And this time, the world went into mourning. 22
“I don’t like her, Portia.”
I knew who Gregor was talking about. For some time Quinton had been dating a woman from Justice. Susan Burkhart was attractive, and Quinton apparently enjoyed her company, but something seemed to be missing.
“She changed her hair from brunette to blonde.”
“Gregor, many women change the color of their hair.”
“Yeah, but…it’s freaky how similar she looked to you.”
He nodded. “Y’ know that black outfit Madame Rosa made for you? She was wearing a copy of it, and from a distance, anyone would think it was you.”
“I fail to see her rationale. Why would a young woman want to resemble her boyfriend’s mother?”
“Maybe she thinks that’s the only way she can get him.”
“How Oedipal.” The thought made me nauseous.
“From what I could learn, she’s been pushing Quinn for an invitation to Christmas dinner.”
“Because that would be as good as a declaration of intentions.”