
While Others Are Increasing Their Rank: I'm Creating A Game

In a world where some people possess extraordinary abilities such as controlling air, manipulating water, or having a superhuman physique, how can an ordinary and average person without such talents survive? In 1982, the world entered a new era as some individuals began exhibiting unusual powers. However, this ability only appears in one out of every thousand humans. Governments worldwide agreed to assign ranks to those who possessed these powers to maintain peace. Some individuals, known as S-ranks, possess exceptional abilities and are considered all-powerful by ordinary people. Despite the presence of these extraordinary beings, peace still prevails in society. Cedric Jacquier, a non-manifested individual, had one dream - to create a game and earn money. However, his dream was shattered when his old computer broke down, along with his three-year game project. Cedric was once again left in despair due to his misfortune. Cedric fainted due to malnutrition and health problems. Strangely, a blue window screen appeared before him. Cedric decided to recreate the game he had lost. This led to the creation of a hyper-realistic game that could transport users to another world. The game was called "Atlas" and it quickly gained popularity, with both ordinary people and enthusiasts eager to purchase the game capsule and experience the alternate reality. Despite assistance from the system, Cedric found that creating the game was still a challenging task. He had to develop a compelling storyline, design characters and NPCs to drive the plot forward. Despite facing many challenges, Cedric's determination and use of the Game Creator System enabled him to develop a game that has attracted over 5 billion players worldwide. It is renowned for its incredible graphics and lifelike quality, as well as its captivating plot and storyline. Prologue 1: "Atlas" The game known as "Atlas" and dubbed "with the title "Another World" was renowned for its hyperrealistic graphics. Both individuals with manifested abilities and regular people were able to enjoy the game. "Well hello there folks, welcome to Tonight's show with me your host. Michael Moore, and for our special guest the one and only! The Creator of Atlas with over 3 billion players worldwide! Mr. Cedric Jacquier!" The crowd cheered, many players who experienced the game Atlas were all excited to finally see the mysterious creator. As the red curtains were drawn, many gasped in awe, particularly the female players and audience. Meanwhile, the male audience felt envious. "Ohh hello there Mr. Jacquier, it's nice to finally meet you!" "The pleasure is mine." Cedric and Michael were seated on the sofa, and Michael's excitement was palpable upon seeing Cedric's arrival. He was also one of the select few players in the game. "Talent, wealth, skills, and a man with good looks. Truly you are blessed in many ways, Mr. Jacquier" "Well, I wouldn't call blessed." "Can I ask Mr. Jacquier? Where did you get the idea of creating Atlas?" "Well Michael, It's a long story. Well, I first created Atlas on my computer, it was a 2d game. Then from one problem rose another." "Oh, what kind of problems were there Mr. Jacquier?" "My computer got damaged, erasing the game from its data." "I see, but there are many news that you manifested is that true Mr. Jacquier?" "Nope, I'm not one of the manifested individuals. I'm just a common man, who created a game." "Then can you tell us how you became one of the richest men in the world?" "Well, Michael...In short, when others were busy trying to increase their ranks, I was busy creating the game." .... [A/N: Number of Chapters are random, but I update Monday-Saturday. Sunday is my rest day]

Nikhoollas · Urban
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74 Chs

Chapter 24: The Two Dubbed As Perverts

"Lenta, I know you worried…But we will always protect everything here, peace will prevail.."

"Your right, I'm sorry.."

As the two were sitting at the edge of their hut, they were both watching the camp and feeling the breeze. Meanwhile, Callidus and Magna were currently making plans on how to intercept the others while their bathing.

"They mostly bathe at night…"

"So let's attack at night!"

"Your right, but we need proper disguises to not get caught.."

"Why don't we use the leaves? We can hide through the bushes!"

"Ohhh that's a great idea Magna, so first we create our costumes!"

Dux and Lenta were looking at Magna and Callidus who were running around their camp. They looked both busy and were drawing the attention of everyone inside, even Tardus helped them.

"What are those two doing?"

"Umm, Callidus must have thought of a new tool and Magna is his helper.."

"You think so?"

"Well everyone knows that Callidus loves creating new things, and Magna is someone who loves working, so they're are both a good fit."

"Your right…it just seems suspicious to look at them both.."


"Look at our tribe, Hnung!"

Thirak glanced at their tribe with tearful eyes. He was now wearing proper clothing, he glanced at the goblins who now have small huts, they didn't have to sleep on the hard and dirty ground.

The ogres had a high resistance to cold but the Goblins were not, they had trouble sleeping due to the cold, but now the goblins had proper clothing.

They had drinkable and fresh water to drink, they could also use the water to bathe. Thirak felt refreshed all over his body, he already bathed and he felt clean all over.

They now had a huge bonfire, not only that Thirak and his wife Mae now had a house of their own for their privacy. His son Phi and Chay were living in Hnung's hut since both houses for each of them were still under construction.

They were all throwing a small party, they had a lot of meat and the freshwater made everyone feel joy. Everyone was joyful and smiling. Thirak glanced at his brother, he knew that everything that has happened now was due to their god.

After Hnung sacrificed himself, they had to survive in the forest. Thirak completely remembered how pitiful their state was, he was hurt due to his brother's passing and gave all his might to protect their tribe.

Phi and Chay were still young children, the only ones protecting their tribe were him and his wife. Luckily they found a cave after traveling, they decided to use the cave as their home.

Eventually settles down in the cave, and the chieftain Phuna also put an illusion to protect them.

