
Floor 4 Part 2

Stage 2 had crocodile-like beasts and he found it hard to pierce through their body's scales and found that the Numbing Spear, that he had gained from the Pandinus Boss Beast, was useless against them.

However, with his Gorilla Gauntlets, he could deal them powerful blows, that would crack their scales, and would also deal the crocodile beasts internal damage.

Adam had decided against taking the Marsh Crocodile as the Base Beast of the Crocodilia Beast Race, hoping that in the future he would come across a crocodile beast that had a better special trait.

He was satisfied with the range and amount of summons that he had, and he decided that he would only accept beasts into his beastpedia that either had extremely unique and powerful bodies, or had powerful and or useful Special Traits.