Area of the Goblin Beast City was filled with the homes of the Goblin Beast Guards and there were thousands of them, which gave Adam an idea of how many Goblin Guard Beasts were left.

Although most of the Goblin Guard Beasts had been stationed at different areas around the wall of the Goblin Beast City, there were still many present within the city and Adam had to be careful not to alert them.

Luckily for Adam, their senses were not the greatest and Adam would take down any lone Goblin Beast Guard that he found, then would place their bodies within the closest small house.

He tried his best to do so without spilling much blood as the smell of the goblin beasts' blood was strong and disgusting and after a few minutes, Adam finally heard the screams and wails of the goblin beasts that he had been waiting for.

By then he had already gotten quite deep into the goblin beast city and had taken down quite a few beasts already.