But they have lives filled with fear and problems. They had trouble searching for water, and their living quarters were the same as their past home, but the new home they had were unknown to them.

The forest they didn't know much of, and they were scared that there may be some new monsters or even stronger creatures that lives inside the forest.

But ever since Hnung came back with the Apostolos, their lives have greatly improved.

It's already been a week since the Apostolos arrived, he would give orders to the others from time to time, and now they were close to completing the homes for Phi and Chay.

"Brother I'll excuse myself. I'll go help the others and feed the Apostolos.."

"Oh of course brother!"

Thirak glanced at the whole tribe, he glanced at the sky.

'Thank you for everything god Orcus, for not only protecting my brother from death, you have also guided him home. The ogre tribe, your children are also flourishing, we are deeply grateful for everything, please continue to protect us..'

"What's on your mind? Why aren't you joining the others?"

Mae stood beside Thirak.

"Well, I'm just thankful for everything…our god Ocurs gifted us with all of this.."

"Your right. Many things already changed in just a week…Everyone is so joyous as well"

"I know…Mae…I'm thankful for Hnung and our god Orcus and the Apostolos.."

"So are the females there?"


Magna and Callidus put on their disguises. They could hear the female's voices, they were leaving the camp to go to the lake.

"Hurry up Mollis!"

"I am, just wait!"

"Hey, easy Lenta alright?"

"Come on girls, I can walk by myself you don't have to be so overprotective.."

"Nope, you might trip and something might happen to the child!"


As the girls slowly made their way to the lake, Magna and Callidus who could be mistaken as Bushes were slowly moving through the meadow to the lake.

The girls were all in the lake and are currently bathing themselves.

Meanwhile, Magna and Callidus were slowly moving, as soon as they arrived they mixed themselves with the other bushes.

"Hey Lenta I've noticed something but have your chest gotten plumper?"

"They are? I haven't noticed.."

"Yeah, they are plumper! Must be the cause of pregnancy hah.."

As the girls began to converse with one another, Callidus and Magna peeked through the bushes.

"See anything?"

"Hmmm, I can't differentiate yet…"

The two were whispering to one another while taking close watches at what is with the female's different bodies.

"Hmm, something is strange?"

"Have you found the difference?"

"Not yet still, it's hard to see due to these stupid bushes…"

"Hey…can you move your feet?"

"What do you mean? My feet are right here Magna"

"Then what's touching me then?"

Magna peeked at his foot and a green-colored snake was slithering on his thigh.

"Ummm Callidus...I need your help.."

"What is it-"

Callidus who saw the green snake on Magna's thigh flinched. He glanced at the scared expression on Magna's face.

"D-Don't move, maybe it will go away?"

"Are you kidding me? It doesn't look like it's going away!"

"Shhhh shut your mouth Magna…we will get caught lower your voice.

Magna was shivering, he tried to move his leg and in return, the snake opened its mouth.

"Can't believe that you're currently carrying three children inside of you Lenta.."

"Yes well, I am.."

"By the way-"


The women who heard the shout grabbed their weapons and assumed a fighting stance. They had a small bonfire beside them, as they glanced at the silhouette who was jumping up and down while screaming.

"Get away! Get away!"

The girls who heard the voice felt a familiarity with the voice, Celer took a stick and lit it with fire, she threw the stick close to the silhouette.

"Ahhhhhhhhhh get away! No don't Ahhhhhhhhhh!"

As the fire lit, the silhouette of the unknown creature came into the girl's view.

"Magna? What are you doing here?"

While Magna who successfully kicked off the snake from his foot sighed with relief, he wiped the sweat off of his forehead.

"Finally that snake is gone"

"Magna…What are you doing here?"

Magna was faced to-face with the girls.

"Oh hey!"

"What do you mean hey? Why are you here?"

"Huh? Oh, I was just umm-wait aha it is completely different than mine!"

The girls who heard what Magna had said looked down, they held their weapons even tighter, and they had visible angry looks on their faces.

"So our initial guess was right! yours are different than ours…Hmm, now the question is how?"

"Attack that shit!!"

Putting back on their clothing, the women charged holding their weapons. While Magna ran away with all his might, meanwhile Callidus sneakily used his disguise to slowly leave the area but was caught by the rest of the women.

Dux who was waiting for Lenta was sitting at the edge of their hut. He saw Magna running with all his might inside their camp.

"Dux if the others ask where I am! Don't tell them!"

"Umm, what's going on?"

Just a second later, Celer, Mollis, Frigus, and Dulcis were back inside the camp with annoyed expressions on their face. They were dragging Callidus whose hands were tied.

"What's going on? Is there an enemy? Where's Lenta?"

"Have you seen Magna?"

The four asked holding their sharp weapons.

"Umm, can you tell me what happened first?"

"These two guys were peeping at us while bathing!"


Dux glanced at Callidus who was bowing his head in shame, then Lenta came close to him.

"He's over there.."

Dux pointed to Magna's hut, and the girls immediately started their terror. Meanwhile, Dux was drying Lenta using the clothes Callidus has made.

"Are you alright? Those two bastards!"

"I'm alright, I was protected by the girls.."

"Urghhh I want to punch them in the face right now! How could they do such a thing? I'm glad they didn't see you. Hah, those two have gotten crazy, I'm sure even our goddess Lux would scold them for what they have done!.."

Meanwhile, the women were all teaming up to capture the two perverts.

"Tie them both up! Don't let both of them get away!"

The two men were left outside tied together, the females were enraged due to what they have done.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Nikhoollascreators' thoughts